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Книги 10526—10550 из 10588.

  • Witch World
  • Нортон Андрэ
  • Andre Norton enthralled readers for decades with thrilling tales of people challenged to the limits of their endurance in epic battles of good against evil. None are more memorable than her Witch World novels.Simon Tregarth, a man from our own world, escapes his doom through the gates to the Witch World. There he aids the witch Jaelithe’s escape from the hounds of Alizon, only to find himself embroiled in a deeper war against an even deadlier foe: the Kolder.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1964.

  • Witness of Gor
  • Norman John
  • The long-awaited 26th novel in the bestselling Gorean saga.Deep within the cells of Treve, a glorious and mysterious city at the center of Gor's struggle for supremacy, awakens a nameless slave girl who will witness events about which others will only dare to whisper. Witness of Gor takes us on a whirlwind ride from political plots to tarn raids, epic love stories to relentless Assassins, our witness experiences all the beauty, spender, mystery, brutality, honor and intrigue of the awesome world of Gor.

  • Wizard’s First Rule
  • Goodkind Terry
  • Millions of readers the world over have been held spellbound by this valiant tale vividly told.Now, enter Terry Goodkind’s world, the world of .In the aftermath of the brutal murder of his father, a mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, appears in Richard Cypher’s forest sanctuary seeking help . . . and more. His world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence.In their darkest hour, hunted relentlessly, tormented by treachery and loss, Kahlan calls upon Richard to reach beyond his sword—to invoke within himself something more noble. Neither knows that the rules of battle have just changed . . . or that their time has run out.This is the beginning. One book. One Rule. Witness the birth of a legend.

  • Woda Z?a
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Tengel Z?y przygotowuje si? do obj?cia w?adzy nad ?wiatem. Powoli, lecz stanowczo zbli?a si? do miejsca, gdzie zosta?a ukryta ciemna woda mog?ca da? mu nieograniczon? si??. Tymczasem wybrani z Ludzi Lodu, na czele z Natanielem, kt?rych wys?ano, by powstrzymali Tengela Z?ego, zostali zepchni?ci do Wielkiej Otch?ani – miejsca, z kt?rego jeszcze nikt nigdy si? nie wydosta?…

  • Wody g??bokie jak niebo
  • Brzezi?ska Anna
  • Anna Brzezi?ska zd??y?a przyzwyczai? swoich czytelnik?w do dw?ch charakterystycznych cech swojej fantastyki – po pierwsze, do osza?amiaj?cego rozmachu, z jakim tworzy wyimaginowane ?wiaty, po drugie, do bardzo pesymistycznego, wr?cz okrutnego spojrzenia na ludzk? natur?.Mo?na to by?o obserwowa? ju? w jej debiutanckim "Zb?jeckim go?ci?cu", kt?rego akcja dzia?a si? w wyj?tkowo ponurej krainie, lu?no wzorowanej na polsko-sarmackim ?redniowieczu.Najnowszy zbi?r opowiada? "Wody g??bokie jak niebo" przenosi czytelnika do zupe?nie innego ?wiata – tym razem przypominaj?cego p??no?redniowieczne W?...

  • Wolfs Brother
  • Линдхольм Мэган
  • The compelling sequel to The Reindeer People , a saga of magic and triumph in an ancient world.Kerlew stared at the immense stone that jutted up from the tundra. Power radiated from it like heat from a fire. It attracted the boy and filled him with fear.And then he was alone.There was a brush of sound, of dark moving shadows and then the sudden flash of a glistening eye. He pressed his palms back against the stone’s rough surface and faced the night creatures that surrounded him.The magic is strong in Kerlew. Every day it grows, reaching out to the Wolf spirit that will be his guide. But the magic in Kerlew that calls to the beasts and to the spirit world also calls to Carp, the evil old shaman, who follows Kerlew and his mother, Tillu, across the frozen wastes. When he finds them, he will bind them to him, and shape Kerlew’s powers for his own uses.

  • Wolfsbane
  • Briggs Patricia
  • For the last ten years, shapeshifting mercenary Aralorn has led a dangerous existence — a far cry from her noble upbringing. Now she must return home under the most unfortunate circumstances. Her father, the Lyon of Lambshold, has passed away. But when Aralorn and her companion Wolf arrive, the combination of their magic uncovers something wonderful yet alarming — her father is not actually dead, but only appears so. Yet a dark mist is also very much alive within him...The Lyon of Lambshold has been ensorcelled by the ae'Magi, who's using him as a conduit to finally destroy Aralorn and Wolf. With her father as the pawn, can Aralorn overcome this mysterious sorcery? Or will she finally fall to the blackest of magic, losing not only her one true companion but also her life...?

  • Wolni Ciutludzie
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Na farmie Dokuczliwych co? dziwnego zaczyna si? dzia? — z rzeki wyskakuje potw?r, na ?cie?ce pojawia si? je?dziec bez g?owy, a na wzg?rzach postacie z koszmar?w. I na dodatek Kr?lowa kradnie ma?ego braciszka Akwili — Bywarta (ale mo?e by? on wart ukradzenia). Akwila postanawia go odzyska? (cho? bez ma?ego p?aksy w domu mog?oby by? nieco spokojniej). Do walki pos?u?y jej patelnia, ksi??ka z magicznymi przepisami, kt?ra niegdy? nale?a?a do jej babci (tak naprawd? "Choroby owiec"), chyba przyda?aby si? jej jeszcze jaka? pomoc...— Na lito??! A o nas nic nie powiesz, g?upku?!... no tak, oczywi?cie. Ma jeszcze pomoc Fik Mik Figli, czyli Wolnych Ciutludzi, bitnych z?odziejaszk?w, ma?ych b??kitnych praludzik?w, kt?rzy zostali wyrzuceni z Krainy Ba?ni za niestosowne zachowanie...Prze?miewcza m?dra powie?? czerpi?ca pe?nymi gar?ciami ze ?wiata wyobra?ni, by wzbogaci? ?wiat Dysku.

  • Wondrous Strange
  • Livingston Lesley
  • Since the dawn of time, the Faerie have taken…For seventeen-year-old actress Kelley Winslow, faeries are just something from childhood stories. Then she meets Sonny Flannery, whose steel-gray eyes mask an equally steely determination to protect her.Sonny guards the Samhain Gate, which connects the mortal realm with the Faerie's enchanted, dangerous Otherworld. Usually kept shut by order of icy King Auberon, the Gate stands open but once a year.This year, as the time approaches when the Samhain Gate will swing wide and nightmarish Fae will fight their way into an unsuspecting human world, something ...