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Evanovich Janet - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 43.
  • Amor Comprado
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Hank Mallone ten?a un pasado turbulento. Casarse con Maggie Toone era parte de un plan para mostrar a su padre -presidente de un banco- que hab?a decidido sentar cabeza y conseguir el pr?stamo que se negaba a concederle. Maggie se hab?a sentido demasiado intrigada por la propuesta como para rechazarla… y demasiado ansiosa por escapar de una vida poco feliz.Ambos convinieron en que la relaci?n ser?a estrictamente comercial. Sin embargo, a su lado, Maggie se convirti? en un ser tan atractivo, simp?tico e irresistible, que Hank no pudo evitar enamorarse perdidamente de ella.Hab?a querido comprar una esposa por un tiempo. Y ahora temblaba ante la posibilidad de perderla para siempre…
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  • Cacciatrice di taglie
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Stephanie Plum fa la cacciatrice di taglie per un’agenzia del New Jersey. Il suo compito ? ritrovare il misterioso Ranger, sospettato di aver ucciso il figlio di un boss del traffico d’armi. Ma Ranger ? anche l’uomo che ha insegnato a Stephanie tutto quello che sa del suo mestiere e che esercita su di lei un fascino pericoloso. E la cattura di Ranger non ? l’unico pensiero che non la fa dormire di notte. La spassosa nonna Mazur si ? trasferita da lei, un amico le ha affidato un cane bulimico, l’intimit? con il fidanzato Joe Morelli ? diventata impossibile, Stephanie deve pi? volte dissuadere dal suicidio un’amica e un maniaco tenta di ucciderla.
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  • Corazon Congelado
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • «Durante mi infancia mis aspiraciones eran sencillas: quer?a ser una princesa intergal?ctica.»La cazarrecompensas Stephanie Plum tiene una misi?n bastante simple: todo lo que tiene que hacer es llevar a los tribunales a un viejecito sordo, casi ciego y con problemas de pr?stata, acusado de contrabando de cigarrillos. ?Es culpa suya si se le escurre continuamente de entre las manos?Las cosas se complicar?n todav?a m?s despu?s de que dos de sus amigos desaparezcan misteriosamente tras ser atacados por una jubilada enloquecida y de que su perfecta hermana Valerie le pida consejos sobre c?mo hacerse lesbiana.Quiz? la vida de Stephanie ser?a m?s f?cil ?y menos divertida? si no estuviera tratando de huir de su propia boda, si su abuela no se empe?ara en acompa?arla en una Harley Davidson y, por supuesto, si el incre?blemente sexy Ranger no le ofreciera su ayuda a cambio de una perfecta noche de pasi?n…
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  • Deux fois n’est pas coutume
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • St?phanie Plum est chasseuse de prime. Sa sp?cialit? : ramener les lib?r?s sous caution r?calcitrants au tribunal. Un job sans grande surprise, sauf quand il s'agit de mettre la main sur Kenny Mancuso. Un vrai coriace tremp? dans une affaire de trafic d'armes, qui passe son temps ? d?couper des cadavres et ? envoyer les morceaux ? St?phanie. Sans compter les quarante cercueils disparus d'une entreprise de pompes fun?bres. Un vrai casse-t?te. ?videmment, tout irait mieux si Morelli, flic et pot de colle, n'?tait pas toujours pendu ? ses basques. Heureusement, St?phanie ? une grand-m?re qui s'y conna?t en flingues et en salons fun?raires.
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  • Explosive Eighteen
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum's life is set to blow sky high when international murder hits dangerously close to home, in this dynamite novel by Janet Evanovich.Before Stephanie can even step foot off Flight 127 from Hawaii to Newark, she's knee deep in trouble. Her dream vacation turned into a nightmare, she's flying back to New Jersey solo, and someone who sounds like Sasquatch is snoring in row 22. Worse still, her seatmate never returned to the plane after the L.A. layover. Now he's dead, in a garbage can, waiting for curbside pickup. His killer could be anyone. The ...
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  • Finger Lickin’ Fifteen
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, June 23, 2009EVENT: The next Stephanie Plum novel, in which complications arise, loyalties are tested, cliffhangers are resolved, and donuts are eaten.WHERE: Wherever books are sold across AmericaWHAT TO BRING: Sunglasses, insect repellant, a flotation device, suntan lotion, cheez-doodles, extra-large towel, fire extinguisher, baseball bat, lip balm, monkey leash, sixty three pieces of chewing gum, and one canister of oxygen (don't ask). Hey, it's a Stephanie Plum novel!
