Evanovich Janet -
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Книги 26—43 из 43.
- Po drugie dla forsy
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- 30-letnia rozw?dka, Stephanie Plum, zarabia na ?ycie w niecodzienny spos?b – zajmuje si? ustalaniem miejsca pobytu zwolnionych za kaucj? oskar?onych, kt?rzy nie stawili si? na rozpraw?. Tym razem szuka aresztowanego pod zarzutem usi?owania zab?jstwa Kenny'ego Mancuso, kt?ry z?ama? warunki zwolnienia i znikn??. Stephanie wpada na jego trop, lecz zanim doprowadzi spraw? do ko?ca, narazie siebie i swoich najbli?szych na ?miertelne niebezpiecze?stwo
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- Po pierwsze dla pieni?dzy
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- Niezale?no?? to wspania?a rzecz. W?asny k?t, z dala od rodzic?w, dzielony jedynie z chomikiem Rexem, to dla Stefanie Plum rzecz godna wszelkich po?wi?ce?. Tych po?wi?ce? musi by? jednak coraz wi?cej, bowiem niewierny m?? ju? od dawna jest przesz?o?ci? (na szcz??cie!) i nie mo?na liczy? na jego wsparcie finansowe. Nieaktualna jest tak?e ju? od p?? roku posada w sklepie z bielizn?, ilo?? sprz?t?w domowych nadaj?cych si? do spieni??enia coraz bardziej si? kurczy, a na dodatek w?a?nie odebrano jej samoch?...
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- Przybi? Pi?tk?
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- Co czeka Stephanie?- wuj Fred znikn?? bez ?ladu- w torbie na ?mieci znajduje si? cia?o- po mie?cie goni j? paskudny bukmacher- babcia Mazurowa chce pos?u?y? si? paralizatorem- Stephanie mo?e korzysta? z wozu tylko przez czterdzie?ci osiem godzin- dwaj m??czy?ni pr?buj? zaci?gn?? j? do ???ka- nie ma odpowiedniej kiecki na mafijne wesele- jest jeszcze ma?y w?ciek?y cz?owieczek, kt?ry nie chce wynie?? si? z jej mieszkania…
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- Qu? Vida ?sta
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- Es una verdad universa reconocida que si se tiene un trabajo de riesgo, lo mejor que se puede hacer es mantenerlo al margen de la vida privada.Sin embargo, ?sta es una regla que la incombustible Stephanie Plum, la caza recompensas m?s patosa de la Costa este, parece incapaz de cumplirEn esta nueva entrega de sus descacharrantes aventuras, cuando Stephanie emprenda la b?squeda de una madre y una hija desaparecidas, no s?lo la perseguir?n malos mal?simos como el mafioso Eddie Abruzzi, sino que adem?s tendr? que soportar los bienintencionados consejos ...
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- Seven Up
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- Zadanie odnalezienia gangstera Eddiego DeChoocha nie jest ?atwe – zw?aszcza gdy w spraw? wci?gni?ci s? dwaj sympatyczni nieudacznicy: Walter "Ksi??yc" Dunphy i Dougie "Diler" Kruper. Okazuje si?, ?e chodzi o co? wi?cej ni? tylko o przemyt papieros?w i kiedy obaj znikaj?, Stephanie Plum prosi o pomoc Komandosa. Ten za? stawia warunek: sp?dzenie nocy z nasz? bohaterk?. Gdy Eddie uprowadza babci? Stephanie, ?adn? przyg?d, energiczn? starsz? pani?, sytuacja komplikuje si? coraz bardziej…
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- Sizzling Sixteen
- Жанр: Триллер
- It's summertime in Jersey And all across the land It's time for Summer Reading And working on your tan. But no vacation can start Or go off without a hitch Unless you've packed your bag With the latest Evanovich. Yes, it's time for Stephanie and gang To get up to their old antics With Grandma, Lula, Connie too – Mrs. Plum, she will be frantic! See, someone wants to kill Vinnie Who? The list is long And Mooner returns to brighten our day Complete with his favorite bong. And Lula's involved in a Ponzi scheme Stand back! You know she'll be pissed While Stephanie's chasing a dangerous skip He thinks he'll never be missed. With Ranger days and Morelli nights (Or perhaps it's the other way 'round) This sixteenth Stephanie Plum adventure Will wear the blockbuster crown. So grab some donuts and Cluck-in-a-Bucket And get ready for grand-scale fun Number sixteen is a sure-fire bet For bestseller lists: number one!
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- Smitten
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Single mom Lizabeth Kane isn't exactly carpenter material – she's never picked up a hammer in her life. But she desperately needs the construction job that builder Matt Hallahan is offering. And even though he knows trouble is ahead, Matt can't refuse Lizbeth's irresistible smile.Matt Hallahan isn't exactly relationship material – he has always been too busy working on other people's houses to make a home of his own. And even though she knows better, Lizabeth can't stop thinking about the rugged carpenter.Is the relationship Matt and Lizabeth are building solid – or more like a house of cards?
