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Xun Lu - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—3 из 3.
  • La ver?dica historia de A Q
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • La verdadera historia de A Q narra las andanzas, aventuras y desventuras de un p?caro sin recursos en la China de comienzos del siglo XX, hasta que es ejecutado por un crimen que ni siquiera ha cometido. As? descrito podr?a pensarse que el argumento de la obra es banal y desprovisto de fuerza… y se estar?a en lo cierto. De eso se trata precisamente.La ambig?edad, la falta de concreci?n, que rodea como una neblina espesa toda la obra, permite al autor un mayor margen de movimiento. Quiz? esto sea precisamente lo m?s moderno de la narraci?n: su capacidad de hablar al lector presente. Su vigencia tras el paso del tiempo. Eso es lo que distingue a los grandes cl?sicos. Lu Xun ya lo es.
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  • The True Story of Ah-Q
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Considered a masterpiece, this story was written in 1921, and is set in the China of 1911: the period of the old-democratic revolution. It concerns the tragedy of Ah Q, a farm laborer who suffers a lifetime of humiliation and persecution, dreams of revolution, and ends up on the execution ground. The story colorfully reflects the rural conditions in semi-feudal and semi-colonial China, and brings to life the time's sharp class contradictions and the peasant masses' demand for revolution. Its simplicity and directness of style, and the beauty of Lu Hsun's language, place The True Story of Ah Q high among literary works of the time for both content and style.
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  • The True Story of Ah Q (chinese)
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Considered a masterpiece, this story was written in 1921, and is set in the China of 1911: the period of the old-democratic revolution. It concerns the tragedy of Ah Q, a farm laborer who suffers a lifetime of humiliation and persecution, dreams of revolution, and ends up on the execution ground. The story colorfully reflects the rural conditions in semi-feudal and semi-colonial China, and brings to life the time's sharp class contradictions and the peasant masses' demand for revolution. Its simplicity and directness of style, and the beauty of Lu Hsun's language, place The True Story of Ah Q high among literary works of the time for both content and style.
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