Perry Anne -
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Книги 1—25 из 51.
- A Breach of Promise
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- In a sensational breach of promise suit, two wealthy social climbers are suing on behalf of their beautiful daughter, Zillah. The defendant is Zillah's alleged fianc?, brilliant young architect Killian Melville, who adamantly declares that he will not, cannot, marry her. Utterly baffled by his client's refusal, Melville's counsel, Sir Oliver Rathbone, turns to his old comrades in crime -investigator William Monk and nurse Hester Latterly. But even as they scout London for clues, the case suddenly and tragically ends. An outcome that no one -except a ruthless murderer- could have foreseen.
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- A Sudden, Fearful Death
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Another Perry mystery that highlights the frustrating status of women in Victorian England. The story hinges on society's low opinion of nurses and of both single and married women who seek abortions. A talented nurse is found strangled, and Inspector Monk and his friends, a nurse and a lawyer, follow the clues to see that the murderer will hang. It is difficult to decide which element is the author's true forte-the details of everyday life or the suspenseful courtroom dialogues. The plot has many twists and turns. Readers may suspect some of the answers, but surprises continue right until the last page. The opening chapters place readers in a subplot that provides background on different characters. The shift in the action is slightly confusing as these people are rarely mentioned again. However, Perry fans will not be disappointed, and newcomers will be entertained by a good mystery as they enter the world of Victorian high society.
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- Anne Perrys Christmas Mysteries
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Two holiday novels provide the perfect combination of mystery and murder mixed with a generous helping of Yuletide cheer.A CHRISTMAS GUESTWhen her daughter and son-in-law plan a Christmas vacation to Paris sans hers truly, Grandmama Mariah Ellison travels to the chilly, windswept Romney Marshes to spend the holiday with old friends. But when the body of a fellow guest is found lifeless in bed, Grandmama senses foul play and takes it upon herself to assume the role of amateur detective-uncovering startling truths about the victim… and herself as well.A CHRISTMAS SECRETDominic ...
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- Belgrave Square
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- The 12th mystery in the beloved Inspector and Charlotte Pitt Victorian mystery series, now a hardcover success. When a moneylender named William Weems is murdered, there is discreet rejoicing among those whose meager earnings he devoured. But the plot thickens when Inspector Pitt finds a list of London's distinguished gentlemen in Weems' office.
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- Brunswick Gardens
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- A century ago, Charles Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution rocked the civilized world, and the outraged Anglican church went on the warpath against it. In a mansion in London 's affluent Brunswick Gardens, the battle is intense, as that most respected clergyman, the Reverend Ramsay Parmenter, is boldly challenged by his beautiful assistant, Unity Bellwood – a "new woman" whose feminism and aggressive Darwinism he finds appalling. When Unity, three months pregnant, tumbles down the Parmenter's staircase to her death, Thomas Pitt, commander of the Bow Street police station, is virtually certain that one of the three deeply devout men in the house committed murder. Could it have been the Reverend Parmenter, his handsome curate, or his Roman Catholic son?
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- Cain His Brother
- Жанр: Исторический детектив
- In his family life, Angus Stonefield had been gentle and loving; in business, a man of probity; and in his relationship with his twin brother, Caleb, a virtual saint. Now Angus is missing, and it appears more than possible that Caleb-a creature long since abandoned to depravity-has murdered him.Hired to find the missing man, William Monk puts himself into his shoes, searching for clues to Angus's fate and his vicious brother's whereabouts. Slowly, Monk inches toward the truth-and also, unwittingly, toward the destruction of his good name and livelihood…
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- Dark Assassin
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- A superintendent in the Thames River Police, William Monk is on a patrol boat near Waterloo Bridge when he and his men notice a young couple standing at the railing, apparently engaged in an intense discussion. The woman places her hands on the man's shoulders. Is it a caress or a push? He grasps her. To save her or kill her? Seconds later, the pair plunges to death in the icy waters. Has Monk witnessed an accident, a suicide, or a murder? The ensuing investigation leads him toward a conspiracy that reverberates into the highest levels of Her Majesty's government.
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- Death Of A Stranger
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Hester Monk's voluntary work in Coldbath Square is increasingly demanding. Every night she tends to a stream of women of the streets who have been injured or become ill as a result of their trade. But the injuries are becoming more serious, and now a body has been discovered in one of the area's brothels. The dead man is none other than the wealthy and respectable Nolan Baltimore, head of Baltimore and Sons, a successful railway company. With calls for the police to clean up the streets, Hester decides she must intervene to protect these women who stand to ...
