Ballard J. -
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Книги 1—8 из 8.
- Concrete island
- Жанр: Современная проза
- A 35-year-old architect is driving home from his London office when his car swerves and crashes onto a traffic island lying below three converging motorways. Uninjured, he climbs the embankment to seek help, but no one will stop for him and he is trapped on the island, where he remains."Visionary of both style and substance… the literary equivalent of Salvador Dal? or Max Ernst."-The Washington Post Book World"Ballard's novels are complex, obsessive, frequently poetic, and always disquieting chronicles of nature rebelling against humans, of the survival of barbarism in a world of mechanical efficiency, of ethropy, anomie, breakdown, ruin… The blasted landscapes that his characters inhabit are both external settings and states of mind."-Luc Sante
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- Fabryka bezkresnych sn?w
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Fabryka bezkresnych sn?w to najlepsza powie?? Ballarda; jedna z niewielu naprawd? kultowych ksi??ek. To bajeczna przypowie?? o znaczeniu i potrzebie marze?, magii i fantazji w naszym ?yciu. Przygody Blakea – bohatera ksi??ki- mog? by? tylko urojeniami chorej wyobra?ni, ale te? mog?y zdarzy? si? naprawd?. To nasze ?ycie to przecie? mieszanina sn?w, jawy, fantazji i rzeczywisto?ci. Marzenia s? pi?kne. Sny bywaj? okrutne. Fantazja jest potrzebna ka?demu z nas.
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- High Rise
- Жанр: Современная проза
- J.G. Ballard's 1975 novel "High Rise" contains all of the qualities we have come to expect from this author: alarming psychological insights, a study of the profoundly disturbing connections between technology and the human condition, and an intriguing plot masterfully executed. Ballard, who wrote the tremendously troubling "Crash," really knows how to dig deep into our troubling times in order to expose our tentative grasp of modernity. Some compare this book to William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," and there are definite characteristics the two novels share. I would argue, however, that "High Rise" is more eloquent and more ...
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- Ludzie millenium
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Por?wnywana z „Imperium s?o?ca” szokuj?ca wizja naszego ?wiata i ludzi wkraczaj?cych w wiek XXI.Ma?a rewolucja jest tak skromna i grzeczna, ?e pocz?tkowo prawie nikt jej nie zauwa?a. Ale ju? wkr?tce lekarze, in?ynierowie, mened?erowie podpalaj? swoje domy, przewracaj? swoje volva i bmw, a w ko?cu podk?adaj? bomby. Dlaczego stateczni obywatele postanowili zniszczy? swoje dotychczasowe ?ycie? Dlaczego si?gn?li po terror? Odpowiedzi szukamy razem z narratorem, psychologiem Davidem Markhamem, w londy?skiej dzielnicy klasy ?redniej. Wraz z nim ulegamy stopniowo fascynacji anarchi?, uwodzi nas charyzmatyczny ...
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- Running Wild
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- "Where to start? So much has been written about the Pangbourne massacre, as it is now known in the popular press throughout the world, that I find it difficult to see this tragic event with a clear eye."Shortly after eight on the morning of June 25, 1988, the thirty-two adult members of an exclusive residential community in West London are brutally murdered, and their children abducted without so much as a trace. Through the forensic diary of Dr. Richard Greville, Deputy Psychiatric Advisor to the London Metropolitan Police, the brutal details of the massacre that has baffled the entire ...
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- The Drought
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- 'The world, without rain, is drying up. Rivers are a trickle and we see the shrivelling of the species far from its sources and headed lemming-like for the sea. Time has burst its dams and seeps inside the race-structure with bizarre results A strange and rather wonderful book full of haunting landscapes, phantasmagoria and disaster that clangs on the mind. An impressive novel at any level. Its obscurities and surrealist flourishes only heighten the dreamlike atmosphere.' GuardianThis is the third of Ballard’s informal quartet of books that nod in cursory fashion toward the elements. Like ...
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- The Drowned World
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- J.G. Ballard is best-known, perhaps, for his autobiographical non-genre novel Empire of the Sun. While he has written other non-genre works, the bulk of his writing is science fictional-more or less. Ballard is a writer who defies easy categorization: even his most speculative books can't be fitted neatly with a genre label, and his non-genre works all contain fantastical and speculative elements.The Drowned World (brought back into print by Millenium's SF Masterworks line) was Ballard's first major published novel. For Ballard enthusiasts, it's a fascinating read, for it prefigures many of the themes that pervade his ...
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- Zatopiony ?wiat
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- ZATOPIONY ?WIAT to debiut powie?ciowy Ballarda. Ta ksi??ka, wydana po raz pierwszy w 1962 roku, zdobyta z miejsca uznanie krytyki i czytelnik?w. Stanowi ona pierwsze ogniwo ballardowskiej wizji ?wiata, rozwijanej w p??niejszych utworach. Wizja ta nie napawa optymizmem. Bohaterowie Ballarda nie maj? z?udze? co do przysz?o?ci. Po latach walki o zachowanie dawnego stylu ?ycia, rezygnuj?, postanawiaj? przystosowa? si? do nowych warunk?w, cho?by mia?o to oznacza? dla nich nieuchronn? zag?ad?. Trudno zgodzi? si? z tego typu postaw?, ale nie mo?na jej negowa?, bowiem ?wiat opisany w powie?ci Ballarda mo?e sta? si? nied?ugo nasz? rzeczywisto?ci?.
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