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Книги 451—475 из 558.
  • Concerto pour porte-jarretelles
  • Dard Frederic
  • C'est beau, un porte-jarretelles.C'est musical.Y en a qui pr?f?rent la guitare ?lectrique, libre ? eux, tout le monde peut pas avoir ma sant?.Moi,le collant, j'admets pour les danseurs ? la rigueur. Mais reconnais qu'une frangine, son triangle de panne est beaucoup mieux en situation sous les branches d'un porte-jarretelles en fleur, non ?La couleur de ?ui d'ici j'te la dirai pas, t'as qu'? m'acheter ; pour le prix que ?a co?te, ? l'heure d'aujourd'hui, ?a vaut m?me pas la peine de m'emprunter.D'autant que dans ce gros book il est pas question que de porte-jarretelles.Y a aussi le reste.Et crois-moi, ce sont de beaux restes, tu verras !

  • Corazon Congelado
  • Evanovich Janet
  • «Durante mi infancia mis aspiraciones eran sencillas: quer?a ser una princesa intergal?ctica.»La cazarrecompensas Stephanie Plum tiene una misi?n bastante simple: todo lo que tiene que hacer es llevar a los tribunales a un viejecito sordo, casi ciego y con problemas de pr?stata, acusado de contrabando de cigarrillos. ?Es culpa suya si se le escurre continuamente de entre las manos?Las cosas se complicar?n todav?a m?s despu?s de que dos de sus amigos desaparezcan misteriosamente tras ser atacados por una jubilada enloquecida y de que su perfecta hermana Valerie le pida consejos sobre c?mo hacerse lesbiana.Quiz? la vida de Stephanie ser?a m?s f?cil ?y menos divertida? si no estuviera tratando de huir de su propia boda, si su abuela no se empe?ara en acompa?arla en una Harley Davidson y, por supuesto, si el incre?blemente sexy Ranger no le ofreciera su ayuda a cambio de una perfecta noche de pasi?n…

  • Deux fois n’est pas coutume
  • Evanovich Janet
  • St?phanie Plum est chasseuse de prime. Sa sp?cialit? : ramener les lib?r?s sous caution r?calcitrants au tribunal. Un job sans grande surprise, sauf quand il s'agit de mettre la main sur Kenny Mancuso. Un vrai coriace tremp? dans une affaire de trafic d'armes, qui passe son temps ? d?couper des cadavres et ? envoyer les morceaux ? St?phanie. Sans compter les quarante cercueils disparus d'une entreprise de pompes fun?bres. Un vrai casse-t?te. ?videmment, tout irait mieux si Morelli, flic et pot de colle, n'?tait pas toujours pendu ? ses basques. Heureusement, St?phanie ? une grand-m?re qui s'y conna?t en flingues et en salons fun?raires.

  • Diners, Dives & Dead Ends
  • Austin Terri
  • As a struggling waitress and part-time college student, Rose Strickland’s life is stalled in the slow lane. But when her close friend, Axton, disappears, Rose suddenly finds herself serving up more than hot coffee and flapjacks. Now she’s hashing it out with sexy bad guys and scrambling to find clues in a race to save Axton before his time runs out. With her anime-loving bestie, her septuagenarian boss, and pair of IT wise men along for the ride, Rose discovers political corruption, illegal gambling, and shady corporations. She’s gone from zero to sixty and quickly learns when you’re speeding down the fast lane, it’s easy to crash and burn.

  • Dos Por La Pasta
  • Evanovich Janet
  • La investigadora Stephanie Plum ha vuelto, y con mucho m?s car?cter. Esta vez, va tras la pista de Kenny Mancuso, un compa?ero de trabajo en Trenton, New Jersey, que ha disparado a su mejor amigo. Ha salido hace poco de la Armada y es sospechosamente rico, Mancuso tambi?n est? relacionado de manera lejana con Joe Morelli, un subdirector de polic?a de dudosa reputaci?n… y que le gusta mucho meterse en los asuntos de Stephanie.

