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Книги 5426—5450 из 5810.

  • Quiller Solitaire
  • Hall Adam
  • Quiller, one of the last and best of espionage fiction's secret agents to have prowled the Cold War back alleys over the past quarter century, will thrill fans again with this, his 16th adventure. When a fellow agent who has called upon him for protection is murdered before his eyes, an enraged and embarrassed Quiller pressures his superiors into giving him the dead man's assignment to investigate the murder of a British cultural attache in Berlin. The murder is apparently tied to former East German national Dieter Klaus, a madman who wants to gain attention for his terrorist splinter ...

  • Quilt As Desired
  • Sachitano Arlene
  • Harriet Truman returns to Foggy Point thinking she's just going to see to her aunt Beth's customers while the lady takes a European cruise. Instead, she discovers she now owns both business and house, whether she wanted to or not. Still, she's stuck until Aunt Beth comes home, and she does enjoy being a part of creating beautiful quilts.But then Avanell Jalbert, her aunt's best friend, is murdered on the same night someone breaks into Harriet's studio and trashes the place. Something is coming unravelled in Foggy Point, and Harriet is caught in the tangle. The question is, can she figure out what's going on before she ends up dead herself.

  • Quilt By Association
  • Sachitano Arlene
  • An African woman with a blue-eyed baby arrives in Foggy Point looking for Aiden Jalbert. Within days, she's been murdered, and so is the man who claimed to be her husband. As if that weren't enough, the supposedly African toddler Loose Thread DeAnn and her husband adopted turns out to be from Samoa, and the social worker who helmed the deal has gone missing. Who was Neelie Obote, really, and who wanted her dead? What did Rodney Miller learn that earned him the same fate? And what part does Joseph Marsden play? Harriet and the Loose Threads are determined to find out, but as they dig deeper into the mystery it begins to appear the killer may not be finished yet.

  • Quilters Knot
  • Sachitano Arlene
  • Long-arm quilter Harriet Truman and her quilt group the Loose Threads set off for what should be an enjoyable week of stitching at the Angel Harbor Folk Art School, where member Lauren Sawyer is attending a two-year program in part to quiet the accusation that she copies other people's work. It appears Lauren is up to her old tricks when Harriet's Aunt Beth announces she's seen Lauren's quilt in a museum in Europe. Lauren believes Selestina Bainbridge, owner and teacher at the school, is the one who copied her and insists Harriet prove it. When Selestina dies, Harriet must unravel the clues to exonerate her friend.

  • Quinn
  • Johansen Iris
  • Former Navy SEAL turned cop, Joe Quinn has seen the face of evil and knows how dark the shadows of the soul can turn. But when he met Eve Duncan a decade ago, he never expected to fall in love with a woman whose torment was matched only by her dual desires to bring her missing daughter home and reveal the truth of her disappearance, no matter how devastating it may be. Eve's fateful first love, John Gallo, seems to hold the key to the mystery of young Bonnie's fate. With Joe's life hanging in the balance at the ...

  • Quokka Question
  • McNab Claire
  • Praise for The Wombat Strategy:"We can't help loving sleuth Kylie Kendall… [she] is such a charmer, we'll follow her wherever her brunette ambitions take her."-Girlfriends"The first of what I hope will be lots and lots of mysteries featuring the oh-so-cute Aussie dyke, Kylie Kendall."-She"Saucy, witty, and blessed with a healthy dose of Aussie tenacity, Kendall is everything a girl could want in a lead character."-LesbiaNation.comKylie Kendall is hired for a routine security detail to prevent an academic rival from disrupting Dr. Oscar Braithwaite's keynote address at UCLA's ...

  • R??e Cmentarne
  • Krajewski Marek
  • Nadkomisarz Pater powraca w kolejnym kryminale sp??ki Krajewski i Czubaj.Jest lato 2007 roku, w tartaku nieopodal Wejherowa znaleziono zw?oki m??czyzny. Pater, ?yj?cy ju? my?lami o zbli?aj?cym si? urlopie w Grecji, do?? niech?tnie przyst?puje do rozwik?ania zagadki. Sprawy si? komplikuj?, gdy na pla?y zostaje odkryte cia?o uduszonej dziewczyny, a morderstwo to przypomina Paterowi niewyja?nion? spraw? sprzed kilku lat. Czy b?dzie to ostatnie ?ledztwo nadkomisarza? Co ??czy niezidentyfikowane zw?oki z tartaku z zab?jstwem na pla?y? Czy?by na Wybrze?u pojawi? si? copycut killer – seryjny morderca na?laduj?cy pope?nione kiedy? zbrodnie? Doskonale skonstruowana fabu?a i rozwijaj?ca si? w zaskakuj?cym tempie akcja gwarantuj? znakomit? lektur?, od kt?rej nie b?dzie mo?na si? oderwa?.

