Connelly Michael -
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Книги 26—50 из 54.
- La oscuridad de los sue?os
- Жанр: Триллер
- Jack McEvoy tiene los d?as contados como periodista de sucesos; sus momentos de gloria languidecen y su nombre se baraja en las listas de recortes previstos por Los Angeles Times. Sin embargo, guarda todav?a un ?ltimo cartucho: la redacci?n de la que pretende que sea la cr?nica criminal m?s impactante de su carrera.Para ese prop?sito, elige a Alonzo Winslow, un drogadicto de diecis?is a?os encarcelado tras confesar la autor?a del asesinato de una joven hallada estrangulada en el maletero de un coche. Jack quiere escribir acerca de la ...
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- La Rubia de Hormig?n
- Жанр: Триллер
- Harry Bosch es juzgado por haber matado, cuatro a?os antes, a Norman Church, asesino de once mujeres, conocido como El Fabricante de Mu?ecas. Incumpliendo el reglamento, Bosch no esper? refuerzos y dispar? a Church cuando crey? que iba a sacar una pistola oculta bajo la almohada; en realidad, buscaba su peluqu?n. Por este asunto, el detective fue degradado a Homicidios de Hollywood.Durante el transcurso del juicio es descubierto el cad?ver enterrado en hormig?n de una mujer. Todo apunta a que se trata de una antigua v?ctima de El Fabricante de Mu?...
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- Llamada Perdida
- Жанр: Триллер
- Pierce es un investigador de inform?tica molecular volcado en un estudio que podr?a revolucionar el mundo de la medicina. Su obsesiva dedicaci?n al trabajo ha repercutido en su vida privada, dando al traste con su relaci?n con Nicole. tras abandonar la vivienda que compart?a con ella, Pierce se instala en un nuevo apartamento con vistas a la playa de Santa M?nica. All? empieza a recibir extra?as llamadas telef?nicas de hombres que buscan a una tal Lilly. Movido por la curiosidad, Pierce decide investigar qui?n es esa mujer y descubre su ...
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- Lost Light
- Жанр: Триллер
- Reviewers and readers agree that Michael Connelly is writing at the top of his game, giving us crime fiction of the dark side of Los Angeles and reinventing the form with every book he writes. At the end of CITY OF BONES Bosch quit the LAPD, but he's back in a new role, one that will give him more freedom to pursue the cases that compel him. When he left the LAPD Bosch took a file with him the case of a film production assistant murdered four years earlier during a USD 2 million robbery on a movie set. The LAPD now operating under post 9/11 rules think the stolen money was used to finance a terrorist training camp. Thoughts of the original murder victim are lost in the federal zeal, and when it seems the killer will be set free to aid the feds' terrorist hunt, Bosch quickly runs afoul of both his old colleagues and the FBI.
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- ?ltimo Recurso
- Жанр: Триллер
- "El jefe de polic?a estaba sentado detr?s de un gran escritorio, firmando papeles. Sin levantar la mirada de su trabajo, le pidi? a Bosch que se sentara al otro lado de la mesa. Al cabo de treinta segundos, el jefe firm? su ?ltimo documento y mir? a Bosch. Sonri?. -Quer?a recibirle y felicitarle por su regreso al departamento."Tras tres a?os Harry Bosch vuelve al Departamento de Polic?a de Los Angeles. Junto con su antigua compa?era Kiz Rider forma pareja en la Brigada de Casos Abiertos, unidad de ?lite creada para intentar ...
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- Luna Funesta
- Жанр: Триллер
- C. Black desea cerrar su historial delictivo para siempre. Trabaja en un concesionario de autom?viles de Los ?ngeles, pero un hecho inesperado le obliga a jug?rselo todo a una carta. Necesita dar un golpe final que le permita realizar el ?ltimo sue?o. Para ello recurre a Leo Renfro, un amigo de los viejos tiempos que le propone participar en un gran robo en Las Vegas. Cassie cree que con su experiencia como ladrona de guante blanco lograr? salir airosa de la operaci?n.
