Effinger George -
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Книги 1—5 из 5.
- A Fire in the Sun
- Жанр: Киберпанк
- Marid Audran has become everything he once despised. Not so long ago, he was a hustler in the Budayeen, an Arabian ghetto in a Balkanized future Earth. Back then, as often as not, he didn’t have the money to buy himself a drink. But he had his independence.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1990.
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- Budayeen Nights: Stories
- Жанр: Киберпанк
- Long identified as a science fiction writer, except in his own eyes, George Alec Effinger had some of his biggest critical and commercial success with a series even he recognized and characterized as SF. Set in the marvelously realized, imaginary Muslim city of Budayeen, the three novels, When Gravity Fails, A Fire in the Sun and The Exile Kiss garnered rave reviews, award nominations and a wide readership. In addition, Effinger came to be recognized as one of the foundational writers of cyberpunk. Although the novels are perhaps how Budayeen and their hero, Marid Audran, are best known, there ...
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- Cuando falla la gravedad
- Жанр: Киберпанк
- El Buday?n, los bajos fondos de una ciudad ?rabe an?nima, est? construido al lado del cementerio, y quien se interna en sus callejones lo hace consciente del peligro que corre: ni sus habitantes —prostitutas, proxenetas y traficantes de drogas— ni la polic?a se preocupan demasiado si un desconocido aparece acuchillado y tirado en la esquina.Tal es el ambiente en el que se ha criado Mar?d Audran, un hombret?n que nunca ha necesitado llevar armas y que es respetado en su independencia.Pero nadie podr?a haber imaginado la pesadilla en la que se convertir?a su vida despu?s de que un extra?o muriera asesinado por alguien conectado a un m?dulo de James Bond…Una novela vertiginosa, en la que se dan cita los logros de la inform?tica, la novela negra y la ciencia ficci?n.
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- Un fuego en el Sol
- Жанр: Киберпанк
- En otros tiempos era un buscavidas callejero de los bajos fondos conocidos como el Buday?n. Ahora, Mar?d Audran se ha convertido en aquello que m?s odiaba. Ha perdido su orgullosa independencia para pasar a ser un t?tere de Friedlander Bey, aquell-que-mueve-los-hilos, y a trabajar como policia.Al mismo tiempo que busca la forma de enfrentarse a s? mismo y al nuevo papel que le ha tocado adoptar, Audran se topa con una implacable ola de terror y violencia que golpea a una persona que ha aprendido a respetar. Buscando venganza, Audr?n descubre verdades ocultas sobre su propia historia que cambiar?n el curso de su propia vida para siempre. es finalista del Premio Hugo 1990.
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- When Gravity Fails
- Жанр: Киберпанк
- In a decadent world of cheap pleasures and easy death, Marid Audrian has kept his independence the hardway. Still, like everything else in the Budayeen, he’s available… for a price.For a new kind of killer roams the streets of the Arab ghetto, a madman whose bootlegged personality cartridges range from a sinister James Bond to a sadistic disemboweler named Khan. And Marid Audrian has been made an offer he can’t refuse.The 200-year-old “godfather” of the Budayeen’s underworld has enlisted Marid as his instrument of vengeance. But first Marid must undergo the most ...
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