Cussler Clive -
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Книги 26—50 из 52.
- Plague Ship
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- In the dependably entertaining if less than top-notch fifth Oregon Files thriller from bestseller Cussler and Du Brul (after ), Capt. Juan Cabrillo, who heads the Corporation, a covert military company for hire, and the multifaceted crew of the , a high-tech ship disguised to look like a tramp steamer, take on a group known as the Responsivists. The Responsivists publicly espouse a program of global population control, but are secretly planning a devastating attack on the human race utilizing a virulent virus found aboard an ancient ship that may be Noah's Ark. The authors are up to their usual high standards when in fighting mode, though the chief villain, the doctor who heads the Responsivists, falls short of Juan's billing as the single-most-evil human being I have ever met. Readers may wish that next time out the bad guys put up more of a struggle.
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- Podnie?? Tytanica
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Jeden z najwi?kszych statk?w pasa?erskich na ?wiecie, "Titanic", kt?ry zaton?? w 1912 roku, le?y na g??boko?ci dw?ch i p?? mili na dnie Oceanu Atlantyckiego. W jego ?adowni znajduje si? zapas rudy niezwykle rzadkiego minera?u, umo?liwiaj?cego skonstruowanie broni przysz?o?ci. Aby zdoby? ?adunek, Rosjanie nie cofn? si? przed niczym… Dirk Pitt musi podj?? si? najbardziej niebezpiecznej i trudnej misji w swojej karierze…
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- Polar Shift
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Polar Shift: it is the name for a phenomenon that may have occurred many times in the past. At its weakest, it disorients birds and animals and damages electrical equipment. At its worst, it causes massive eruptions, earthquakes and climatic changes. At its very worst, it would mean the obliteration of all living matter! Sixty years ago, an eccentric Hungarian genius discovered how to artificially trigger such a shift, but then his work disappeared, or so it was thought. Now, the charismatic leader of an anti-globalization group plans to use it to give the world's industrialized nations a small jolt, before reversing the shift back again. The only problem is, it can't be reversed. Once it starts, there is nothing anyone can do. Austin, Zavala and the rest of the NUMA Special Assignments Team have certainly faced dire situations before, but never have they encountered anything like this. This time even they may be too late.
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- Poseidons Arrow
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- “Dirk Pitt is oceanography’s answer to Indiana Jones,” praises the Associated Press. “Exotic locations, ruthless villains and many narrow escapes—Cussler’s fans come for swashbuckling [and] he delivers.”And now the Cusslers bring us Pitt’s most dangerous adventure of all...It is the greatest advance in American defense technology in decades—an attack submarine capable of incredible underwater speeds. Nothing else in any other nation’s naval arsenal even comes close. There is only one problem: A key element of the prototype is missing—and the man who developed it is dead.At ...
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- Raise the Titanic
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- The President's secret task force develops the ultimate defensive weapon. At its core: byzanium, a radioactive element so rare sufficient quantities have never been found. But a frozen American corpse on a desolate Soviet mountainside, a bizarre mining accident in Colorado, and a madman's dying message lead DlRK PITT~ to a secret cache of byzanium. Now he begins his most thrilling, daunting mission -- to raise from its watery grave the shipwreck of the century!In a daring gamble, DIRK PITT locates the Titanic -- and suddenly his crew is in deadly jeopardy. Sabotaged by Russian spies and savage storms, Pitt must stop a diabolical plan for Soviet world supremacy -- or see the mighty Titanic blasted out of existence!
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- Sahara
- Жанр: Боевик
- Величайшая и самая загадочная пустыня мира. Без вести пропавшая в тридцатые годы отважная летчица; исчезнувший в тумане броненосец с золотым запасом Конфедерации на борту; зловещий рудник, не уступающий по строгости режима нацистским концлагерям... И самое страшное – источник отравления окружающей среды, угрожающий существованию всего человечества.Только Дирку Питту, неизменному герою романов Клайва Касслера, по плечу связать воедино цепочку жутких и страшных событий и раскрыть тайны африканских песков.
