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Фантастика » Социальная фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 1351—1375 из 1422.

  • METEORA MED?BAS ?ils Verns Jules Verne LA CHASSE AN METI ORE Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1923Julcs Verne LES CINQ CENTS MILLIONS DE LA BEGUM Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1917No fran?u valodas tulkojusi M. Silmale P?cv?rda autors J. Brandiss M?kslinieks N. SeminihinsIzdots saska?a ar Latvijas PSR Zin?t?u akad?mijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes l?mumuTulkojums latvie?u valod?, 70304-068 47mnnnnnn p?cv?rds Izdevniec?ba«Zin?tne», 19

  • Zin?tnisk?s fantastikas st?stu kr?jums
  • NEMIRST?GAISZin?tnisk?s fantastikas st?stu kr?jumsR?GA «VAGA» 1993Sast?d?t?js,.priek?v?rdu un koment?ru autors — I. Belogr?vs No ang?u valodas tulkoju?i Z. Rozenberga un G. Groza M?kslinieks E. Zari??HUGO godalgaLuksemburgietis Hugo Gcrnsbcks (Hugo Gcrnsback, 1884 — 1967) ierad?s Amerikas Savienotaj?s Valstis 1904. gad? un, jaun?s zin?tnes — elektronikas — perspekt?vu savaldzin?ts, nol?ma dot ar? savu ieguld?jumu t?s att?st?b?, izdodot zin?tniski popul?ru ?urn?lu. T? «Modern Electronics», kuru laida klaj? 1908. gad?, k?uva ...

  • Velss Herberts
  • NEREDZAMAIS CILV?KS Herberts VelssTulkojusi Valija Brut?neHerberts D?ord?s Velss (1866—1946)Fant?zijas drosm?g? trauksme, sap?i par dabas sp?ku pa­k?au?anu cilv?kam nekad nav tik cie?i saaudu?ies ar konkr?tiem zin?tnes sasniegumiem k? musu dien?s — kosmisko lidojumu laik­met?. Un nekad nav tik spilgti un uzskat?mi pier?d?jies, cik daudz var pan?kt zin?tne, ja to nekav? ??iru pretrunas. Tad t? sp?j iekarot kosmosu, atbr?vot atomener?iju, kalpot progresam, teh­nikas att?st?bai.Par t?...

  • Nosotros
  • Zamiatin Yevgueni
  • En una ciudad de cristal y acero del Estado ?nico, separada por un muro del mundo salvaje, la vida transcurre sometida a la inflexible autoridad del Bienhechor: los hombres-n?mero trabajan con horarios fijos, siempre a la vista de todos, sin vida privada: el “yo” ha dejado lugar al “nosotros”. El narrador de este diario ?ntimo, D-503, es el constructor de una nave interestelar que deber? llevar al universo “el bienaventurado yugo de la raz?n”. Pero se enamora: el amor equivale a la rebeli?n, y el instinto sexual al deseo de libertad. Aunque, tras extirparle a ...

  • Os Robinsons do Cosmos
  • Carsac Francis
  • Ap?s uma colis?o interplanet?ria, um pequeno peda?o da Terra (exatamente um pequeno peda?o da Fran?a) se translada de nosso globo e se crava sobre um planeta desconhecido com seus habitantes, seus animais, suas casas, seus campos, suas ?rvores… E certamente, a vida cont?nua. Mas ? necess?rio explorar este novo mundo, batizado Tellus; os descobrimentos mais assombrosos esperam os Robinsons do Cosmos. H? seres que pensam sobre Tellus que t?m pr?ticas, uma l?ngua, cujo esp?rito funciona como o nosso, mas cujo aspecto ? incr?vel. H? tamb?m monstros de ...

