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Книги 10476—10500 из 10588.

  • Werehunter (anthology)
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • Werehunter is a short story collection of Mercedes Lackey's early work.Lope through the night with a young woman who has been given the power to transform herself into a leopard, but who now finds herself pursued by a hunter who is more than human: Follow the adventures of Skitty, ship's cat extraordinaire, and telepathic problem-solver. Ride with a late night driver on a solitary road who learns that what appears to be a piece of cardboard blowing across the road is actually something very sinister in disguise. Join Lackey's celebrated occult detective Diana Tregarde as she attends ...

  • Western Shore
  • McKenna Juliet
  • Warlord Daish Kheda has been building political alliances, working to consolidate power over his new realm. Although he has saved his people from the twin evils of wizardry and dragons, he feels tainted by association with forbidden magic and fears he may bring great ill-fortune to his people. So Kheda resolves to once more join his Northern wizard allies in the hope of removing the dragon threat once and for all, and to seek whatever purification he can find. Only time can tell whether he will be condemned for his actions, or whether magic is less a sin than he was brought up to believe ...He tells his son in secret that he may not return, and sets his face to the future.

  • Where Angels Fear to Tread
  • Sniegoski Thomas
  • Six year-old Zoe York has been taken and her mother has come to Remy for help. She shows him crude, childlike drawings that she claims are Zoe's visions of the future, everything leading up to her abduction, and some beyond. Like the picture of a man with wings who would come and save her—a man who is an angel.Zoe's preternatural gifts have made her a target for those who wish to exploit her power to their own destructive ends. The search will take Remy to dark places he would rather avoid. But to save an innocent, Remy will ally himself with a variety of lesser evils-and his soul may pay the price…

  • White Wolf: A Novel of Druss the Legend
  • Gemmell David
  • This new heroic fantasy in Gemmell`s engrossing Drenai series takes place immediately before his first published novel, Legend (1984), but stands well on its own. Skilgannon, swordmaster and former general of Queen Jianna`s army, walked away from the queen`s service after his forces sacked a city with such savagery that his name is ever after followed by "the Damned." He`s spent three trying years submitting to monastic discipline in hopes of understanding the places of man and evil in the world. His dreams are disturbed by a white wolf; his thoughts by memories of his dead ...

  • Wi??niowie Czasu
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Tova Brink by?a jedn? z najbardziej dotkni?tych dziedzictwem z?a Ludzi Lodu. Na jej widok ludzie odwracali si? z obrzydzeniem i cz?sto m?wiono o niej czarownica. Zosta?a jednak wyznaczona do tego, aby wzi?? udzia? w walce przeciwko Tengelowi Z?emu. Tova tymczasem mia?a w?asne plany. Najwi?ksze rado?ci? jej ?ycia by?o dokuczanie innym. Czy? nie by?oby wi?c bardziej naturalne, gdyby opowiedzia?a si? po stronie Tengela Z?ego?

  • ?wiat?a Elf?w
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Walka przeciwko Zakonowi ?wiec?cego S?o?ca okaza?a si? brzemienna w skutki dla czarnoksi??nika M?riego i jego norweskiej ma??onki Tiril. Oboje znale?li si? w ?miertelnym niebezpiecze?stwie i ocali? ich mo?e jedynie pierworodny syn, dwunastoletni Dolg. Ch?opca, kt?ry wyrusz na ratunek rodzicom, wspiera pot??ny opiekun Cie?, a drog? wskazuj? mu b??dne ogniki, zwane te? ?wiate?kami elf?w…

  • ?wiat Czarownic
  • Нортон Андрэ
  • Simon Tregarth, agent tajnych s?u?b wywiadowczych w czasie II wojny ?wiatowej, musi ucieka? przed p?atnymi zab?jcami nas?anymi przez swoich dawnych mocodawc?w. Szans? na unikniecie spotkania z wrogami, okaza? si? mo?e u?ycie staro?ytnego artefaktu — Niebezpiecznego Tronu. Dzi?ki s?ono op?aconej pomocy dr. Jorge Petroniusa, Simon przenosi si? do ?wiata r?wnoleg?ego — Estcarpu — w kt?rym w?adz? sprawuj? czarownice. Jednak i w tym nowym ?wiecie wojna nie jest czym? obcym. W Estcarpie panuje swoisty matriarchat, w kt?rym najwy?sz? w?adz? sprawuj? obdarzone moc?, ?yj?ce ...