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  • Foul Play
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When Amy Klasse loses her TV job to a dancing chicken, handsome veterinarian Jake Elliott rescues her with an offer to be his receptionist. Jake just can't resist a damsel in distress, and Amy certainly doesn't mind Jake's charming sincerity.Then suddenly the job-stealing chicken disappears and Amy is suspected of foul play. Amy and Jake search for clues to prove her innocence. But will Jake be able to prove to Amy that love, too, is a mystery worth solving?
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  • Full Blast
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:Get ready to have the hottest time of your life with the sizzling duo of newspaper editor Jamie Swift and mysterious millionaire Max Holt. My good friend Charlotte Hughes and I set out to create a whole new world, separate from my Stephanie Plum novels, yet inhabited by the same kind of zany, hilarious, and totally unique characters that we love.There's never a dull moment for the residents of Beaumont, South Carolina. Lately, a heat wave's spiked the mercury- and everyone's sex drive! These days, when Jamie runs into Max, it's all she can ...
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  • Full Bloom
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:The temperature's on "sizzle" again in Beaumont, South Carolina, where peach trees are in season and ripe for the picking. So is its newest entrepreneur, Annie Fortenberry, who has inherited her grandmother's B&B (and its eccentric handyman Erdle Thorney). According to a local psychic she also inherited a spirit from its glory days as a brothel- not the kind of publicity the Peach Tree Bed & Breakfast needs if it's hosting millionaire Max Holt's upcoming wedding! If rumors of a naughty, prank-playing ghost aren't stressful enough, a mysterious man has arrived with an eye on Annie ...
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  • Full House
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:I've been hearing from many of you that you'd like to see more books that entertain the way my Stephanie Plum novels do. So my good friend, Charlotte Hughes, and I teamed up to bring you a brand-new series of books. These new books are not set in the world of Plum, but they are written in the Plum tradition with fast-paced action, dysfunctional loveable characters, steamy sex, suspense and lots of laughs.The series is kicked off by Full House, a slightly off-center love story about a devious man, an uncooperative woman, and a ...
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  • Full Scoop
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:Mercury's in retrograde, and folks in Beaumont, South Carolina, are dealing with gossip, scandal, misunderstandings, and more secrets than ever. Local pediatrician Maggie Davenport has even bigger worries. Her wild-girl past has caught up with her in the form of her ex-boyfriend, a jailbird who just flew the coop — and is bent on tracking down Maggie and her daughter. Fortunately, FBI agent Zack Madden is on hand for protection. Unfortunately his presence is turning up the heat on an attraction Maggie simply has no time for… or does she? But Maggie and Zack aren't the only ...
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  • Full Speed
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:Welcome to the world of Jamie Swift and Max Holt! My good friend Charlotte and I have teamed up to create a series of books featuring these two characters, and they taken on a life of their own! These books are not set in the same world as my Stephanie plum novels, but what they have in common are lovable, dysfunctional characters, villains you love to hate, and a cross-eyed way of looking at life.Jamie and Max have intense chemistry- even though they drive each other crazy. Max thinks Jamie is a magnet for ...
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  • Full Tilt
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:With Full House, my good friend Charlotte Hughes and I teamed up to create an exciting new series. Now we bring you the second book, Full Tilt, which is filled with even more fast-paced action, crazy characters, steamy sex, suspense and nonstop hilarity. While these books are not set in the world of my Stephanie Plum novels, we're convinced they will bring you all the fun, the wisecracks, and the adventure that we love.Jamie Swift has one priority in quiet Beaumont, South Carolina: running the local newspaper. Romance runs second. But with the arrival ...
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  • Hero at Large
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Hero at Large is a delightful mix of laughter and romance-a newly revised classic from #1 New York Times bestseller Janet Evanovich, author of Metro Girl, The Grand Finale, and the sensational Stephanie Plum novels. Evanovich’s many fans will flock to this zany tale of a single-mom skating coach and the handsome “house husband” hunk she brings home…after breaking his arm and his toe!
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  • Hot Six
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum and Trenton vice cop Joe Morelli join forces to find the madman killer who shot and barbecued the youngest son of international black-market arms dealer Alexander Ramos.Carlos Manoso, street name Ranger, is caught on video just minutes before the crime occurs. He's at the scene, he's with the victim, and he's the number-one suspect. Manoso is former special forces turned soldier of fortune. He has a blue-chip stock portfolio and no known address. He moves in mysterious circles. He's Stephanie's mentor-the man who taught her everything she knows about fugitive apprehension. And he's ...