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- Ten Big Ones
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- Take an exit off the Jersey Turnpike to the irresistible world of Stephanie Plum, America's favorite bounty hunter, where she gets into more trouble than ever. This time, she faces a notorious gang in Trenton who wants her dead. Morelli warns that she's in too deep, and Stephanie more than agrees. But the gang won't let her bow out. With Ranger missing in action, Stephanie has to go into hiding-and stumbles on to the secret location of Ranger's "bat cave." Is it the perfect place to disappear? Or will she get into more trouble than she knows by delving into his private world? The tenth Stephanie Plum novel is filled with Evanovich's trademark high stakes, high adventure, high wit, and sly comedy.
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- The Grand Finale
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Berry Knudson had a talent for disaster, but when she climbed a tree to rescue a kitten, she wasn't prepared for the scrumptious hunk undressing in a nearby window, or her dive downward that smashed Jake Sawyer's pizza and won his heart! But was there room in her chaotic schedule for a risk-taking inventor with dreams? She took classes, delivered pizzas, and cared for three eccentric old ladies she rescued from the train station. But Jake thrived on a challenge, and he could be very inventive. Could he teach her there was time to make butterscotch pudding and let herself be loved?
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- The Rocky Road to Romance
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- When the delightful, daffy Dog Lady of station WZZZ offered to take on the temporary job of traffic reporter, Steve Crow tried to think of reasons to turn Daisy Adams down. Perhaps he knew that sharing the close quarters of a car with her for hours would give the handsome program director no room to resist her quirky charms. He'd always favored low-slung sports cars and high-heeled women, but that was before he fell for a free spirit who caught crooks by accident, loved old people and pets, and had just too many jobs!Loving Daisy turned Steve's life upside down, especially once he adopted Bob, a couch potato masquerading as a huge dog. But was Daisy finally ready to play for keeps?
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- Twelve Sharp
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- America's favorite bounty hunter, Stephanie Plum, is back in her twelfth bestseller and sure to win more fans than ever before. Trenton, New Jersey's premier troublemaker is once again struggling with her tangled love life, her chaotic family, and her gift for destroying every car she drives. Not to mention her attempts to bring in the sometimes scary bail jumpers of Trenton, and the sudden appearance of a mysterious female stalker-who turns out to have a close connection to Ranger. Twelve Sharp has twists that will drive readers wild and prove that once again, for sheer reading entertainment, no one tops Janet Evanovich.
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- Visions Of Sugar Plums
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- Faltan cuatro d?as para Navidad y las cosas no se ven alegres para la cazarrecompensas Stephanie Plum. No tiene ?rbol. No ha comprado ning?n regalo. Las tiendas est?n llenas hasta los topes de compradores. No hay ninguna luz centelleando en su apartamento. Y un extra?o est? en su cocina.Claro que esto ya le ha ocurrido a Stephanie Plum antes. Los desconocidos, bichos raros, criminales, arrastrados y lun?ticos de siempre encuentran sin problemas el camino a su puerta. Pero este tipo es diferente. Este tipo es misterioso, sexualmente atractivo… y tiene sus propios ...
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- Wicked Appetite
- Жанр: Триллер
- Number one bestselling author Janet Evanovich has created a brand-new heroine in Elizabeth Tucker: Marblehead resident, bakery worker, unlucky in love.and descendant of witches. Life has had a pleasant predictability to it for Lizzy. That is until a tall, black-haired, dark eyed man shows up in a black sports car, touches her hand and leaves a burn mark. His name is Gerwulf Grimoire, also known as Wulf. And he wants what Lizzy has: knowledge. Almost simultaneously comes another man, a different man, but this one just as dangerous in his own way. His name is Diesel. And he ...
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- Wicked Business
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- With gluttony safely behind them, DIESEL and LIZZY find themselves in search of LUST. But are they really after LUST, or is it TRUE LOVE? To find out they'll have to hunt through Boston's Louisburg Square, the catacombs of the Old North Church, and infiltrate an ancient, secret society, deep within Dartmouth College… all the while battling WULF, his minion, HATCHET, and sweet TEMPTATION.
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- Wife for Hire
- Жанр: Иронический детектив
- Hank Mallone knows he's in trouble when Maggie Toone agrees to pretend to be his wife in order to improve his rogue's reputation. Will his harebrained scheme to get a bank loan for his business backfire once Maggie arrives in his small Vermont town and lets the gossips take a look?Maggie never expected her employer to be drop-dead handsome, but she's too intrigued by his offer to say no… and too eager to escape a life that made her feel trapped. The deal is strictly business, both agree, until Hank turns out to be every fantasy she ever had.
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