Xue Xinran -
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Книги 1—3 из 3.
- China Witness
- Жанр: Документальная литература
- This hugely important and ground-breaking book – an unprecedented oral history – gives voice to a silent generation and tells the secret history of 20th century China.In 1912, five thousand years of feudal rule ended in China. Warlords, Western businessmen, soldiers, missionaries and Japanese all ruled China, exploited and fought one another and the Chinese. In 1949, Mao Zedong came to power.China Witness is both a journey through time and through the author's own country, and a memorial to an extraordinary generation of men and women who have survived war, invasion, revolution, famine and modernization – to tell the story ...
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- Nacer mujer en China
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Las voces silenciadas. Xinran Xue era presentadora de un influyente programa radiof?nico chino cuando en 1989 recibi? una carta angustiosa: una ni?a hab?a sido secuestrada y forzada a casarse con un anciano que desde entonces la manten?a encadenada. Los hierros estaban lacer?ndole la cintura y se tem?a por su vida. Xinran obtuvo la liberaci?n de la v?ctima, pero se percat? de que un silencio hist?rico imperaba sobre la situaci?n de las mujeres en su naci?n. Decidi? difundir las historias de oyentes que cada noche llamaban a su programa. Esta iniciativa in?dita tuvo por respuesta miles de cartas con incre?bles relatos personales y convirti? a Xinran en una celebridad. Entre los numerosos testimonios que escuch? y dio a conocer, seleccion? quince para que integraran este libro. Nacer mujer en China es un relato colectivo revelador acerca de los deseos, los sufrimientos y los sue?os de muchas mujeres que hasta ahora no hab?an encontrado expresi?n p?blica.
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- Sky Burial, An Epic Love Story of Tibet
- Жанр: Современная проза
- In the world of fiction reviewing, extraordinary is an over-used word. Yet there really is no other way to describe Chinese author Xinran's second book, Sky Burial. It is extraordinary in so many ways-the subject matter, the setting, the central character, but mostly its authenticity and the author's continuing search for the woman whose life is told here.Sky Burial is the true story of a Chinese woman's 30-year search through Tibet for news of her lost, presumed dead, husband. Xinran is working as a radio journalist on a women's programme when a listener calls in to tell ...
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