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Книги 5476—5500 из 5810.
  • She Shoots to Conquer
  • Cannell Dorothy
  • On a dark and foggy night, charming amateur sleuth Ellie Haskell, her husband Ben, and her plucky sidekick Mrs. Malloy find themselves stranded at a grand estate on the Yorkshire moors. Lord Belfrey of Mucklesfeld Manor has decided to save his crumbling establishment by offering himself as the prize on a TV reality show titled 'Here Comes the Bride.' Thrilled at the prospect of marrying a lord, Mrs. Malloy eagerly joins the competition. After one of the potential brides is shot during an archery contest, Ellie begins to explore the dark passageways and hidden nooks of the delightfully Gothic estate – but she may not be prepared for the secrets lurking behind closed doors.

  • Sherlock Holmes and the King’s Evil
  • Thomas Donald
  • While not up to the high standard of Sherlock Holmes and the Voice from the Crypt (2002), Thomas's fourth pastiche collection conveys the tone and spirit of Conan Doyle's original tales with nary a false note. In the clever The Case of the Tell-Tale Hands, an aristocrat hires Holmes to look into his cousin's eccentric behavior, which includes wearing gloves at odd times. A school teacher who fears her brothers, both lighthouse keepers, have met with foul play retains Dr. Watson as the investigator in the richly atmospheric title story. Less successful are two tales rooted in history: The Case of Peter the Painter, in which Holmes battles anarchists in London alongside Winston Churchill in 1911, and The Case of the Zimmermann Telegram, in which the sleuth serves as director of Admiralty Signals Intelligence during WWI. This volume reinforces Thomas's place in the front rank of Doyle imitators.

  • Sherlock Holmes y la boca del infierno
  • Mart?nez Rodolfo
  • Dos detectives. Un mago. Y todas las legiones del Infierno. Sus caminos se han cruzado en el pasado, y volver?n a cruzarse. Por un lado, Sherlock Holmes, el famoso detective, que parece haberse retirado para dedicarse a la cr?a de abejas. Por otro, Aleister Crowley, brujo y profeta autoproclamado como el hombre m?s perverso de su ?poca. Una oscura noche tormentosa, en alg?n lugar de la costa de Portugal, Crowley pondr? en pr?ctica un ritual que amenazar? con derribar las barreras entre los mundos, y Holmes estar? all? para imped?rselo. Pero, ?podr? Holmes ...

  • Sherlock Holmes In America
  • Greenberg Martin
  • An anthology of storiesHolmes and Watson in America. Original short stories. A literary gem? Elementary, of course!Sherlock Holmes makes his American debut in this fascinating and extraordinary collection of never-before-published crime and mystery stories by bestselling American writers. The world's greatest detective and his famous sidekick Watson are on their first trip across the Atlantic as they fight crime all over nineteenth-century North America. From the bustling neighborhoods of New York City and Washington, D.C., to sunny yet sinister cities like San Francisco on the West Coast, the world's best-loved British sleuth will face ...

  • Shimura Trouble
  • Massey Sujata
  • A Rei Shimura Mystery – During a family reunion on the island of Oahu, Japanese-American undercover spy Rei Shimura is roped into helping the Hawaiian branch of her family regain land stolen from them during World War II. But when fire sweeps the island and her young cousin is accused of arson, Rei, with the assistance of both her boyfriend and ex-lover, must discover the truth, which turns out to be linked to the Shimura family history…

  • Shut Your Eyes Tight
  • Verdon John
  • When he was the NYPD's top homicide investigator, Dave Gurney was never comfortable with the label the press gave him: super detective. He was simply a man who, when faced with a puzzle, wanted to know. He was called to the investigative hunt by the presumptuous arrogance of murderers – by their smug belief that they could kill without leaving a trace. There was always a trace, Gurney believed.Except what if one day there wasn't?Dave Gurney, a few months past the Mellery case that pulled him out of retirement and then nearly killed him, is trying ...