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- Luz Perdida
- Жанр: Триллер
- Desencantado con el cuerpo de polic?a de Los ?ngeles, Harry Bosch decide abandonarlo tras casi treinta a?os como miembro del mismo. Sin embarg?, desea seguir ejerciendo y retomar aquellos casos que no pudo resolver durante sus a?os como agente. Uno de ellos es el asesinato de Angella Benton, una joven que trabajaba en unos estudios cinematogr?ficos. Su muerte se produjo d?as antes del robo de dos millones de d?lares que iban a utilizarse durante el rodaje de una pel?cula, y Bosch cree que ambos hechos podr?an estar relacionados.Si en el ?mbito profesional Bosch prefiere ahora actuar por su cuenta, en el terreno personal tambi?n es un solitario. El recuerdo de Eleanor, su ex mujer, sigue vivo en su memoria; tanto, que Bosch decidir? visitarla en Las vegas.
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- Mas Oscuro Que La Noche
- Жанр: Триллер
- Harry Bosch participa como testigo en un juicio en el que se acusa a un director de cine del asesinato de una actriz. Mientras tanto, Terry McCaleb recibe la vista de una antigua compa?era de trabajo que solicita su ayuda en la resoluci?n de un caso dif?cil. El asesinato que ahora debe investigar es el tipo de homicidio complejo con los que trataba frecuentemente durante sus d?as en el FBI.
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- Nueve Dragones
- Жанр: Триллер
- Harry Bosch y su compa?ero Ignacio Ferras investigan el asesinato del se?or Li, anciano propietario de Fortune Liquors, una tienda china de licores de Los ?ngeles. Las c?maras de seguridad del local invalidan la teor?a de atraco y dejan la puerta abierta a que el crimen est? relacionado con una posible extorsi?n por parte de la mafia china. Bosch, en deuda con Li desde que ?ste le ayudara durante los disturbios raciales de la ciudad, promete a sus hijos que encontrar? al asesino de su padre.En plena investigaci?n, Bosch recibe la noticia de la desaparici?n de su hija Maddie. La adolescente vive con su madre, Eleanor Wish -la ex agente del FBI que fuera pareja del investigador-, en Hong Kong. Bosch se teme lo peor: cree que el secuestro podr?a estar vinculado con el asesinato de Li, por lo que decide marcharse a la ciudad asi?tica en un intento desesperado por hallar a su hija.
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- Pasaje al para?so
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Al detective Harry Bosch, reci?n incorporado al Departamento de Homicidios de la polic?a de Los ?ngeles tras una baja voluntaria, Ie cae un trabajito rutinario. En el maletero de un Rolls-Royce se ha ? encontrado el cuerpo de Tony Aliso, productor de pel?culas porno, con dos tiros en la cabeza. Aunque todo apunta a un ajuste de cuentas entre mafiosos, la Divisi?n contra el Crimen Organizado (DCO) reacciona de forma extra?a ante el caso y deja abiertas las puertas para el perseverante Bosch. El estudio de la escena del crimen y el an?lisis forense despejan el camino en una investigaci?n m?s ardua de lo que parec?a.
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- Punkt widokowy
- Жанр: Триллер
- W punkcie widokowym przy Mulholland Drive patrol policji znajduje zw?oki zastrzelonego m??czyzny. Ofiar? zab?jstwa jest doktor Stanley Kent, maj?cy dost?p do niebezpiecznych izotop?w promieniotw?rczych w wi?kszo?ci szpitali w Los Angeles. Prowadz?c swoje pierwsze od kilku miesi?cy dochodzenie, Harry Bosch odkrywa, ?e tu? przed ?mierci? lekarza skradziono du?? ilo?? radioaktywnego cezu, kt?ry w r?kach terroryst?w mo?e si? sta? pot??n? broni? zagra?aj?c? ca?emu miastu. W obawie przed zamachem do akcji wkraczaj? s?u?by federalne. Detektyw nie zamierza rezygnowa? ze ?ledztwa, cho? wyja?nienie zagadki morderstwa utrudniaj? mu agenci FBI przekonani, ?e sprawa jest zbyt powa?na, by mog?a sobie z ni? poradzi? policja Los Andeles.