  • PA?I dievi
  • Azimovs Aizeks
  • PA?I dieviAIZEKS AZIMOVSRIGA «ZIN?TNE» 1979Azimovs A. Pa?i dievi. — Tulk. no ang?u vai. — R.: Zin?tne, 1979. — lpp., il. — (S?rija «Fantastikas pasaule»).Rom?ns ir viens no jaun?kajiem paz?stam? amerik??u zin?tnieka un rakstnieka fantasta darbiem. Notikumu centr? ir elektronu s?knis, kas no k?da parauniversa s?kn? ener?iju uz Zemi. Galven? doma ir hum?nism? ci?a pret trulumu un godk?r?bu.No ang?u valodas tulkojusi R. KOKA Priek?v?rda autors J. BRAND1SSIzdota saska?a ar ...

  • Partials
  • Wells Dan
  • Humanity is all but extinguished after a war with partials — engineered organic beings identical to humans — has decimated the world’s population. Reduced to only tens of thousands by a weaponized virus to which only a fraction of humanity is immune, the survivors in North America have huddled together on Long Island. The threat of the partials is still imminent, but, worse, no baby has been born immune to the disease in over a decade. Humanity’s time is running out.

  • GERGEJS Mih?js
  • PIECPADSMITAIS KOSMOSA LIKUMSMih?js GERGEJSZIN?TNISKI FANTASTISKS ROM?NSNo ung?ru valodas tulkojusi Elga SakseRIGA «SPR?D?TIS»Redaktors GUNTARS JEGERIS M?kslinieks ERNESTS ZARI??Ung?ru rakstnieks (dz. 1921. g.) sav? dzimten? ir ?oti popul?rs. To apliecina 16 l?dz ?im izdot?s vi?a gr?matas.Fantastisk? rom?na darb?ba norit m?sdien?s. Autors piev?r?as sapr?t?gu pilso?u un bru?o?an?s organiz?t?ju attiec?b?m.Galvenajam varonim Janam Alstenam pal?g? ierodas citplan?tu p?rst?vji, kuru r?c?b? ir lieliska tehnika. Rakst­nieks nedod konflikta viennoz?m?gu atrisin?jumu, atst?­dams Zemes likteni Zemes Saprata zin?.

  • PIENE?U v?ns
  • Bredberijs REJS
  • PIENE?U v?ns Rejs Bredberijsizdevnieciba «zin?tne» R?ga 1973Reju Bredberiju latvie?u las?t?js iepazinis p?c vi?a fantastisko st?stu kr?jumiem «Marsie?u hronikas» un «Kaleidoskops». Pir­maj? br?di ??iet, ka gr?mat? «Piene?u v?ns» tiekamies ar glu?i citu Bredberiju. Vi?? te neataino ne citu plan?tu, ne t?lu n?kotni. Gar? st?sta «Piene?u v?ns» varonis divpadsmit gadu vecais z?ns Duglass ir re?ls m?sdienu t?ls, ta?u pasaule vi?a skat?jum? ir pilna apbr?nojamas romantikas, kas jau tuva fantastikai. Sai st?st? viss ??iet neparasts, br?numains.Gr?mat? ievietoti ar? vair?ki R. Bredberija fantastiskie st?sti, kas tulkoti no da??diem amerik??u izdevumiem.M?ksliniece M?ra RikmaneIzdota saska?? ar Latvijas PSR Zin?t?u akad?mijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes l?mumuTulkojums latvie?u valod? ^Izdevniec?ba «Zin?tne», 1973

  • Pora deszcz?w
  • Strugacki Arkadij
  • Wiktor Baniew, s?awny i tolerowany przez w?adze pisarz, powraca do miasta swych urodzin. Miasto opanowane jest przez mokrzaki — ludzi u kt?rych specyficzna choroba genetyczna spowodowa?a ca?kowit? odmienno??, zar?wno w sensie fizycznym, jak i psychicznym. Baniew dostaje si? w sam ?rodek walki politycznej. Niekt?rzy staraj? si? wykorzysta? — do swoich cel?w — fenomenalne talenty mokrzak?w; niekt?rzy za? — zniszczy? ich ca?kowicie maj?c jako bro? nienawi?? t?umu. Tymczasem mokrzaki przygotowuj? rozumian? na sw?j spos?b rewolucj?…

