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Книги 2876—2900 из 2974.

  • The Silent Land
  • Joyce Graham
  • The haunting new literary fantasy from the (actual) author of MEMOIRS OF A MASTER FORGER. A young couple are caught in an avalanche during a skiing holiday in the French Alps. They struggle back to the village and find it deserted. As the days go by they wait for rescue, then try to leave. But each time they find themselves back in the village. And, increasingly, they are plagued by visions and dreams and the realization that perhaps no-one could have survived the avalanche.THE SILENT LAND is a brooding and tender look at love and whether it can survive the greatest challenge we will ever face.

  • The Stand
  • King Stephen
  • In 1978, science fiction writer Spider Robinson wrote a scathing review of The Stand in which he exhorted his readers to grab strangers in bookstores and beg them not to buy it. The Stand is like that. You either love it or hate it, but you can't ignore it. Stephen King's most popular book, according to polls of his fans, is an end-of-the-world scenario: a rapidly mutating flu virus is accidentally released from a U.S. military facility and wipes out 99 and 44/100 percent of the world's population, thus setting the stage for an apocalyptic confrontation between Good and Evil. "I ...

  • The Stand. Das letze Gefecht
  • King Stephen
  • In einem entv?lkerten Amerika versucht eine Handvoll ?berlebender, die Zivilisation zu retten. Ihr Gegenspieler ist eine mytische Gestalt, die man den Dunklen Mann nennt, die Verk?rperung des absolut B?sen. In der W?ste von Nevada kommt es zum Entscheidungskampf um das Schicksal der Menschheit. "The Stand", Stephen Kings Vision vom letzten Gefecht zwischen Gut und B?se, war bislang nur in einer stark gek?rzten Version zug?nglich.Die hier ver?ffentlichte Urfassung zeigt die Gr??e seines apokalyptischen Entwurfs.Manche nennen diesen Roman sein Meisterwerk!Stephen King wurde 1947 in Portland, Maine, geboren. Er war zun?chst als Englischlehrer t?tig, bevor ihm 1973 mit seinem ersten Roman 'Carrie' der Durchbruch gelang. Seither hat er mehr als 30 Romane geschrieben und ?ber 100 Kurzgeschichten verfasst und gilt als einer der erfolgreichsten Schriftsteller weltweit.

  • The Struggle
  • Smith Lisa
  • Damon, the evil vampire brother is determined to make school beauty Elena his queen of darkness. Even if it means killing his own brother to possess her. Stefan, Damon’s brother and Elena’s boyfriend, is desperate for the power to destroy Damon — but knows that means succumbing to his thirst for human blood. Elena, irresistibly drawn to both brothers, knows her choice will decide their fate. But who will she choose…?