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  • Hot Stuff
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Dear Reader,If you like hot men, hot action and hot attraction you're going to love this HOT new series! HOT STUFF introduces Cate Madigan, a Boston native from a large and crazy Irish family. Cate has far too much going on to get involved in extracurricular activities, like men and marriage. She spends all day in school, earning her teaching degree, and all night working as a bartender in Boston's South End. Ex-cop Kellen McBride has decided to make Cate's bar his nightly haunt. He likes Cate's sassy Irish spirit and wild red hair. He also has ...
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  • Lean Mean Thirteen
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. In her rollicking 13th Stephanie Plum adventure (after Twelve Sharp), bestseller Evanovich is in top, quirky form. Plucky, bumbling New Jersey bounty hunter Plum is reunited with her two-timing lawyer ex-husband, Dickie Orr, while doing a favor for the mysterious, sexy Ranger. But when Dickie disappears from his house leaving behind only bloodstains and bullet holes, Plum becomes the prime suspect in his alleged murder. Determined to clear her name, Plum and her on-again off-again Trenton cop boyfriend, the irresistible Joe Morelli, uncover Dickie's ties to a shady group of men involved in ...
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  • Love in a Nutshell
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Number one bestselling author Janet Evanovich teams up with award-winning author Dorien Kelly to deliver a sparkling novel of romantic suspense, small-town antics, secretive sabotage, and lots and lots of beerKate Appleton needs a job. Her husband has left her, she's been fired from her position as a magazine editor, and the only place she wants to go is to her parents' summer house, The Nutshell, in Keene's Harbor, Michigan. Kate's plan is to turn The Nutshell into a Bed and Breakfast. Problem is, she needs cash, and the only job she can land is less than ...
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  • Love Overboard aka Ivan Takes a Wife
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Sinfully handsome schooner captain Ivan Rasmussen deserved to be called Ivan the Terrible, Stephanie Lowe decided. First he sold her a haunted house, and now he was laughing at her Calamity Jane cooking! She'd only agreed to work one voyage of his Maine coastal cruise in exchange for the house repairs promised by her cousin, who'd run off to marry a plumber. When the brazen Ivan, descendent of a pirate, swept her into his arms during a moonlight rendezvous, Stephanie knew how it felt to be pirate's treasure! Ivan teased her, flirted with her, and made her feel cherished as no one ever had, but when would her sexy scoundrel deliver the ravishing he promised?
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  • Motor Mouth
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Miami is still freakin’ humid. The nights are even hotter. And there’s a body on ice. And that’s just the beginning of this adrenaline-rush of a hot-wired ride from phenomenal #1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich.A woman with a taste for speed and a talent for breaking the rules, Barney also knows a little too much about cheating. First there was Hooker and that salesclerk. Now she’s convinced one of the competitors is up to no good on the track. Snooping to find evidence, Hooker and Barney “borrow” a NASCAR hauler. Turns out, ...
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  • Notorious Nineteen
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • After a slow summer of chasing low-level skips for her cousin Vinnie’s bail bonds agency, Stephanie Plum finally lands an assignment that could put her bank balance back in the black. Geoffrey Cubbin, facing trial for embezzling millions from Trenton’s premier assisted-living facility, has mysteriously vanished from the hospital after an emergency appendectomy. Now it’s on Stephanie to track down the con man. The problem is, Cubbin has disappeared without a trace, a witness, or his money-hungry wife. Rumours are stirring that he must have had help with the daring escape . . . or that maybe he never ...
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  • Plum Lovin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Watch your back Look both ways Because love is in the air And that means big trouble! Mysterious men have a way of showing up in Stephanie Plum's apartment. When the shadowy Diesel appears, he has a task for Stephanie – and he's not taking no for an answer. Annie Hart is a "relationship expert" who is wanted for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. Stephanie needs to find her, fast. Diesel knows where she is. So they make a deal: He'll help her get Annie if Stephanie plays matchmaker to several of Annie's most difficult clients. But someone wants to find Annie even more than Diesel and Stephanie. Someone with a nasty temper. And someone with "unmentionable" skills. Does Diesel know more that he's saying about Annie Hart? Does Diesel have secrets he's keeping from Stephanie and the two men in her life – Ranger and Morelli? With Stephanie Plum in over her head, things are sure to get a little dicey and a little explosive, Jersey style!
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  • Plum Spooky
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The First Full Length Stephanie Plum Between-the-Numbers Novel from #1 Bestselling Author Janet Evanovich.Turn on all the lights and check under your bed. Things are about to get spooky in Trenton, New Jersey. According to legend, the Jersey Devil prowls the Pine Barrens and soars above the treetops in the dark of night. As eerie as this might seem, there are things in the Barrens that are even more frightening and dangerous. And there are monkeys. Lots of monkeys. Wulf Grimoire is a world wanderer and an opportunist who can kill without remorse and disappear like smoke. He’...
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