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- Suicide Run: Three Harry Bosch Stories
- Жанр: Триллер
- LAPD Detective Harry Bosch as we've never seen him before, in three never-before-collected stories.In "Suicide Run," the apparent suicide of a beautiful young starlet turns out to be much more sinister than it seems. In "Cielo Azul," Bosch is haunted by a long-ago closed case – the murder of a teenage girl who was never identified. As her killer sits on death row, Bosch tries one last time to get the answers he has sought for years. In "One Dollar Jackpot," Bosch works the murder of a professional poker player whose skills have made her more than one enemy.Whether investigating a cold case or fresh blood, Bosch relentlessly pursues his quarry, always on the lookout for the "tell." In this first collection of Harry Bosch stories, Michael Connelly once again demonstrates that he is the master of "fast-paced, brilliantly plotted crime fiction… Harry Bosch is back on the case, and not a moment too soon" (Chicago Sun Times).
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- The Black Echo
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Kirkus ReviewsSecond tense, tightly wound tangle of a case for Hieronymous Bosch (The Black Echo, 1991). This time out, the LAPD homicide cop, who's been exiled to Hollywood Division for his bumptious behavior, sniffs out the bloody trail of the designer drug ``black ice.'' Connelly (who covers crime for the Los Angeles Times) again flexes his knowledge of cop ways-and of cop-novel clich‚s. Cast from the hoary mold of the maverick cop, Bosch pushes his way onto the story's core case-the apparent suicide of a narc-despite warnings by top brass to lay off. Meanwhile, Bosch's ...
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- The Black Ice
- Жанр: Триллер
- The corpse in the hotel room appears to be that of a missing LAPD narcotics officer. Rumours abound that he had crossed selling a new drug called Black Ice from Mexico and the LAPD brass are quick to declare his death aside. But Harry Bosch isn't so sure; prompted by odd, inexplicable details from the crime scene, and attraction to the widow, he begins his own investigation. An investigation that takes him over the border to Mexico and into a dangerous labyrinth of shifting identities and deadly corruption.
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- The Closers
- Жанр: Триллер
- The Closers puts Harry Bosch back in the Los Angelese Police Department, where he was meant to be, and sets him to solving old cases, which is what he always did best, alongside Kiz Rider, who was always the best of the partners fate, and Connolly, gave him. They are working on the death of a bi-racial teenager back in the 1980s, abducted from her bedroom and shot dead. The racial tensions of the time are clearly a factor – the DNA of a known racist is trapped in blood on the gun – but in a Michael Connolly novel, things ...
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- The Concrete Blonde
- Жанр: Триллер
- When maverick LAPD Harry Bosch shot and killed Norman Church, the police were convinced it marked the end of the search for the Dollmaker, one of the city's most bizarre serial killers. But now, Church's widow is accusing Bosch of killing the wrong man, and to make things worse, Bosch has just received a taunting message apparently from the Dollmaker.
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- The Drop
- Жанр: Триллер
- Harry Bosch has been given three years before he must retire from the LAPD, and he wants cases more fiercely than ever. In one morning, he gets two.DNA from a 1989 rape and murder matches a 29-year-old convicted rapist. Was he an eight-year-old killer or has something gone terribly wrong in the new Regional Crime Lab? The latter possibility could compromise all of the lab's DNA cases currently in court.Then Bosch and his partner are called to a death scene fraught with internal politics. Councilman Irvin Irving's son jumped or was pushed from a window at the Chateau Marmont. Irving, Bosch's longtime nemesis, has demanded that Harry handle the investigation.Relentlessly pursuing both cases, Bosch makes two chilling discoveries: a killer operating unknown in the city for as many as three decades, and a political conspiracy that goes back into the dark history of the police department.
