Woolf Virginia -
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Книги 1—6 из 6.
- Al Faro
- Жанр: Классическая проза
- Tal y como viene siendo habitual en la obra de Virginia Woolf, en?Al Faro? no se descubre nada nuevo para los incondicionales de la autora. Tanto en el argumento como en la t?cnica narrativa se pueden encontrar elementos comunes: personajes atormentados e insatisfechos consigo mismos y con la realidad que les ha tocado vivir, paisajes agrestes y desfavorables para la convivencia y habitabilidad humana, y la novedosa utilizaci?n de la tercera persona y del reproducci?n de los pensamientos de los protagonistas.Este hecho puede dificultar la lectura a los no duchos en la materia, ...
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- Flush
- Жанр: Классическая проза
- Flush es un `cocker spaniel` de orejas largas, cola ancha y unos `ojos at?nitos color avellana`. A los pocos meses de su nacimiento es regalado a la ya famosa poestisa Elizabeth Barret. Fluxh se convertir? en su compa?ero inseparable y, posteriormente, en el c?mplice de sus amor?os con el poeta Robert Browning, aunque primero debe superar la animadversi?n y los celos que siente ante su afortunado rival.
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- Mrs. Dalloway
- Жанр: Классическая проза
- Virgina Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway (1925) presents a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, an upper-class English woman. Clarissa Dalloway is the wife of Richard Dalloway, a Conservative Member of Parliament.The story takes place in London on a day in June 1923, a day when Clarissa is giving a dinner party. She walks to the florist shop to buy flowers for the party.Septimus Warren Smith and his wife Lucrezia happen to be walking on the street. Septimus Warren Smith never meets Mrs. Dalloway, but their lives are connected by external events, such as the sight ...
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- To the Lighthouse
- Жанр: Классическая проза
- IntroductionOne does not have to read very much of To the Lighthouse before one realizes that Woolf has chosen here a very particular style, a way of telling the story which exerts a strange and compelling effect upon the reader. In this lecture I wish to focus upon some aspects of this style in order to consider some of the ways in which a few very important aspects of what this novel has to reveal are directly linked to the author's decisions about point of view and language.One of my major purposes in this lecture ...
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- Woolf Short Stories
- Жанр: Классическая проза
- A collection of stories by British writer Virginia Woolf: The Mark on the Wall, Kew Gardens, Solid Objects, An Unwritten Novel, A Haunted House, Monday or Tuesday, The String Quartet, Society, Blue and Green, In the Orchard, Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street, A Woman's College From Outside, The New Dress, Moments of Being, The Lady in the Looking-Glass, The Shooting Party, The Duchess and The Jeweller, Lappin and Lappinova, The Man Who Loved His Kind, The Searchlight, The Legacy, Together and Apart, A Summing Up.
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