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Cussler Clive - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 52.
  • Arctic Drift
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A potential breakthrough discovery to reverse global warming… a series of unexplained sudden deaths in British Columbia… a rash of international incidents between the United States and one of its closest allies that threatens to erupt into an actual shooting war… NUMA director Dirk Pitt and his children, Dirk. Jr. and Summer, have reason to believe there’s a connection here somewhere, but they also know they have very little time to find it before events escalate out of control. Their only real clue might just be a mysterious silvery mineral traced to a long-ago expedition in search of the fabled Northwest Passage. But no one survived from that doomed mission, captain and crew perished to a man — and if Pitt and his colleague Al Giordino aren’t careful, the very same fate may await them.
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  • B??kitne Z?oto
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Tom 2 cyklu „Z archiw?w NUMA”.Pradawna legenda, rewolucyjne odkrycie i najs?ynniejszy obok Dirka Pitta bohater Cusslera w pojedynku z szale?cem opanowanym ??dz? w?adzy.Rok 1991. Brazylijska uczona dokonuje epokowego odkrycia. Ale jej samolot przepada gdzie? nad Ameryk? Po?udniow?…Rok 2001. Kurt Austin i cz?onkowie NUMA napotykaj? u wybrze?y Kalifornii stado martwych wieloryb?w. Usi?uj?c odkry? przyczyn? ?mierci zwierz?t, docieraj? do tajnego podwodnego laboratorium, opuszczonej bazy lotniczej na Alasce, a wreszcie do serca wenezuelskiej d?ungli i tajemniczego plemienia – stra?nik?w niewyobra?alnego sekretu. I ujawniaj? zbrodniczy plan, kt?rego celem jest panowanie nad ?wiatem…
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  • Black Wind
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • Clive Cussler's dazzling new Dirk Pitt(r) adventure. Nobody has been able to match Cussler yet for the intricate plotting and sheer audacity of his work, and *Black Wind* sets the bar even higher. In the waning days of World War II, the Japanese tried a last desperate measure-a different kind of kamikaze mission, this one carried out by two submarines bound for the West Coast of the United States, their cargo a revolutionary new strain of biological virus. Neither sub made it to the designated target. But that does not mean they were lost. Someone knows about the ...
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  • Blue Gold
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A POD OF WHALES, DEAD WITHOUT REASON IN SAN DIEGO BAY . . . A PRIMITIVE BRAZILIAN TRIBE WHOSE SECRETS COULD SAVE LIVES . . .A BILLIONAIRE TYCOON SET ON WORLD DOMINATION . . .An investigation into the sudden deaths of a pod of gray whales leads National Underwater & Marine Agency leader Kurt Austin to the Mexican coast, where someone tries to put him and his mini-sub permanently out of commission. Meanwhile, in South America’s lush hills, a specially assigned NUMA® team discovers a murdered body-a member of a mysterious local tribe, who live like ghosts beyond a five-part waterfall the locals call the Hand of God, and are rumored to be led by a mythical white goddess. Now they are in danger from a vicious cadre of bio-pirates intent on stealing medicinal discoveries worth millions.
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  • Crescent Dawn
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • In A.D. 327, a Roman galley barely escapes a pirate attack with its extraordinary cargo. In 1916, a British warship mysteriously explodes in the middle of the North Sea. In the present day, a cluster of important mosques in Turkey and Egypt are wracked by explosions. Does anything tie them together?NUMA director Dirk Pitt is about to find out, as Roman artifacts discovered in Turkey and Israel unnervingly connect to the rise of a fundamentalist movement determined to restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire, and to the existence of a mysterious "manifest," lost long ago, which if discovered again… just may change the history of the world as we know it.
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  • Cyclops
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un c?lebre multimillonario americano desaparece mientras vuela en un dirigible sobre el Caribe buscando el tesoro del naufragado barco mercante Cyclops…El Presidente de los Estados Unidos recibe una misteriosa propuesta de pacto de amistad por parte de Fidel Castro…En la Luna vive un grupo de cient?ficos americanos que desarrolla el proyecto «Jersey», altamente confidencial, a punto de ser descubierto por los rusos…?Tienen alguna relaci?n entre s? estas tres situaciones, a simple vista tan dispares? ?Existe un hilo comunicante?En todos estos extra?os sucesos se ve mezclado Dirk Pitt, ...
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  • Czarny Wiatr
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ostatnie dni II wojny ?wiatowej. Do wybrze?y Stan?w Zjednoczonych dop?ywa japo?ski okr?t podwodny. Ale nie wype?nia powierzonego mu tajnego zadania. Zatopiony przez ameryka?ski niszczyciel znika na dnie oceanu wraz ze swym ?adunkiem…Rok 2007. Kto? wie o misji sprzed sze??dziesi?ciu lat. I zamierza wykorzysta? to, co przewozi? japo?ski okr?t, by przeprowadzi? podst?pny plan. Na jego drodze stoi jednak troje ludzi: pi?kna biolog, m?ody in?ynier i ich ojciec, szef NUMA – Dirk Pitt.