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- Serpent
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- It won't surprise those who remember Cussler's (1976) that he now uses the 1956 sinking of the as the springboard for another thriller involving the National Underwater and Maritime Agency. According to Cussler, the sinking was deliberate, but that secret begins unraveling two generations later, when archaeologist Nina Kirov, fleeing a "terrorist" attack on her dig, is rescued by a NUMA vessel. Aboard are Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala, NUMA field operatives equally deft with underwater hardware and the ladies. The pair's first job is standing off the "terrorists" pursuing Kirov. Plots--not to mention counterplots--rapidly thicken as NUMA squares off against ...
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- Shock Wave
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Dirk Pitt is sent to investigate a lethal new way of speeding up diamond excavation, discovered by the head of a major diamond mining corporation. A fast-paced adventure begins in which Pitt has to dodge a volcano eruption and a sea serpent, amongst other dangers, in order to save the day.
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- Skeleton Coast
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the covert combat ship have barely escaped a mission on the Congo River when they intercept a mayday from a defenseless boat under fire off the African coast. Cabrillo takes action, saving the beautiful Sloane Macintyre - who's looking for a long-submerged ship that may hold a fortune in diamonds. But what surprises Cabrillo is her story about a crazy fisherman who claims to have been attacked on the open sea by giant metal snakes in the same area. What begins as a snake hunt leads Cabrillo onto the trail of a far more lethal quarry - a deranged militant and his followers who plan to unleash the devastating power of nature itself against all who oppose them.
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- Spartan Gold
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- The debut of a brand-new, action-packed series from the #1 New York Times bestselling master of 'pure entertainment'.Thousands of years ago, the Persian king Xerxes the Great was said to have raided the Treasury at Delphi, carrying away two solid gold pillars as tribute. In 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte and his army stumble across the pillars in the Pennine Alps. Unable to transport them Napoleon creates a map on the labels of twelve bottles of rare wine. And when Napoleon dies, the bottles disappear.Treasure hunters Sam and Remi Fargo are exploring the Great Pocomoke Swamp in Delaware when ...
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- The Chase
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- April 1950: The rusting hulk of a steam locomotive rises from the deep waters of a Montana lake. Inside is all that remains of three men who died forty-four years before. But it is not the engine or its grisly contents that interest the people watching nearby. It is what is about to come next . . .1906: For two years, the western states of America have been suffering an extraordinary crime spree: a string of bank robberies by a single man who cold-bloodedly murders any and all witnesses and then vanishes without a trace. Fed up by the depredations of the “...
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- The Kingdom
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Sam and Remi Fargo return for the thrilling third adventure in the acclaimed new series. In Spartan Gold and Lost Empire, Clive Cussler brought readers into the world of husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo, whose passion and instinct for treasure-hunting has led to extraordinary discoveries-and perilous journeys. Their next adventure, however, might be their most astonishing yet. The Fargos are used to hunting for treasure, not people. But then a Texas oil baron contacts them with a personal plea: an investigator friend of the Fargos' was on a mission to find the oil baron's missing father-and now the ...
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- The Mediterranean Caper
- Жанр: Морские приключения
- A LUFTWAFFE ACE WHO WOULDN'T DIE…A BRUNETTE BEAUTY WITH DANGEROUS SECRETS…A LETHAL, BILLION-DOLLAR CARGO!On an isolated Greek island, a World War I fighter plane attacks a modern U.S. Air Force base… a mysterious saboteur preys on an American scientific expedition … and Dirk Pitt® plays a deadly game of hunter and hunted with the elusive head of an international smuggling ring.Dirk Pitt, intrepid hero of Clive Cussler's smash bestsellers , , and , is hot on the trail of a mammoth drug conspiracy controlled by a missing Nazi War criminal. On land and in the depths of the Aegean, Pitt trouble shoots his way through one of his most daring, desperate adventures!
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- the Silent Sea (2010)
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- The seventh Oregon Files adventure thriller begins on December 7, 1941, when five boys encounter tragedy while looking for buried pirate treasure on a small island off the coast of Washington State. Flash-forward to today: Juan Cabrillo, captain of the Oregon (a high-tech vessel posing as a tramp freighter), is in Argentina, trying to recover a downed NASA satellite. Well, don’t you know, Juan stumbles on something he totally didn’t expect to find, and soon he’s chasing after the secrets of an ancient curse that might still be causing trouble. Fast-paced and a lot of fun, the latest ...