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- The Fifth Witness
- Жанр: Триллер
- Mickey Haller has fallen on tough times. He expands his business into foreclosure defense, only to see one of his clients accused of killing the banker she blames for trying to take away her home.Mickey puts his team into high gear to exonerate Lisa Trammel, even though the evidence and his own suspicions tell him his client is guilty. Soon after he learns that the victim had black market dealings of his own, Haller is assaulted, too-and he's certain he's on the right trail.
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- The Last Coyote
- Жанр: Триллер
- Harry's life is a mess. His new house has been condemned because of earthquake damage. His girlfriend has left him. He's drinking too much. And he's even had to turn in his badge: he attacked his commanding officer and is suspended indefinitely pending a psychiatric evaluation. At first Bosch resists the LAPD shrink, but finally he recognizes that something is troubling him, a force that may have shaped his entire life. In 1961, when Harry was twelve, his mother was brutally murdered. No one was ever even accused of the crime. Harry opens up the decades-old file on the case ...
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- The Lincoln Lawyer
- Жанр: Юмористическая фантастика
- New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly delivers his first legal thriller an incendiary tale about a cynical defense attorney whose one remaining spark of integrity may cost him his life.Mickey Haller has spent all his professional life afraid that he wouldn't recognize innocence if it stood in front of him. Haller is a Lincoln Lawyer, a criminal defense pro who operates out of the backseat of his Lincoln Town Car, to defend clients at the bottom of the legal food chain. It's no wonder that he is despised by cops, prosecutors, and even some of his ...
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- The Narrows
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyThere's a gravitas to the mystery/thrillers of Michael Connelly, a bedrock commitment to the value of human life and the need for law enforcement pros to defend that value, that sets his work apart and above that of many of his contemporaries. That gravitas is in full force in Connelly's newest, and as nearly always in the work of this talented writer, it supports a dynamite plot, fully flowered characters and a meticulous attention to the details of investigative procedure.There are also some nifty hooks to this new Connelly: it features his most ...
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- The Overlook
- Жанр: Триллер
- In his first case since he left the LAPD’s Open Unsolved Unit for the prestigious Homicide Special squad, Harry Bosch is called out to investigate a murder that may have chilling consequences for national security. A doctor with access to a dangerous radioactive substance is found murdered in the trunk of his car. Retracing his steps, Harry learns that a large quantity of radioactive cesium was stolen shortly before the doctor’s death. With the cesium in unknown hands, Harry fears the murder could be part of a terrorist plot to poison a major American city. Soon, Bosch is in a race against time, not only against the culprits, but also against the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI (in the form of Harry’s one-time lover Rachel Walling), who are convinced that this case is too important for the likes of the LAPD. It is Bosch’s job to prove all of them wrong.
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- The Poet
- Жанр: Триллер
- Anthony AwardsThe apparent suicide of his policeman brother sets Denver crime reporter Jack McEvoy on edge. Surprise at the circumstances of his brother's death prompts Jack to look into a whole series of police suicides and puts him on the trail of a cop killer whose victims are selected all too carefully. Not only that, but they all leave suicide notes drawn from the poems of writer Edgar Allan Poe in their wake. More frightening still the killer appears to know that Jack is getting nearer and nearer. An investigation that looks like being the story of a lifetime, might also be Jack's ticket to a lonely end.
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- The Reversal
- Жанр: Триллер
- Longtime defense attorney Mickey Haller is recruited to change stripes and prosecute the high-profile retrial of a brutal child murder. After 24 years in prison, convicted killer Jason Jessup has been exonerated by new DNA evidence. Haller is convinced Jessup is guilty, and he takes the case on the condition that he gets to choose his investigator, LAPD Detective Harry Bosch.Together, Bosch and Haller set off on a case fraught with political and personal danger. Opposing them is Jessup, now out on bail, a defense attorney who excels at manipulating the media, and a runaway eyewitness reluctant to testify after so many years.With the odds and the evidence against them, Bosch and Haller must nail a sadistic killer once and for all. If Bosch is sure of anything, it is that Jason Jessup plans to kill again.
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