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  • Deep Six
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • A ghost ship drifts across the northern Pacific…A Soviet luxury liner burns like a funeral pyre…And the U.S. President's yacht is heading for disaster…Somewhere off the coast of Alaska, a sunken cargo poses a threat of unthinkable proportions. Potentially, the lost shipment of chemicals could destroy all life in the ocean — and perhaps the world — unless DIRK PITT® can find it first. But time is running out for the NUMA agent and his team. Pitt's main target is just one deadly component of a vast international conspiracy fueled by hijacking, bribery, and murder. And at the center of it all is a powerful Korean shipping empire with a chilling political agenda — to kidnap the President of the United States…
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  • Devils Gate
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A Japanese cargo ship cruises the eastern Atlantic near the Azores- when it bursts into flames. A gang of pirates speeds to take advantage of the disaster- when their boat explodes. What is happening in that part of the world? As Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala, and the rest of the NUMA(r) Special Assignments Team rush to investigate, they find themselves drawn into the extraordinary ambitions of an African dictator, the creation of a weapon of almost mythical power, and an unimaginably audacious plan to extort the world's major nations. Their penalty for refusal? The destruction of their greatest cities.
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  • Dragon
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • A PLUNDERED TREASURE IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS . . . A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION IN THE PACIFIC . . . AN EVIL PLOT TO BRING THE WEST TO ITS KNEES!A Japanese cargo ship bound for the United States is instantly, thunderously vaporized by Japanese fanatics with a chilling plan to devastate and destroy the Western powers. While Washington bureaucrats scramble, a brutal industrialist commands his blackmail scheme from a secret island control center. But from the ocean depths, NUMA agent DIRK PITT® is igniting a daring counterattack. Battling death-dealing robots and a human-hunting descendant of samurai warriors, Pitt alone controls the West’s secret ace in the hole: a tidal wave of destruction waiting to be triggered on the ocean floor!
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  • Fire Ice
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In his novels Serpent and Blue Gold, #1 bestselling author Clive Cussler introduced a hero for the new millennium: Kurt Austin, the leader of NUMA's Special Assignment Team, and an instant hit with critics and fans. Tulsa World said, "As always, Cussler twists fact and fiction into a rope of tension that will leave you dangling until the last page." Now Kurt Austin returns to tackle his most dangerous mission to date… In the heart of the old Soviet Union, a mining tycoon is determined to overthrow the Russian government-distracting the U.S. with a man-made natural disaster using a notoriously unstable compound known as "fire ice." Detonation of this compound could create a tidal wave big enough to destroy a major city. But Kurt Austin and his Special Assignment Team are about to make a few waves of their own…
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  • Hawajski Wir
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Pierwsza napisana przez Clive'a Cusslera powie??, kt?rej bohaterem jest Dirk Pitt, jednak?e wydana dopiero jako sz?sta, po d?ugotrwa?ej presji przyjaci??, rodziny, wydawcy i sympatyk?w.Na tajemniczym obszarze niedaleko Hawaj?w bez ?ladu gin? statki. Dop?ki s? to frachtowce i jachty, nikt si? tym nie interesuje, ale gdy ofiar? staje si? najnowszy okr?t podwodny US NAVY, to ju? zupe?nie inna historia
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  • Het goud van Kamtsjatka
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Juan Cabrillo en zijn samengeraapte bemanning aan boord van het spionageschip Oregon hebben in het verleden fortuin gemaakt door het uitvoeren van gevaarlijke opdrachten voor machtige westerse instanties. Maar de nieuwste klanten voor Cabrillo’s speciale diensten komen uit het oosten – het Verre Oosten. Het is een consortium van Japanse scheepsmagnaten, wier bron van inkomsten wordt bedreigd door piraten die de Aziatische wateren afstropen. Aanvankelijk waren de kleinere jachten slachtoffer, maar nu verdwijnen er gigantische koopvaardijschepen.
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  • Iceberg
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Frozen inside a million-ton mass of ice — the charred remains of a long-missing luxury yacht, vanished en route to a secret White House rendezvous. The only clues to the ships priceless — and missing — cargo: nine ornately carved rings and the horribly burned bodies of its crew.DIRK PITT, intrepid hero of Clive Cussler's smash bestsellers Dragon, Sahara, and Inca Gold, confronts the most lethal network of intrigue and murder in his war against international crime. Only his strength, skill and daring can thwart a supercharged scheme that could blow every fuse on earth!