  • ?wiat finansjery
  • Pratchett Terry
  • By?a to propozycja nie do odrzucenia... Kto by nie chcia? zarz?dza? Kr?lewsk? Mennic? w Ankh-Morpork i s?siaduj?cym z ni? bankiem? To posada na ca?e ?ycie. Ale by?y oszust, Most von Lipwig, odkrywa, ?e niekoniecznie znaczy to: na d?ugo.G??wny kasjer jest prawie na pewno wampirem. W piwnicy kryje si? co? bezimiennego (a i sama piwnica jest raczej bezimienna). Okazuje si? te?, ?e Kr?lewska Mennica przynosi straty. Trzystuletni mag zaczepia jego dziewczyn?, a jemu samemu grozi ujawnienie mrocznej przesz?o?ci, cho? Gildia Skrytob?jc?w mo?e za?atwi? go wcze?niej. Prawd? m?wi?c, bardzo wielu ludzi chcia?oby widzie? go martwym. Aha... I codziennie musi wyprowadza? prezesa na spacer. Gdzie nie spojrzy, pojawiaj? si? nowi wrogowie.Czy znajdzie swoje miejsce w tym nowym ?WIECIE FINASJERY?

  • Wiatr Od Wschodu
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Kiedy Karol XII postanowi? podbi? Rosj?, nie przypuszcza? nawet, jak wielkie nieszcz??cia przyniesie jego wyprawa. Vendel Grip z Ludzi Lodu by? jednym z wielu nieszcz??nik?w, kt?rzy znale?li si? w rosyjskim obozie jenieckim w g??bi Syberii. W ko?cu Vendel zdo?a? uciec star? ryback? ??dk?. Ogromne rzeki nios?y go na p??noc ku tundrze u wybrze?y Morza Karskiego i, co wprost niewiarygodne, do jego dalekich krewniak?w z nieznanej ga??zi Ludzi Lodu.

  • Wicked Gentlemen
  • Hale Ginn
  • Belimai Sykes is many things: a Prodigal, the descendant of ancient demons, a creature of dark temptations and rare powers. He is also a man with a brutal past and a dangerous addiction. And Belimai Sykes is the only man Captain William Harper can turn to when faced with a series of grisly murders. But Mr. Sykes does not work for free and the price of Belimai's company will cost Captain Harper far more than his reputation. From the ornate mansions of noblemen, where vivisection and sorcery are hidden beneath a veneer of gold, to the steaming slums of Hells Below, Captain Harper must fight for justice and for his life. His enemies are many and his only ally is a devil he knows too well.

  • Wicked Lovely
  • Marr Melissa
  • The clash of ancient rules and modern expectations swirl together in this cool, urban 21st century faery tale. Rule #3: Don't stare at invisible faeries. Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk hidden in the mortal world, and would blind her if they knew of her Sight. Rule #2: Don't speak to invisible faeries. Now faeries are stalking her. One of them, Keenan, who is equal parts terrifying and alluring, is trying to talk to her, asking questions Aislinn is afraid to answer. Rule #1: Don't ever attract their attention. But it's too late. Keenan is the Summer King and has sought his queen for nine centuries. Without her, summer itself will perish. He is determined that Aislinn will become the Summer Queen at any cost! Suddenly none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe are working any more, and everything is on the line: her freedom; her best friend, Seth; her life; everything.

  • Wie?a jask??ki
  • Sapkowski Andrzej
  • Czwarty tom tak zwanej "Sagi o wied?minie".Ciri staje przed swoim przeznaczeniem.Drakkar wioz?cy Yennefer trafia w oko czarodziejskiego cyklonu.Czy w?r?d przyjaci?? wied?mina ukrywa si? zdrajca?Czwarta, przedostatnia od?ona epopei o ?wiecie wied?mina i wojnach, jakie nim wstrz?saj?. W zagubionej w?r?d bagien chacie pustelnika ci??ko ranna Ciri powraca do zdrowia. Jej tropem pod??aj? bezlito?ni zab?jcy z Nilfgaardu. Tymczasem dru?yna Geralta, unikaj?c coraz to nowych niebezpiecze?stw, dociera wreszcie do ukrywj?cych si? druid?w. Czy wied?minowi uda si? odnale?? Ciri? Jak? rol? odegra osnuta legend? Wie?a Jask??ki?

  • Wied?ma
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Griselda jest prawdziw? wied?m?. Za spraw? specjalnej ma?ci doprowadza m??czyzn do szale?stwa z po??dania, p??niej za? zakl?ciami zsy?a na nich zapomnienie. Wiele niewinnych kobiet skazano przez ni? na ?mier? za uprawianie czar?w. Po przybyciu do Kr?lestwa ?wiat?a Griselda stwierdzi?a, ?e jeszcze nigdy nie spotka?a tylu przystojnych m??czyzn naraz. Postanowi?a zarzuci? na nich sieci, najpierw jednak musi usun?? z drogi stoj?ce jej na przeszkodzie m?ode kobiety…