  • R?quiem Alem?n
  • Kerr Philip
  • Berl?n 1947. Tras la derrota de la Alemania Nazi en la II Guerra Mundial Bernie Gunther,sobrevive como detective privado en una dura postguerra en que los berlineses se encuentran atemorizados por la represi?n que sufren por parte de las tropas sovi?ticas (el Ej?rcito Rojo) sobre todo en la llamada Zona Este de la ciudad. Gunther luch? en el frente ruso y pas? una temporada en un campo de concentraci?n sovi?tico antes de poder regresar a Berl?n con 15 kilos menos de peso y una ligera cojera como recuerdo.En R?quiem Alem?...

  • Rashomon Gate - A Mystery of Ancient Japan
  • Parker Ingrid
  • A riveting historical mystery – the second in the Akitada series – set amid the exquisite ritual and refined treachery of eleventh century JapanFrom the author of The Dragon Scroll comes an ingenious new novel of murder and malfeasance in ancient Japan, featuring the detective Sugawara Akitada. The son of reduced nobility forced to toil in the Ministry of Justice, Akitada is relieved when an old friend, Professor Hirata, asks him to investigate a friend's blackmail. Taking a post at the Imperial University, he is soon sidetracked from his primary case by the murder of a young girl and the mysterious disappearance of an old man – a disappearance that the Emperor himself declares a miracle. Rashomon Gate is a mystery of magnificent complexity and historical detail that will leave readers yearning for more.

  • Rat Race
  • Francis Dick
  • Charterpilot Matt Shore hat in seinem Leben schon gr??ere Herausforderungen gemeistert, als betuchte Pferdebesitzer, Spitzenjockeys und — trainer von einem Rennplatz zum anderen zu bef?rdern. Dachte er zumindest. Aber dann explodiert eine Bombe — zum Gl?ck erst nach der Landung, die Betroffenen kommen mit dem Schrecken davon. Weitere Attentate folgen, und Matt Shore begreift: Da spekuliert jemand auf den Schrecken und schraubt die Spirale der Gefahr h?her und h?her.

  • Raven Black
  • Cleeves Ann
  • Dagger AwardsIt is a cold January morning and Shetland lies buried beneath a deep layer of snow. Trudging home, Fran Hunters eye is drawn to a vivid splash of colour on the white ground, ravens circling above. It is the strangled body of her teenage neighbour Catherine Ross. As Fran opens her mouth to scream, the ravens continue their deadly dance. The locals on the quiet island stubbornly focus their gaze on one manloner and simpleton Magnus Tait. But when police insist on opening the investigation a veil of suspicion and fear is thrown over the entire community. For the first time in years, Catherines neighbours nervously lock their doors, whilst a killer lives on in their midst. Raven Black is a haunting, beautifully crafted crime story, and establishes Ann Cleeves as a rising talent in psychological crime writing.

  • ?rdenes Mortales
  • Paretsky Sarah
  • La t?a abuela de V. I. Warshawski, Rosa, cita la detective a su fr?a casa suburbana. Rosa izo la infancia de V. I. Miserable y a la detective no le gusta el pedido de ayuda de su t?a, para que demuestre que ella no hizo un desfalco de cinco millones de d?lares de un priorato Dominicano.Se desata un infierno cuando un adversario misterioso intenta sacar a Vic del caso arroj?ndole ?cido a los ojos y quemando su apartamento. Cuando un amigo que est? involucrado en el caso es brutalmente asesinado, empieza a ...

  • Recuerda que siempre te querr?
  • George Elizabeth
  • Durante una visita a Abinger Mannor, un estudiante que asiste a un curso universitario sobre arquitectura muere en sospechosas circunstancias. Una joven viuda descubre con horror la vida secreta de su difunto marido. Un historiador sin dinero vive obsesionado por la figura de Ricardo III. A trav?s de argumentos tan dispares, los cinco relatos que componen este volumen exploran las complejidades de la naturaleza humana y desvelan las oscuras maquinaciones de individuos de apariencia corriente que aspiran a alcanzar sus objetivos a cualquier precio.En Recuerda que siempre te querr?, Elizabeth George, autora de la popular serie ...