  • Przestrzeni! Przestrzeni!
  • Harrison Harry
  • Tytu? tej ksi??ki to wo?anie o pomoc, b?aganie nie o komfort, ale o prze?ycie w ?wiecie, w kt?rym nie ma ju? ?ywno?ci, w kt?rym o ka?dy skrawek trzeba i?? o lepsze ze szczurami i milionami innych ludzi, chyba ?e uda si? upolowa? szczura, by zje?? go zamiast sojowej papki lub owsianki. Ka?dy radzi sobie, jak mo?e. Dania odgrodzi?a si? murem, zza kt?rego stra?nicy strzelaj? do ka?dego, kto pragnie dosta? si? do tej ziemi obiecanej. Mi?dzy Zwi?zkiem Radzieckim a Chinami toczy si? wojna i ...

  • Red Riders Hood
  • Шустерман Нил
  • Red rides around his tough urban neighborhood in his blood-red Mustang. It satisfies his urge to wander, and it usually keeps him safe from the gangs in town, the Wolves and the Crypts. But when Red's grandmother is mugged by Wolves, Red decides to join the wolves as a pledge so he can learn how to defeat them. Soon he uncovers their terrible secret: They are werewolves with a thirst for human blood. Instead of feeling horrified, Red envies the Wolves' freedom and power. Even as he trains to kill them?under an unlikely but cunning werewolf hunter?he has come to see them as pack mates. Until he is faced with a choice at the next full moon: Take up the Wolves' murderous ways, or take them down.

  • Requiem
  • Оливер Лорен
  • This exciting finale to Lauren Oliver's bestselling Delirium trilogy is a riveting blend of nonstop action and forbidden romance in a dystopian United States. Now an active member of the resistance, Lena has transformed. The nascent rebellion that was underway in has ignited into an all-out revolution in , and Lena is at the center of the fight. After rescuing Julian from a death sentence, Lena and her friends fled to the Wilds. But the Wilds are no longer a safe haven. Pockets of rebellion have opened throughout the country, and the government cannot deny the existence of Invalids. ...

  • Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology
  • Kelly James
  • The revolution has been co-opted by half-assed heroes, overclocked CGI, and tricked-out sunglasses. Once radical, cyberpunk is nothing more than a brand. These sixteen extreme stories reveal a government ninja routed by a bicycle repairman, the inventor of digitized paper hijacked by his college crush, a dead boy trapped in a warped storybook paradise, and the Queen of England attacked with the deadliest of forbidden technology: a working modem. You'll meet Manfred Macx, renegade meme-broker, Red Sonja, virtual reality sex-goddess, and Felix, humble sysadmin and post-apocalyptic hero. Editors James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel (Feeling ...

  • Rocannons world
  • Le Giun Ursula
  • Copyright 1966, by Ace Books, Inc.Part of this novel appeared in Amazing Stories, Sept. 1964, as a short story, and is copyright, 1964, by Ziff-Davis Publications Inc.Scanned & proofed by Binwiped 10/12/02 released in #bookz by MollyKateWe once wrote that while only a few women wrote science-fiction they made up in quality what they lacked in numbers. Certainly among the ranks of the most highly esteemed artisans of fantasy fiction will be found the names of Andre Norton, Leigh Brackett, C. L. Moore, Margaret St. Clair, and Marion Zimmer Bradley. Rocannon's World introduces the first book by another ...

  • Rok 1984
  • Orwell George
  • Wielki Brat Patrzy — to w?a?nie napisy tej tre?ci, w antyutopii Orwella krzycz?ce z plakat?w rozlepionych po ca?ym Londynie, natchn??y tw?rc?w telewizyjnego show „Big Brother”. Czy?by wraz z upadkiem komunizmu wielka, oskar?ycielska powie?? straci?a swoj? racj? bytu, staj?c si? zaledwie inspiracj? programu rozrywkowego? Nie. Bo ukazuje ?wiat, kt?ry zawsze mo?e powr?ci?. ?wiat pustych sklep?w, permanentnej wojny, jednej wiary. Klaustrofobiczny ?wiat Wielkiego Brata, w kt?rym ka?da sekunda ludzkiego ?ycia znajduje si? pod kontrol?, a dominuj?cym uczuciem jest strach. ?wiat, w kt?...