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- Defensa O Traici?n
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Cu?ndo el general Thaddeus Carlyon, insigne veterano del Imperio de Su Majestad, muere en una elegante fiesta londinense, nadie sospecha que se trate de un asesinato. Sin embargo, la bella esposa del general, Alexandra, se confiesa autora del crimen, lo que causar? una profunda conmoci?n en la aristocracia victoriana. El detective W?lliam Monk trabajar?, incansablemente junto a Oliver Rathbone, su colaborador habitual y abogado defensor de Alexandra Carlyon, para conseguir salvar la vida de la acusada. Defensa o traici?n, es la tercera novela de la serie de misterio victoriano protagonizada. por el detective William Monk.
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- Der Verr?ter von Westminster
- Жанр: Исторический детектив
- 1895: Politischer Aufruhr ersch?ttert ganz Europa. Inspektor Thomas Pitt will einen wichtigen Informanten treffen, doch dieser wird im letzten Moment ermordet. Pitt verfolgt gemeinsam mit einem Kollegen den mutma?lichen T?ter. Als dieser ?ber den Kanal flieht, observiert Pitt ihn in Frankreich weiter.Kaum ist er aus London fort, wird sein Vorgesetzter Narraway wegen angeblicher Veruntreuung von Geldern von seinem Amt suspendiert. Um die dahintersteckende Intrige aufzudecken und sich zu rehabilitieren, bricht er nach Irland auf. Pitts Ehefrau Charlotte begleitet ihn, da sie wei?, dass die Karriere ihres Mannes von Narraway abh?ngt. Die Recherchen in ...
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- El Brillo de la Seda
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- En la turbulenta Constantinopla del siglo XIII, una joven busca la verdad tras el exilio de su hermano.Anna Zarides llega a Constantinopla disfrazada de eunuco dispuesta a dedicarse a la medicina. Desde el momento en que llega a la ciudad, amenazada por las cruzadas, Anna pasa a ser Anastasio.Sin embargo, el viaje encierra un secreto: su hermano gemelo, Justiniano, ha sido acusado de asesinar al emperador Besari?n, y ella desea probar su inocencia. Mientras tanto, Constantinopla est? bajo el asedio de las tropas de Carlos de Anjou, y Anna aprovecha la oportunidad de salvar a su hermano.
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- El Equilibrio De La Balanza
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Sir Oliver Rathbone es un serio abogado de la ?poca victoriana, que nunca se mezcla en asuntos turbios. Por ello, todo el mundo se extra?a cuando acepta defender a la condesa Zorah Rostova, acusada de difamaci?n por haber insinuado que la princesa Gisela ha matado a su esposo, el pr?ncipe Friedrich. El detective William Monk es el encargado de investigar el caso. Tras determinar que s? hubo asesinato, debe descubrir el motivo e identificar al culpable. El equilibrio de la balanza es una nueva incursi?n de Anne Perry en las luces y las sombras de la Inglaterra victoriana.
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- El Grito Silencioso
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- El respetable abogado Leighton Duff aparece muerto a golpes en un s?rdido callej?n. A su lado, se encuentra el cuerpo moribundo de Ryhs, su hijo. La polic?a no es capaz de profundizar en el caso hasta que aparece en escena el sagaz inspector William Monk, que intuye una relaci?n entre este suceso y una serie de violaciones y palizas a prostitutas. Sorprendentemente, se cierne la sospecha de que ha sido el propio Ryhs quien ha matado a su padre.En los barrios bajos del Londres victoriano los ciudadanos llevan a cabo sus m?s vergonzosos y secretos negocios. Con dinero se puede conseguir cualquier cosa pero, a veces, el precio a pagar es la propia vida…
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- El pasado vuelve a Connemara
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Los planes de Emily Radley para Navidad quedan en nada cuando se entera de que su t?a Susannah se est? muriendo. A pesar de que no ten?an mucha relaci?n, Emily decide ir hasta Irlanda para acompa?arla en sus ?ltimos d?as. A su vez, Daniel, el ?nico superviviente de un naufragio a causa de una tormenta, busca cobijo en el hogar de Susannah. Emily acabar? irremediablemente envuelta en la investigaci?n de la muerte sin resolver de Connor, otra v?ctima de un naufragio, varios a?os atr?s, y lo que descubrir? es que algunas personas ser?n capaces de hacer cualquier cosa para mantener a salvo sus secretos.
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