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Gibson William - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—30 из 30.

  • Virtual Light
  • The author of Neuromancer takes you to the vividly realized near future of 2005. Welcome to NoCal and SoCal, the uneasy sister-states of what used to be California. Here the millennium has come and gone, leaving in its wake only stunned survivors. In Los Angeles, Berry Rydell is a former armed-response rentacop now working for a bounty hunter. Chevette Washington is a bicycle messenger turned pick-pocket who impulsively snatches a pair of innocent-looking sunglasses. But these are no ordinary shades. What you can see through these high-tech specs can make you rich–or get you killed. Now Berry and ...

  • ?wiat?o wirtualne
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • Rok 2005, dwa siostrzane stany NoCal i SoCal powsta?e w miejscu dawnej Kalifornii. Minione tysi?clecie pozostawi?o nielicznych ocala?ych i oszo?omionych mieszka?c?w. Berry Rydell pracuje teraz dla ?owcy nagr?d; Chevette Washington pod wp?ywem nag?ego impulsu kradnie niewinnie wygl?daj?ce okulary. Jest to produkt bardzo zaawansowanej technologii. To, co przez nie wida?, mo?e uczyni? cz?owieka bogatym lub martwym.