  • Red Bones
  • Cleeves Ann
  • Spring: a time of rebirth and celebration. And a time of death…for April is the cruelest month. When a young archaeologist studying on a site at Lerwick discovers a set of human remains – the island community is intrigued. Is it an ancient find – or a more contemporary mystery? Then an elderly is shot on her land in a tragic accident and Jimmy Perez is called in by her grandson – his own colleague Sandy Wilson. He finds two feuding families whose envy, greed and bitterness has divided the surrounding community. With Fran in London, and surrounded by people he doesn't know and a community he has no links with – Jimmy finds himself out of depth. Then another woman dies and as the spring weather shrouds the island in claustrophobic mists the two deaths remain shrouded in mystery.

  • Red Chrysanthemum
  • Rowlands Laura
  • This story is set in Japan, 1698. Sano Ichiro may be a samurai sleuth and the shogun's trusted advisor, but his growing power at court makes him – and his family – a target for treachery. And this time gruesome discovery brings especially tough questions. Lord Mori, heir to the shogun, is found grotesquely mutilated and murdered – with Sano's pregnant wife, Reiko, lying beside him naked and covered in blood. Sano seeks the truth behind the Rashomon-like accounts of the murder, the stakes are almost unbearably high, and the only piece of evidence is a white Chrysanthemum – stained red with blood.

  • Red Wolf
  • Marklund Liza
  • "Pick up a Liza Marklund book, read it until dawn, wait until the store opens, buy another one." – James Patterson"One of the most dynamic and popular crime writers of our time." – Patricia CornwellIn the middle of the freezing winter, a journalist is murdered in the northern Swedish town of Lulea. Crime reporter Annika Bengtzon suspects that the killing is linked to an attack against an air base in the late sixties. Against the explicit orders of her boss, Annika continues her investigation of the death, which is soon followed by a series of shocking murders.Annika quickly finds herself drawn into a spiral of terrorism and violence centered around a small communist group called The Beasts. Meanwhile, her marriage starts to slide, and in the end she is not only determined to find out the truth, but also forced to question her own husband's honesty.

  • Retirement Can Be Murder
  • Edwards Phil
  • When Jake Russo is transferred from a New York City beat to a Florida retirement community, his reporting life slows down. Instead of covering life in the big city, he's stuck writing puff pieces about bridge games and shuffleboard. His biggest challenge? Sticking to his diet.That all changes when an older resident mysteriously dies on the beach. Jake has to figure out why and how she died. With the help of his bumbling octogenerian cameraman, Jake will have to overcome his lack of confidence and find the truth. He'll discover love, conspiracy, and surprising secrets in Florida's retirement communities.Light as a day at the beach, this playful mystery is an early buffet of flirtation, intrigue, and senior citizens gone bad.

  • Rivalen
  • Francis Dick
  • Es ist ein hei?es Rennen, das George Juliard antritt, denn seine Rivalen haben Kaliber. Zun?chst geht es um die Wahl ins Unterhaus, sp?ter um das Amt des Premierministers. Juliards Handicap: Er ist Witwer und hat keine l?chelnde Frau zur Seite. Diese L?cke kann jedoch sein 17j?hriger Sohn f?llen. Den kennt er zwar kaum, da er ihn nicht selbst aufgezogen hat, doch nun soll Benjamin seine erfolglose Amateurjockeykarriere abbrechen, um ihn auf seiner Tour durch den Wahlkreis zu begleiten. Ben ist nicht begeistert von dieser Aufgabe, f?gt sich aber dem Willen des ...

  • Roast Mortem
  • Коул Клео
  • The pseudonymous Coyle's strong 9th coffeehouse mystery (after 2009's Holiday Grind) pays tribute to New York City firefighters. Clare Cosi, the head barista at Village Blend; Blend owner Madame Dreyfus Allegro Dubois (who's Clare's ex-mother-in-law); and Blend employee Dante Silva narrowly escape death in the bomb-activated blaze that destroys Enzo Testa's Caffe Lucia in Queens and seriously injures Enzo. Clare informs the irritating, overly flirtatious FDNY captain, Michael Quinn, a cousin of her NYPD detective boyfriend, Mike Quinn, that she suspects arson. As fire marshal Stuart Rossi swings into action, Clare is eager to help catch the firebug (aka ...