  • Si Los Muertos No Resucitan
  • Kerr Philip
  • Un a?o despu?s de abandonar la Kripo, la Polic?a Criminal alemana, Bernie Gunther trabaja en el Hotel Adlon, en donde se aloja la periodista norteamericana Noreen Charalambides, que ha llegado a Berl?n para investigar el creciente fervor antijud?o y la sospechosa designaci?n de la ciudad como sede de los Juegos Ol?mpicos de 1936. Noreen y Gunther se aliar?n dentro y fuera de la cama seguirle la pista a una trama que une las altas esferas del nazismo con el crimen organizado estadounidense. Un chantaje, doble y calculado, les har? renunciar a destapar la miseria y los asesinatos, pero no al amor. Sin embargo, Noreen es obligada a volver a Estados Unidos, y Gunther ve c?mo, otra vez, una mujer se pierde en las sombras. Hasta que veinte a?os despu?s, ambos se reencuentran en la insurgente Habana de Batista. Pero los fantasmas nunca viajan solos.

  • Silence of the Grave
  • Indridason Arnaldur
  • A human bone is discovered at a construction site near Reykjavik. Inspector Erlendur Sveinnson is on the case, but the trail, which leads back to World War II, has gone very cold indeed. Erlendur (Icelanders use first names) has a very personal reason for his abiding interest in missing persons, and that — combined with the fact that his drug-abusing daughter is in the hospital in a coma — opens the door for plenty of backstory regarding the detective’s troubled history. With a narrative that jumps between the 1940s and the present — without giving away whodunit — the novel generates a ...

  • Silence of the Grave
  • Indri?ason Arnaldur
  • Dagger AwardsBuilding work in an expanding Reykjavik uncovers a shallow grave. Years before, this part of the city was all open hills, and Erlendur and his team hope this is a typical Icelandic missing person scenario; perhaps someone once lost in the snow, who has lain peacefully buried for decades. Things are never that simple. Whilst Erlendur struggles to hold together the crumbling fragments of his own family, his case unearths many other tales of family pain. The hills have more than one tragic story to tell: tales of failed relationships and heartbreak; of anger, domestic violence and fear; of family loyalty and family shame. Few people are still alive who can tell the story, but even secrets taken to the grave cannot remain hidden forever.

  • Silent Killer
  • Barton Beverly
  • In A Town Full Of SecretsTo most people, men like Mark Cantrell are fine, upstanding pillars of the community, completely beyond reproach. But their killer knows better. They are sinners of the worst kind, and they must burn on earth before they burn in hell…Trusting The Wrong PersonEighteen months after her husband-s unsolved murder, Cathy Cantrell has returned to her Alabama home, eager to build a new life for herself and her son. But pieces of her past are everywhere-including Jackson Perdue, the town-s deputy sheriff. The spate of recent deaths-each victim burned in the same horrifying manner-leave Jack and Cathy in no doubt that a serial killer is at work, one whose rage grows more vicious each day…Can Be Fatal…Now as a twisted killer moves in for a final, brutal act of vengeance, buried crimes are coming to light once more. And this time, justice will be swift, merciless, and as silent as the grave…

  • Silks
  • Francis Dick
  • The Grand Master returns in prize-winning formGeoffrey Mason did it for the money. It is obvious that his client Julian Trent is guilty, and it's about time rich boy Trent is taught a lesson for his violent ways. The only thing still bothering Geoff is that he is going to miss participating in the Foxhunter Steeplechase – the 'Gold Cup' for amateur riders – because the trial has taken a lot longer than expected. Although still an amateur, Geoff is well known (as 'Perry' Mason) among the pro riders, including Steve Mitchell and Scot Barlow – arguably the two top ...

  • Simisola
  • Rendell Ruth
  • La ciudad del inspector Wexford -personaje legendario de la autora- se ve sacudida por la desaparici?n de una joven de color. El inspector se lanza a una investigaci?n que le desvela los resortes m?s dif?ciles de la convivencia racial, y una sociedad de claroscuros que confirma la maestr?a de la autora brit?nica para urdir tramas perfectas y ahondar en las miserias humanas.

  • Sin previo Aviso
  • Paretsky Sara
  • Para la detective privada V. I. Warshawski, «Vic», esta nueva aventura comienza durante una conferencia en Chicago, donde manifestantes furiosos est?n reclamando la devoluci?n de los bienes que les arrebataron en tiempos de la Alemania nazi. De repente, un hombre perturbado se levanta para narrar la historia de su infancia, desgarrada por el Holocausto… Un relato que tendr? consecuencias devastadoras para Lotty Herschel, la ?ntima amiga y mentora de V. I. Lotty ten?a tan s?lo nueve a?os cuando emigr? de Austria a Inglaterra, junto con un grupo de ni?os rescatados del terror nazi, ...