  • Drowned Hopes
  • Westlake Donald
  • Tom Jimson, the burglar has $700,000 stashed away in a valley town, which has been converted into a reservoir, by the state of New York. Now, the money lies fifty feet below water and the only way in which Jim wants to retrieve it is to blow up the dam. With the fate of nine hundred people at stake, it falls on John Dortmunder to formulate an alternate plan for retrieving the loot. And, as each attempt by Dortmunder fails, Tom’s dynamite finger gets itchier… and itchier.

  • Drugi W?tek
  • Chmielewska Joanna
  • Historia starych domostw, starej, wrednej ciotki i pi?knego Kopciuszka. Oczywi?cie Kopciuszek spotyka pi?knego ksi?cia i staje si? bogat? ksi??niczk?, w czym niebagatelny udzia? maj? minione pokolenia. " Zajrza?am za zamkni?te drzwi, poniewa? znajdowa?y si? najbli?ej… sypialni chyba… telefonu nie zobaczy?am. Zajrza?am za nast?pne, uchylone. O matko jedyna moja…! Jedne zw?oki, dostarczone mi z zaskoczenia, to by?o najzupe?niej dosy?, drugie stanowi?y przesadny nadmiar. Chryste Panie, na co ja si? tu nadzia?am…?!"

  • Dwie G?owy I Jedna Noga
  • Chmielewska Joanna
  • Na my?l, ?e jad? na spotkanie z m??czyzn? ?ycia z ludzka g?ow? w baga?niku, cos mi si? zrobi?o. Dosta?am histerycznego ataku ?miechu. Przechyli?am si?, wepchn??am twarz w fotel pasa?era, wy?am, pia?am, p?aka?am i nie mog?am si? uspokoi?. Podkr?ci?am szyb?, ?eby mnie nie by?o s?ycha?, ale i tak jaki? cz?owiek przygl?da? mi si? z zainteresowaniem z odleg?o?ci kilkunastu metr?w. Nie m?g? chyba odgadn??, ?e tak reaguj? na kawa?ek trupa…? Przesz?o mi wreszcie, usiad?am normalnie. Zdo?a?am si? skupi?. Rozwi?zanie najprostsze: wyj?? torb? i wrzuci? do kosza na ?mieci. Nie tu, tu zosta?am zauwa?ona. W nast?pnej stacji, na nast?pnym parkingu, gdzie spr?buj? si? niczym nie wyr??ni?. Znajd? t? g?ow? i co b?dzie dalej?

  • Fear of Frying
  • Churchill Jill
  • Jane Jeffry and Shelly Nowack set off for some relaxation in the Wisconsin woods while scouting summer camp sites for suburban high-school students. Jane isn't exactly thrilled at the idea: any form of camping is an anathema at the best of times, and in damp midwinter it seems especially grim. Matters do not improve when this pair of amateur detectives discover one of their fellow campers smacked with a frying pan-seemingly with fatal consequences. But they suspect their own eyes (and everyone else suspects their sanity) when the body disappears along with any evidence of foul play. To make matters worse (or better) a surprisingly healthy victim resurfaces. With a mix of resentment at not being believed and amazement at the turn of events, the would-be campers are determined to discover what is really going on at their apparently secure haven in the wilderness.

  • From Here to Paternity
  • Churchill Jill
  • Jane Jeffry, suburban sleuth extraordinare, and her friend, Detective Mel VanDyne, have braved a blizzard to join her friend Shelley at a Colorado ski resort. In spite of having all their kids along, Jane and Shelley imagine a few mindless days of relaxation. But their hopes are dashed on their first attempt to ski when Jane careens into a snowman that hides a very real — and every dead — body. The slopes are littered with suspects — a convention of genealogists led by a political fruitcake who thinks she's going to put her hand-picked Tsar on the Russian throne, a mysterious crimson-clad skier who's always on the horizon, and ex-stockbroker who's hiding from his investors, and an irate tribe of Native Americans. Jane has to take a census of the suspects and make some grave assumptions about who was vacationing with malicious intent.

