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Приключения и путешествия - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 5026—5050 из 5353.

  • Rauch ?ber dem Mississippi
  • Kastner J.
  • Жанр: Приключения: прочее
  • Das Jahr des Herrn 1863 ist eine d?stere, hoffnungslose Zeit in Deutschland. Das einfache Volk ist verarmt. Wer Arbeit hat, schuftet f?r Groschen. Menschen sterben an Hunger und Epidemien.In dieser Zeit ist »Amerika« ein Wort der Hoffnung und Sehnsucht - ein Land, wo jeder sein Gl?ck machen und zu Wohlstand kommen kann. Ein magisches Wort auch f?r den jungen Handwerksgesellen Jacob Adler, der zu Unrecht des Mordversuchs beschuldigt wird und aus Deutschland fliehen muss.Doch sein Leben in Amerika wird h?rter und gefahrvoller sein, als er es sich in seinen ?rgsten Tr?umen vorzustellen vermag. Ein Abenteuer wartet auf Jacob Adler, wie es kaum ein zweiter je erlebt hat...

  • Reefs and Shoals
  • Lambdin Dewey
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • Pity poor Captain Alan Lewrie, Royal Navy! He’s been wind-muzzled for weeks in Portsmouth, snugly tucked into a warm shore bed with lovely, and loving, Lydia Stangbourne, a Viscount’s daughter, and beginning to enjoy indulging his idle streak, when Admiralty tears Lewrie away and order him to the Bahamas, into the teeth of ferocious winter storms. It’s enough to make a rakehell such as he weep and kick furniture! At least his new orders allow Lewrie to form a small squadron from what ships he can dredge up at Bermuda and New Providence and hoist his ...

  • Relentless Pursuit
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • It is December 1815 and Adam Bolitho's orders are unequivocal. As captain of His Majesty's frigate Unrivalled of forty-six guns, he is required to 'repair in the first instance to Freetown, Sierra Leone, and reasonably assist the senior officer of the patrolling squadron'. But all efforts of the British anti-slavery patrols to curb a flourishing trade in human life are hampered by unsuitable ships, by the indifference of a government more concerned with old enemies made distrustful allies, and by the continuing belligerence of the Dey of Algiers, which threatens to ignite a full-scale war. For Adam, also, there is no peace. Lost in grief and loneliness, his uncle's death still unavenged, he is uncertain of all but his identity as a man of war. The sea is his element, the ship his only home, and a reckless, perhaps doomed attack on an impregnable stronghold his only hope of settling the bitterest of debts.

  • Resolution
  • Паркер Роберт
  • Жанр: Вестерн
  • .After the bloody confrontation in Appaloosa, Everett Hitch heads into the afternoon sun and ends up in Resolution, an Old West town so new the dust has yet to settle. It's the kind of town that doesn't have much in the way of commerce, except for a handful of saloons and some houses of ill repute. Hitch takes a job as lookout at Amos Wolfson's Blackfoot Saloon and quickly establishes his position as protector of the ladies who work the backrooms - as well as a man unafraid to stand up to the enforcer sent down from the ...

  • Robinson Crusoe
  • Defoe Daniel
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • Der ber?hmteste Roman des englischen Schriftstellers Daniel Defoe erz?hlt die Lebensgeschichte eines Mannes, der Schiffbruch erleidet und 28 Jahre auf einer einsamen Insel vor der K?ste Amerikas verbringen muss. Die Geschichte des Romans beginnt, indem sich der Ich-Erz?hler als ein im Jahr 1632 in York geborener Sohn einer urspr?nglich aus Bremen stammenden Familie namens Kreutznaer vorstellt. „Crusoe“, so erf?hrt der Leser, sei dem zufolge nur eine anglikanische Korrumpierung des urspr?nglichen Namens. Robinson begibt sich erstmals 1651, gegen den Willen seiner Eltern, die f?r ihn eine Karriere als Anwalt vorgesehen hatten, auf hohe See, wo ...

  • Rolfs m??ame?os
  • Setons-Tompsons Ernests
  • Жанр: Вестерн
  • Ernests Setons-TompsonsRolfs m??ame?osNo ang?u valodas tulkojis Valdis Gr?vi??RIGA «SPR?D?TIS»Redaktors Guntars J?gerisM?kslinieks Uldus Sosnovskis© Janino Kursite, ievads, 1991 (C) Uldis Sosnovskis, m?kslinieciskais noform?­jums, 1991Van Kortlends sa??ra d?ci,- un s?k?s visneparast?k? c??a. ?aunais, izveic?gais, lokanais rad?jums v?l arvien met?s virs? advok?tam, skr?p?ja to nagiem un paguva ievainpt vair?k?s viet?s.D?! d?! — nolaid?t d?cis un tom?r velti.. Caunas sp?ks ...

  • Rosy Is My Relative
  • Durrell Gerald
  • Жанр: Природа и животные
  • Rosy, the elephant bequeathed to young Adrian Rookwhistle by a reprobate relative, turns out to be a handful; not only because of her size but also because of her fondness for strong drink. To Adrian she represents the chance to get away from a city shop and a suburban lodging by exploiting her theatrical talent and experience. To Rosy their progress towards the gayer South Coast resorts offers undreamed-of opportunities for drink and destruction.So the Monkspepper Hunt is driven to delirium and Lady Fenneltree’s stately home reduced to a shambles. In due course the constabulary catches up with the pair, whose ensuing trial is a triumph of the law and of Rosy’s enormous charm. The verdict is—but then the story has to be read to be believed, if then.In spite of all this the author firmly maintains that his first novel is entirely credible, further that it is “an almost true story”!

  • Жанр: Вестерн
  • SAT-OKSS??O KLIN?U ZEMEIZDEVNIEC?BA «LIESMA» R?GA 1967No krievu valodas tulkojusi A. OZOLA-SAKSE V?ku un titulu z?m?jis Z. KAMPARS Ilustr?jis V. ANDREJENKOVS«S??o Klin?u zeme» ir autobiogr?fisks st?sts, ko uzrakst?jis Sat-Oks, indi??u ?evan?zu cilts virsai?a un po?u revolucion?res d?ls.«Sat-Oks» ir indi??u v?rds un noz?m? «Gar? Spalva». So v?rdu mazais indi??u z?ns — uti — ieguvis nikn? sadursm? ar varenu ?rgli.Aizraujo?i un po?tiski Sat-Oks st?sta par savu neparasto b?rn?bu, ko pavad?jis Kan?das m??a­me?os, par mednieku cilts dz?vi, tikumiem un pa­ra??m, par lieliskiem indi??u jaunek?iem karot?­jiem, drosm?giem un v?ri???giem, kas ir lepni uz savu br?v?bu, paz?st skaudros me?a likumus, ir hu­m?ni nepiecie?amaj? c??? ar varenajiem biezok?u iem?tniekiem. Bet biezoknis — tas ir ?evan?zu cilts m?jas, vi?u t?vu un vect?vu m?jas, vi?u dzimtene.