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Книги 1176—1200 из 1474.
  • 1612 год
  • Евдокимов Дмитрий
  • Над историческим романом «1612 год» современный писатель Д. Евдокимов работал почти полвека, начав собирать материалы о «Смутном времени» ещё на студенческой скамье. Много лет автор искал в летописях, в переписке и воспоминаниях современников бесценные крупицы жизни тех лет, чтобы воссоздать образ великого деятеля России, замечательного полководца Дмитрия Пожарского и его боевых соратников.

  • 1661
  • Жего Ив
  • Париж, 1661-й год… Кардинал Мазарини при смерти. Заговорщики похищают из его кабинета папку с секретными документами, а главное — код к таинственному свитку, который оказывается не чем иным, как Пятым Евангелием. Если эта реликвия будет явлена миру, она коренным образом перестроит существующий порядок, перевернет все представления о власти и, возможно, изменит ход истории…

  • 1805
  • Вудмен Ричард
  • The sixth book in the Nathaniel Drinkwater seriesAnother installment in Woodman's ongoing series featuring Nathaniel Drinkwater of the British Navy. Here, Drinkwater is the skipper of the British vessel Antigone, which is massing with other Royal Navy ships as part of Admiral Nelson's blockade against Napoleon's fleet in what would be the disastrous Battle of Trafalgar. Drinkwater, however, is captured by the French and soon is on the receiving end of the British bombardment.

  • A Brig of War
  • Woodman Richard
  • In A Brig of War, Nathaniel Drinkwater is promoted lieutenant of the brig HELLEBORE. He finds routine convoy escort duties end abruptly when Admiral Nelson, pursuing the French fleet to Egypt, sends HELLEBORE to the Red Sea with an urgent warning to the British squadron there. However, Nelson's apprehensions over French ambitions in the East are more than justified. Edouard Santhonax, Drinkwater's old enemy, is already preparing for a French descent on India. The hunt for this elusive Frenchman and his frigate is combined with British naval operations on the flank of Napoleon's Egyptian campaign. It is during the attack on Kosseir that Drinkwater is left for dead. His escape and the subsequent desperate attack on Santhonax leads to a still more dangerous situation under Augustus Morris, former tyrant of the midshipmen's berth on HMS CYCLOPS.

  • A Call to Arms
  • Mallinson Allan
  • 1817 and 1818 have not been good years for Matthew Hervey. His beloved wife Henrietta is dead and he is no longer in the Sixth regiment. Now he is kicking his heels in a corrupt and unruly England far removed from its once glorious past. 1819 sees Hervey in Rome with his sister Elizabeth where a chance meeting with man of letters Percy Bysshe Shelley leads him to rethink his future. Realizing just how much he misses the excitement of military action and the camaraderie of his regiment, Hervey hurriedly purchases a new commission and is refitted for the uniform of the 6...

  • A private revenge
  • Вудмен Ричард
  • In the aftermath of a typhoon, Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater brings His Britannic Majesty's frigate into the shelter of the Pearl River on the China coast. Seeking the means to refit, he is unwittingly entangled in bizarre events following the British occupation of Macao and Admiral Drury's attack on Canton.Initially relieved to be assigned the straightforward duty of a convoy escort to Penang, Captain Drinkwater quickly discovers that the convoy's cargo con­tains a mysterious quantity of silver and a single passenger. An apparently routine task is suddenly complicated by the resurrection of an old, embittered hatred, and Captain Drinkwater finds himself drawn inexorably by treachery, greed, perversity, and cruelty towards a climactic rendezvous in the remote tropical rain forest of Borneo.

  • A Regimental Affair
  • Mallinson Allan
  • ALLAN MALLINSON’S and stirred readers and critics with the military adventures of young Captain Matthew Hervey at the Battle of Waterloo and amid the harsh terrain and treacherous intrigues of India. Now, in 1817, Hervey returns to an England whose hard-won peace is shaken by the distress and discord of its people. And even as he is caught up in the turbulent dawn of a new era, he must combat a deliberate attempt to orchestrate his own ruin.The honors he won in India fell short of Captain Matthew Hervey’s deepest desire — to return to his beloved 6...

  • A Ship of the Line
  • Forester Cecil
  • May 1810, seventeen years deep into the Napoleonic Wars. Captain Horatio Hornblower is newly in command of his first ship of the line, the seventy-four-gun HMS Sutherland, which he deems “the ugliest and least desirable two-decker in the Navy List.” Moreover, she is 250 men short of a full crew, so Hornblower must enlist and train “poachers, bigamists, sheepstealers,” and other landlubbers. By the time the Sutherland reaches the blockaded Catalonian coast of Spain, the crew is capable of staging five astonishing solo raids against the French. But the grisly prospect of defeat and capture looms for both captain and crew as the Sutherland single-handedly takes on four French ships.

  • Agincourt
  • Cornwell Bernard
  • “The greatest writer of historical adventures today” () tackles his richest, most thrilling subject yet—the heroic tale of Agincourt.Young Nicholas Hook is dogged by a cursed past—haunted by what he has failed to do and banished for what he has done. A wanted man in England, he is driven to fight as a mercenary archer in France, where he finds two things he can love: his instincts as a fighting man, and a girl in trouble. Together they survive the notorious massacre at Soissons, an event that shocks all Christendom. With no options left, Hook ...

  • Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
  • Боуден Оливер
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood — это роман по мотивам одноимённой игры. Роман является прямым сиквелом другой книги — Assassin's Creed: Renaissance того же писателя, Оливера Боудена. На это раз Эцио отправляется в некогда великий Рим. В городе процветает нищета, коррупция и жестокость. Но грядут перемены! Эцио Аудиторе да Фиренце восстановит Рим и уничтожит семью Борджиа!

  • Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance
  • Боуден Оливер
  • Assassin's Creed: Renaissance — это роман, основанный на цикле Assassin's Creed, написанном Оливером Боуденом (Oliver Bowden) и опубликованный Penguin Books. Это печатная версия игры Assassin's Creed II; вместо того чтобы обхватить огромный промежуток времени, действия происходят только в XV веке без упоминаний современных событий игры.

  • Ath??anka Th?is
  • Jefremov Ivan
  • D?lo Ivana Jefremova „Ath??anka Thais” vykro?ilo z hranic v?deck? fantastiky. Vypr?v? o historick? ?d?losti, sp?len? Persepolis proslulou ath?nskou h?terou Thais. Jefremov v rom?nu sezn?m? ?ten??e nejen s rozporuplnou postavou Alexandra Makedonsk?ho, ale hlavn? postava Thais ho provede i r?zn?mi starov?k?mi n?bo?ensk?mi kulty spjat? s velkou ?enskou bohyn?. P?i v?le?n?ch ta?en?ch Alexandra po cel?m sv?t? za?ije chv?le mocensk?ch triumf? i ktastrofick? konec, ke kter?mu spolu s Alexandrem dosp?je hel?nsk? ???e.