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- The Spy
- Жанр: Триллер
- It is 1908, and international tensions are mounting as the world plunges towards war. When a brilliant American battleship gun designer dies in an apparent suicide, the man's grief-stricken daughter turns to the legendary Van Dorn Detective Agency to clear her father's name. Van Dorn puts his chief investigator on the case, and Isaac Bell soon realizes that the clues point not to suicide, but to murder. When more suspicious deaths follow, it becomes clear that someone – an elusive spy – is orchestrating the destruction of America 's brightest technological minds…and the murders all connect to a top-secret project called ...
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- The Thief
- Жанр: Триллер
- On the ocean liner , two European scientists with a dramatic new invention are barely rescued from abduction by the Van Dorn Detective Agency's intrepid chief investigator, Isaac Bell. Unfortunately, they are not so lucky the second time. The thugs attack again-and this time one of the scientists dies. What are they holding that is so precious? Only something that will revolutionize business and popular culture-and perhaps something more.For war clouds are looming, and a ruthless espionage agent has spotted a priceless opportunity to give the Germans an edge. It is up to Isaac Bell to figure out who he is, what he is up to, and stop him. But he may already be too late… and the future of the world may just hang in the balance.
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- The Tombs
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are intrigued when an archaeologist friend requests their help excavating a top secret historical site. What they find will set them on a hunt for a prize greater than they could ever imagine. The clues point to the hidden tomb of Attila the Hun, the High King who was reportedly buried with a vast fortune of gold and jewels and plunder . . . a bounty that has never been found. As they follow the trail through Hungary, Italy, France, Russia, and Kazakhstan—a trail that they discover leads them not to one tomb, but five—the Fargos will find themselves pitted against a thieving group of amateur treasure hunters, a cunning Russian businessman, and a ruthless Hungarian who claims direct descent from Attila himself . . . and will stop at nothing to claim the tombs’ riches as his own.
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- The Wrecker
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- In The Chase, Clive Cussler introduced an electrifying new hero, the tall, lean, no-nonsense detective Isaac Bell, who, driven by his sense of justice, travels early-twentieth-century America pursuing thieves and killers . . . and sometimes criminals much worse.It is 1907, a year of financial panic and labor unrest. Train wrecks, fires, and explosions sabotage the Southern Pacific Railroad's Cascades express line and, desperate, the railroad hires the fabled Van Dorn Detective Agency. Van Dorn sends in his best man, and Bell quickly discovers that a mysterious saboteur haunts the hobo jungles of the West, a man known as the Wrecker, who ...
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- Thriller 2: Stories You Just Can’t Put Down
- Жанр: Триллер
- When some of the top thriller writers in the world came together in THRILLER: STORIES TO KEEP YOU UP ALL NIGHT, they became a part of one of the most successful short story anthologies ever published. The highly anticipated THRILLER 2: STORIES YOU JUST CAN'T PUT DOWN, will be even bigger. From Jeffery Deaver's tale of international terrorism to Lisa Jackson's dysfunctional family in the California wine country to Ridley Pearson's horrifying serial killer, this collection has something for everyone. Twenty-three bestselling and hot new authors in the genre have submitted original stories to make up this unforgettable blockbuster.***Turn off your phoneShut down your computerSay goodbye to your friends and familyBe prepared to listen for days
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- Todesschrein
- Жанр: Триллер
- Im tiefsten Gr?nland wird in einem r?tselhaften Schrein ein 50.000 Jahre alter Meteorit entdeckt. Der omin?se Stein enth?lt radioaktive Energien und wird schnell zum Objekt der Begierde von Attent?tern. Eine islamistische Terrorgruppe plant in London eine Atombombe zu z?nden, w?hrend ein gr??enwahnsinniger Industrieller die heiligen St?tten des Islam verseuchen will. Zwischen den Fronten bem?ht sich Juan Cabrillo mit seiner Crew aus den besten Milit?r- und Geheimagenten der Welt, den »heiligen Stein« unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen …
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