  • Full Blast
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Dear reader:Get ready to have the hottest time of your life with the sizzling duo of newspaper editor Jamie Swift and mysterious millionaire Max Holt. My good friend Charlotte Hughes and I set out to create a whole new world, separate from my Stephanie Plum novels, yet inhabited by the same kind of zany, hilarious, and totally unique characters that we love.There's never a dull moment for the residents of Beaumont, South Carolina. Lately, a heat wave's spiked the mercury- and everyone's sex drive! These days, when Jamie runs into Max, it's all she can ...

  • Full Bloom
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Dear reader:The temperature's on "sizzle" again in Beaumont, South Carolina, where peach trees are in season and ripe for the picking. So is its newest entrepreneur, Annie Fortenberry, who has inherited her grandmother's B&B (and its eccentric handyman Erdle Thorney). According to a local psychic she also inherited a spirit from its glory days as a brothel- not the kind of publicity the Peach Tree Bed & Breakfast needs if it's hosting millionaire Max Holt's upcoming wedding! If rumors of a naughty, prank-playing ghost aren't stressful enough, a mysterious man has arrived with an eye on Annie ...

  • Full House
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Dear reader:I've been hearing from many of you that you'd like to see more books that entertain the way my Stephanie Plum novels do. So my good friend, Charlotte Hughes, and I teamed up to bring you a brand-new series of books. These new books are not set in the world of Plum, but they are written in the Plum tradition with fast-paced action, dysfunctional loveable characters, steamy sex, suspense and lots of laughs.The series is kicked off by Full House, a slightly off-center love story about a devious man, an uncooperative woman, and a ...

  • Full Scoop
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Dear reader:Mercury's in retrograde, and folks in Beaumont, South Carolina, are dealing with gossip, scandal, misunderstandings, and more secrets than ever. Local pediatrician Maggie Davenport has even bigger worries. Her wild-girl past has caught up with her in the form of her ex-boyfriend, a jailbird who just flew the coop — and is bent on tracking down Maggie and her daughter. Fortunately, FBI agent Zack Madden is on hand for protection. Unfortunately his presence is turning up the heat on an attraction Maggie simply has no time for… or does she? But Maggie and Zack aren't the only ...

  • Full Speed
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Dear reader:Welcome to the world of Jamie Swift and Max Holt! My good friend Charlotte and I have teamed up to create a series of books featuring these two characters, and they taken on a life of their own! These books are not set in the same world as my Stephanie plum novels, but what they have in common are lovable, dysfunctional characters, villains you love to hate, and a cross-eyed way of looking at life.Jamie and Max have intense chemistry- even though they drive each other crazy. Max thinks Jamie is a magnet for ...

  • Full Tilt
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Dear reader:With Full House, my good friend Charlotte Hughes and I teamed up to create an exciting new series. Now we bring you the second book, Full Tilt, which is filled with even more fast-paced action, crazy characters, steamy sex, suspense and nonstop hilarity. While these books are not set in the world of my Stephanie Plum novels, we're convinced they will bring you all the fun, the wisecracks, and the adventure that we love.Jamie Swift has one priority in quiet Beaumont, South Carolina: running the local newspaper. Romance runs second. But with the arrival ...

  • Get Real
  • Westlake Donald
  • In Donald E. Westlake's classic caper novels, the bad get better, the good slide a bit, and Lord help anyone caught between a thief named John Dortmunder and the current object of his attention.However, being caught red-handed is inevitable in Dortmunder's next production, when a TV producer convinces this thief and his merry gang to do a reality show that captures their next score. The producer guarantees to find a way to keep the show from being used in evidence against them. They're dubious, but the pay is good, so they take him up on his offer.

  • Grime and Punishment
  • Churchill Jill
  • Ramona wasn't much of a cleaning woman-some say she wouldn't know a dust bunny from a Doberman — but that's no reason to bump the old girl off, is it? Someone must think so: poor Ramona is found strangled to death with a vacuum chord. Jane Jeffry — mother of three, chairperson of more committees than you can shake a stick at, and part-time sleuth — sets out to find the killer and tie up the loose ends in this irresistible mystery. Grime and Punishment, winner of both Agatha and Macavity Awards for best first mystery book and nominated for an Anthony Award for the same honor, is the first in a series of seven books featuring Jane Jeffry.