  • Sin Testigos
  • George Elizabeth
  • En los ?ltimos tres meses, ya son cuatro los cuerpos de j?venes que la polic?a de Londres ha encontrado brutalmente mutilados, tras ser secuestrados y agredidos sexualmente. Ninguna de las tres primeras v?ctimas -chicos negros- ha podido ser identificada y New Scotland Yard ni siquiera hab?a establecido relaci?n entre las muertes hasta la aparici?n del ?ltimo cad?ver, un adolescente blanco intencionadamente dispuesto encima de una tumba. Ahora se sospecha que un asesino en serie est? detr?s de ellas.El caso cae en manos del comisario Thomas Lynley y su equipo. ...

  • Sisters on the Case
  • Paretsky Sara
  • An anthology of stories edited by Sara ParetskyThis eclectic anthology from a variety of female mystery writers has something to please every fan. Editor and contributor Paretsky (V.I. Warshawski series) introduces the anthology with a brief history of Sisters in Crime, an organization formed by Paretsky in 1987 to help boost the profiles of women crime writers. The stories range in tone from Sue Henry's (Jessie Arnold series) haunting, lyrical "Sister Death" to "Murder for Lunch," Carolyn Hart's (Death on Demand series) tale of misunderstandings and murder. Libby Fischer Hellmann (Ellie Foreman series) and Susan Dunlap (Jill ...

  • Six Suspects
  • Swarup Vikas
  • There's a caste system even in murder. Seven years ago, Vivek 'Vicky' Rai, the playboy son of the Home Minister of Uttar Pradesh, murdered Ruby Gill at a trendy restaurant in New Delhi simply because she refused to serve him a drink. Now Vicky Rai is dead, killed at his farmhouse at a party he had thrown to celebrate his acquittal. The police search each and every guest. Six of them are discovered with guns in their possession. In this elaborate murder mystery we join Arun Advani, India 's best-known investigative journalist, as the lives of these six suspects unravel before our eyes: a corrupt bureaucrat; an American tourist; a stone-age tribesman; a Bollywood sex symbol; a mobile phone thief; and an ambitious politician. Each is equally likely to have pulled the trigger. Inspired by actual events, Vikas Swarup's eagerly awaited second novel is both a riveting page turner and an insightful peek into the heart and soul of contemporary India.

  • Sleeping with Anemone
  • Collins Kate
  • Maybe Abby Knight shouldn’t have chosen a home and garden show sponsored by Uniworld Food as the venue for her protest against the corporation’s harmful farming practices. But being bodily removed from the event won’t stop her campaign. Nor will a burning brick thrown through her flower shop’s window.After she narrowly escapes being kidnapped three times, Abby calls in the big guns-her ex-Ranger boyfriend Marco and her friends and family. And then the stakes are raised by murder…

  • Snake Jaw
  • Gallacher Andrew
  • A girl is found, dead, with a dog wedged in her surgically enlarged throat, turning Detective Gill’s missing persons case into something much darker.Drug addict, Vanessa, has been gone for weeks. Her baby girl too. Gill was already fearing the worst but until he saw that dead girl with the snake jaw, he thought there were lines that people just didn’t cross.But surgeon Gerald Phalanx knows better. There are no limits to his obsession. No lines that he won’t step over. Even if his latest patient is flawed — horribly flawed — Dr Phalanx is certain he can fix nature’s mistakes. He knows he can transform her into his image of feminine perfection. Whether Vanessa likes it or not.After all he does have her baby.

  • Snatched
  • Slaughter Karin
  • Ever-popular crime and mystery book writer Karin Slaughter gives us a brand new Will Trent novella, exclusively in eBook format. For those of us not familiar with Trent, Slaughter’s hero from many earlier mystery books, this is a great introduction to the agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Will is relegated to checking airport restrooms for illicit sexual activity as punishment for not keeping his hair at regulation GBI length. While on duty at the Atlanta airport, Trent overhears a young girl in the next restroom cubicle pleading with the man she’s with to be ...