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Книги 10326—10350 из 10588.

  • Todtsteltzers Ehre
  • Green Simon
  • Owen Todtsteltzer wurde nach seiner Rebellion gegen die Tyrannei der Kaiserin L?wenstein XIV zum Helden, zu einer Legende. Doch er und seine Freunde haben nicht lange Zeit, sich ?ber ihren Sieg zu freuen. Erneut werden sie in einen erbitterten Konflikt verwickelt - diesmal um die Nachfolge der entthronten Herrscherin. Owen und Hazel versuchen sich aus dem politischen Intrigenspiel herauszuhalten, doch bald entdecken sie, da? der Menschheit sehr viel ernstere Probleme drohen, ja, da? der Krieg noch lange nicht vorbei ist, sondern im Gegenteil gerade erst begonnen hat …

  • Todtstelzers Krieg
  • Green Simon
  • Owen Todtsteltzer wurde aufgrund falscher Anschuldigungen von der Kaiserin L?wenstein XIV ge?chtet. Doch die r?cksichtslose Regentin hat einen Fehler begangen, als sie sich Todtsteltzer zum Feind machte. Owen setzt sich an die Spitze der Rebellion gegen den Eisernen Thron. Scharm?tzel auf der , und machen deutlich, mit welch brutaler Gewalt die Kaiserin gegen die Rebellen vorgeht.Doch Owen und seine Kameraden st?rkt dies nur in ihrem Ent-schlu?, f?r die Gerechtigkeit zu k?mpfen. Und diesmal lautet die Parole Krieg: keine R?ckzieher, keine Gefangenen, keine Kompromisse…

  • Tongues of Serpents
  • Новик Наоми
  • A dazzling blend of military history, high-flying fantasy, and edge-of-your-seat adventure, Naomi Novik's Temeraire novels, set in an alternate Napoleonic era in which intelligent dragons have been harnessed as weapons of war, are more than just perennial bestsellers — they are a worldwide phenomenon. Now, in Tongues of Serpents Naomi Novik is back, along with the dragon Temeraire and his rider and friend, Capt. Will Laurence.Convicted of treason despite their heroic defense against Napoleon's invasion of England, Temeraire and Laurence — stripped of rank and standing — have been transported to the prison colony at New South Wales in distant ...

  • Tormenta de espadas
  • Martin George
  • Las huestes de los fugaces reyes de Poniente, descompuestas en hordas, asolan y esquilman una tierra castigada por la guerra e indefensa ante un invierno que se anuncia inusitadamente crudo. Las alianzas nacen y se desvanecen como volutas de humo bajo el viento helado del Norte. Ajena a las intrigas palaciegas, e ignorante del aut?ntico peligro en ciernes, la Guardia de la Noche se ve desbordada por los salvajes. Y al otro lado del mundo, Daenerys Targaryen intenta reclutar en las Ciudades Libres un ej?rcito con el que desembarcar en su tierra.

  • Touch of the Nisei
  • Burkitt John
  • Серия: Chronicles of the Pride Lands
  • История . Поддавшись обману, она оставляет спящего , своего супруга, сон которого она охраняла так много лет.. Одна, окруженная своими спутниками, которые превратились в ее палачей, она вынуждена с расстояния наблюдать битву за , где остался ее , ее верный , которого она любила всю свою жизнь, всем своим существом...

  • Traitor to the Blood
  • Hendee Barb
  • Born a half-breed to an elven mother and human father, Leesil was raised in the Warlands as assassin, spy, and slave to Lord Darmouth, ruler to one of its independent provinces. But Leesil's mother trained him too well, and he used his skills to escape, leaving his parents to suffer Darmouth's wrath for all such traitors and their kin. Now, with newfound purpose in the company of his beloved Magiere, Leesil returns to confront the sins of his past and uncover his parents' fate. Unable to turn him from this dangerous course, Magiere follows Leesil into the darkness of his past in the Warlands. Knowing what may happen should Darmouth learn of Leesil's return, she is prepared to slaughter any who may try to take him from her. But Magiere's own past may well pose a more deadly threat. Two creatures of unfathomable power continue to stalk her-one who believes she's the key to his salvation, and one who seeks to destroy her...and all those she loves.

  • Trapped
  • Gardner James
  • Life under the thumb of the Spark Lords – the League's Earthly representatives – is dull but comfortable for Philemon Abu Dhubhai and the other teachers at a third-rate private school for second-rate rich kids. But all that changes when a female student is found murdered by an unknown alien organism, and her boyfriend, the prime suspect, goes missing. Suddenly an unofficial homicide investigation has snared Philemon and five other "misfits" – plus one of the planet's most powerful criminals, the mother of the murdered girl – trapping them all in a web of terrifying conspiracy that could involve the Spark Lords… and even the League of Peoples itself. For all is perilously not what it seems, on Earth and in the heavens. But then again, neither are Phil and his compatriots…

  • Trials Of Death
  • Shan Darren
  • TRIALS OF DEATH — the fifth title in the compelling and chilling saga of Darren Shan — but the second part in a new TRILOGY, following Darren's initiation into the vampire clan. THE SAGA OF DARREN SHAN BOOK 5 Compelled by his loyalty to Mr. Crepsley, Darren Shan, the vampire's assistant, agrees to prove his worthiness to the vampire clan by undertaking a series of trials. Each Trial is set by the Vampire Princes to test agility, cunning and intelligence. Failure means death. Whilst their attention is focused on Darren, the vampire clan fail to notice that the vampaneze have infiltrated their mountain stronghold. Who is the traitor helping the vampaneze, and will Darren survive the trials to oust the vampire's greatest foes? Another atmospheric and terrifying tale from the author of Cirque Du Freak.

  • Tribesmen of Gor
  • Norman John
  • The Others were on the move! The Priest-Kings had received a message: "Surrender Gor." The date had been set for conquest or destruction. Tarl Cabot could no longer linger in Port Kar — now he must act on behalf of the Priest-Kings, on behalf of Gor, and on behalf of Gor's teeming, unsuspecting, twin world known as Earth. Evidence pointed to the great wasteland of the Tahari, the desert known only to the clannish, militant tribes of desert-wanderers. There must Cabot go. There among the feuds, along the trails of slavers, beyond the forbidding salt mines to a rendezvous with treachery, with a woman warlord, with a bandit chief, and with the monster intelligences from the worlds of steel.