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Xingjian Gao - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • Buying a Fishing Rod for my Grandfather
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From China 's first-ever winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature comes an exquisite new book of fictions, none of which has ever been published before in English. A young couple on honeymoon visit a beautiful temple up in the mountains, and spend the day intoxicated by the tranquillity of the setting; a swimmer is paralysed by a sudden cramp and finds himself stranded far out to sea on a cold autumn day; a man reminisces about his beloved grandfather, who used to make his own fishing rods from lengths of crooked bamboo straightened over a fire! Blending the ...
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  • El Libro De Un Hombre Solo
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • …Has escrito este libro para ti, un libro sobre la huida, el libro de un hombre solo. Eres a la vez tu Senor y tu apostol, no te sacrificas por losdemas y no pides que nadie se sacrifique por ti, no puede ser mas justo. Todo el mundo desea la felicidad, por que solo habria de pertenecerte a ti? Dehecho, la felicidad es bastante rara en este mundo? (Gao Xingjian).Un hombre recuerda el principio de su vida en China, su familia, su pais, sus aprendizajes y como esa vida placida desaparece de repente con el estallido dela Revolucion ...
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  • La Monta?a del Alma
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Premio Nobel 2000Gao Xingjian se?ala que "un autor tiene que encontrar su propio lenguaje, pero mi lenguaje no es un estilo para m?. En La monta?a del alma se encuentran todos los g?neros de la literatura. Es una b?squeda del estilo. Pero es el lenguaje lo que cuenta. Tienes que respetar este viaje lineal. Incluso si cambias los pronombres yo, t?, ?l, una novela sigue siendo un mon?logo".Es el alma de China la que se descubre en las p?ginas de esta monta?a literaria, que aunque deba ser respetada en ...
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  • One Man
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • One Man's Bible is the second novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Gao Xingjian to appear in English. Following on the heels of his highly praised Soul Mountain , this later work is as candid as the first, and written with the same grace and beauty.In a Hong Kong hotel room in 1996, Gao Xingjian's lover, Marguerite, stirs up his memories of childhood and early adult life under the shadow of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. Gao has been living in self-imposed exile in France and has traveled to this Western-influenced Chinese city-state, so close to his homeland, for ...
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  • One Mans Bible (chinese)
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • One Man's Bible is the second novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Gao Xingjian to appear in English. Following on the heels of his highly praised Soul Mountain , this later work is as candid as the first, and written with the same grace and beauty.\In a Hong Kong hotel room in 1996, Gao Xingjian's lover, Marguerite, stirs up his memories of childhood and early adult life under the shadow of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. Gao has been living in self-imposed exile in France and has traveled to this Western-influenced Chinese city-state, so close to his homeland, for ...
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  • Soul Mountain (chinese)
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "Soul Mountain is one of those singular literary creations that seem impossible to compare with anything but themselves… In the writing of Gao Xingjian literature is born anew from the struggle of the individual to survive the history of the masses."– from the citation of the Nobel Prize committee of the Swedish AcademyWhen this year's Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Chinese expatriate novelist and playwright Gao Xingjian, few in the English-speaking West were familiar with his work. Gao's masterpiece, SOUL MOUNTAIN (PerfectBound, an e-book from HarperCollins; February 20, 2001; $19.95), is a dazzling kaleidoscope of fiction, philosophy, ...
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