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Книги 426—450 из 759.

  • Absoluci?n Por Asesinato
  • Tremayne Peter
  • Durante el s?nodo de Whitby, en el a?o 664 d.C, la Iglesia romana y la Iglesia celta se encuentran m?s enfrentadas que nunca. De hecho, estamos ante lo que puede llegar a ser una guerra de religiones en la Europa de las edades oscuras.En ese ambiente, entre sacerdotes, doctores y reyes, empiezan a aparecer cad?veres brutalmente asesinados.Entre sospechas y recelos, se encomienda la investigaci?n a una monja de obediencia celta especialista en derecho, sor Fidelma, pero se le asigna como colaborador a un saj?n perteneciente a la Iglesia romana, Eadulf, de quien se desconocen las intenciones. Mientras, a las puertas de la abad?a la peste hace estragos y se prepara una conspiraci?n contra el rey de Northumbria.

  • An Instance of the Fingerpost
  • Pears Iain
  • We are in Oxford in the 1660s—a time, and place, of great intellectual, scientific, religious and political ferment. Robert Grove, a fellow of New College is found dead in suspicious circumstances. A young woman is accused of his murder. We hear about the events surrounding his death from four witnesses—Marco da Cola, a Venetian Catholic intent on claiming credit for the invention of blood transfusion; Jack Prescott, the son of a supposed traitor to the Royalist cause determined to vindicate his father; John Wallis, chief cryptographer to both Cromwell and Charles II, a mathematician, theologican and inveterate plotter; and Anthony Wood, the famous Oxford antiquary. Each witness tells their version of what happened. Only one reveals the extraordinary truth. is a magnificent tour de force—an utterly compelling historical mystery story with a plot that twists and turns and keeps the reader guessing until the very last page.

  • An Unmarked Grave
  • Todd Charles
  • In the spring of 1918, the Spanish Flu epidemic spreads, killing millions of soldiers and civilians across the globe. Overwhelmed by the constant flow of wounded soldiers coming from the French front, battlefield nurse Bess Crawford must now contend with hundreds of influenza patients as well. But war and disease are not the only killers to strike. Bess discovers, concealed among the dead waiting for burial, the body of an officer who has been murdered. Though she is devoted to all her patients, this soldier's death touches her deeply. Not only did the man serve in her father's former regiment, ...

  • And Only to Deceive
  • Alexander Tasha
  • In this charming late Victorian romantic suspense novel, Emily, a young and beautiful widow, regrets her husband's African hunting expedition death less than is proper. The late Philip, Viscount Ashton, had a passion for classical antiquity, and Emily, in an attempt to get to know her husband postmortem, uses her newfound independence in London to study it. In the process, she forms a friendship with Cecile du Lac, a Parisian of a certain age, and realizes that there was more to Philip than she realized—including his genuine passion and love for her. The charming Colin Hargreaves may have ...

  • Artorius
  • Vidal C?sar
  • Britannia, amenazada por la ca?da del Imperio romano y por el avance de los b?rbaros, ve nacer la leyenda art?rica a trav?s de la historia real del rey Artorius.A fines del siglo V d.C., el Imperio romano agonizaba a causa de su decadencia interna y las embestidas b?rbaras. Cuando Roma se desplom?, no fueron pocos los que pensaron que su civilizaci?n deb?a ser salvada de aquellos que pretend?an aniquilarla. Entre ellos, se encontraba un oficial romano llamado Lucius Artorius Castus, que en la lejana Britannia decidi? mantener la ...