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  • Inca Gold
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • When a tsunami hit a Spanish treasure galleon, all trace of a golden hoard greater than that of any pharaoh's vanished into history. Until NUMA agent DIRK PITT® dives into an ancient sacrificial pool far into the Andean jungle in order to rescue two archaeologists, and plunges into a vortex of corruption, betrayal, and death. A sinister crime syndicate has traced the long-lost treasure -- worth almost a billion dollars -- from the Andes to the banks of a hidden underground river flowing beneath a Mexican desert. Nothing will stop their ruthless and murderous drive to recover the gold. ...
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  • La Odisea De Troya
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Una marea gigante de agua contaminada amenaza la costa de Nicaragua. Al tiempo, un enorme y misterioso hurac?n se forma en el Caribe y avanza con una velocidad asombrosa.En su camino se encuentra un barco de cruceros, de dimensiones nunca vistas. La muerte amenaza a un n?mero incalculable de personas. Dirk Pitt, su hijo y Al Giordano acuden a rescatarles, pero cuando lo han hecho descubren algo aterrador, que supone una amenaza para toda la humanidad. Dispondr?n de pocos d?as para detener una cat?strofe que puede cambiar el mundo para siempre.La odisea de Troya es una aventura grandiosa, una muestra m?s del talento excepcional de un maestro del g?nero.
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  • Lost City
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • The key to eternal life has been found beneath two thousand feet of icy water in an area known as the "Lost City." To a family of ruthless French arms dealers the Lost City is the key to world domination. To Kurt Austin, leader of NUMA's Special Assignments Team, and his colleague Joe Zavala, it may be their greatest—and deadliest—challenge of all.Kurt Austin, leader of the National Underwater and Marine Agency's Special Assignments Team, battles international evildoers again in the fifth installment of this excellent series. There are several parallel plots: a mysterious aviator ...
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  • Lost Empire
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Sam and Remi Fargo, heroes of Spartan Gold, return in this extraordinary new adventure from the number-one New York Times- bestselling author. With Spartan Gold, a daring thriller that Publishers Weekly proclaimed "solidly in the Cussler tradition, [and] sure to please new fans and old," Clive Cussler introduced husband-and-wife treasure-hunting team Sam and Remi Fargo. In their electrifying new adventure, the Fargos make a startling discovery that others would kill to keep hidden… While scuba diving in Tanzania, Sam and Remi Fargo come upon a relic belonging to a long-lost Confederate ship. An anomaly about the relic sets them off chasing a mystery-but unknown to them, a much more powerful force is engaged in the same chase. Mexico's ruling party, the ultranationalist Mexica Tenochca, is intent on finding that artifact as well, because it contains a secret that could destroy the party utterly.
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  • Medusa
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In the Micronesian Islands, a top secret, U.S. government- sponsored undersea lab conducting vital biomedical research on a rare jellyfish known as the Blue Medusa suddenly . . . disappears. At the same time, off Bermuda, a bathysphere is attacked by an underwater vehicle and left helpless a half mile below the surface, its passengers-including Zavala-left to die. Only Kurt Austin's heroic measures save them from a watery grave, but, suspecting a connection, Austin puts the NUMA(r) team on the case. He has no idea what he's just gotten them all into. A hideous series of medical experiments . . . an extraordinarily ambitious Chinese criminal organization . . . a secret new virus that threatens to set off a worldwide pandemic. Austin and Zavala have been in tight spots before, but this time it's not just their own skins they're trying to save-it's the lives of millions.
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  • Pacific Vortex!
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • Dirk Pitt's first, most terrific adventure! Dirk Pitt, death-defying adventurer and deep-sea expert, is out to the ultimate test as he plunges into the perilous waters of the Pacific Vortex — a fog-shrouded sea zone where dozens of ships have vanished without a trace. The latest victim is the awesome superb Starbuck, America's deep-diving nuclear arsenal. Its loss poses an unthinkable threat to national defense. Pitt's job is to find it, salvage it, before the sea explodes. In a furious race against time, Pitt's mission swirls him into a battle with underwater assassins-and traps him in the arms of Summer Moran, the most stunningly exotic and dangerous toward disaster, Clive Cussler plummets his hero onto an ancient sunken island-the astonishing setting for the explosive climax of Pacific Vortex!
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  • Packeis
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Militante Umweltsch?tzer wollen einen Polsprung ausl?sen, um die Menschheit zum Umdenken zu bewegen. Durch einen Test werden katastrophale Ereignisse ausgel?st — ein als unsinkbar geltendes Frachtschiff verschwindet spurlos im Ozean, eine Herde Killerwale rastet v?llig aus. Nur die in Sibirien t?tige Pal?ontologin Karla Janos kennt das Geheimnis, wie die Kettenreaktion wieder zu stoppen ist. In h?chster Not sollen Kurt Austin und seine NUMA die Welt vor der Ausl?schung allen organischen Lebens bewahren …
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