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Gibson William - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 30.

  • Comte Z?ro
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • Turner, mercenaire, « aide » les transfuges des multinationales ? d?serter leur poste. Cette fois, il a pour mission de r?cup?rer le cerveau de la biotechnologie de Mass-Neotek.Marly, acheteuse d’art ? Paris, est engag?e par un milliardaire excentrique afin de retrouver l’origine de myst?rieuses et fascinantes cr?ations apparues subitement sur le march?.Bobby, ou , jeune et intr?pide pirate de logiciel, op?re dans les faubourgs de la Conurb. Il va se laisser entra?ner par sa curiosit? dans les d?dales du cyberspace.Le cyberspace, c’est l’univers artificiel des r?seaux informatiques, le monde qui ?tait d?j? celui de . Et c’est l? que leurs destins vont se croiser. .

  • Turner, corporate mercenary, wakes in a reconstructed body, a beautiful woman by his side. Then Hosaka Corporation reactivates him for a mission more dangerous than the one he's recovering from: Maas-Neotek's chief of R&D is defecting. Turner is the one assigned to get him out intact, along with the biochip he's perfected. But this proves to be of supreme interest to certain other parties–some of whom aren't remotely human.Bobby Newmark is entirely human: a rustbelt data-hustler totally unprepared for what comes his way when the defection triggers war in cyberspace. With voodoo on the ...

  • Distrust That Particular Flavor
  • Жанр: Публицистика
  • William Gibson is known primarily as a novelist, with his work ranging from his groundbreaking first novel, Neuromancer, to his more recent contemporary bestsellers Pattern Recognition, Spook Country, and Zero History. During those nearly thirty years, though, Gibson has been sought out by widely varying publications for his insights into contemporary culture. Wired magazine sent him to Singapore to report on one of the world's most buttoned-up states. The New York Times Magazine asked him to describe what was wrong with the Internet. Rolling Stone published his essay on the ways our lives are all "soundtracked" by the music ...

  • Mona Lisa s?clate
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • Une nouvelle macroforme est apparue dans le Conurb : . Un gigantesque empilement de biopuces capables de reconstituer tous les savoirs, toutes les donn?es de l’univers. Un fantastique instrument de pouvoir !Tous les pirates de cyberspace sont ? sa recherche. Mais qui le d?tient r?ellement ? Bobby, un g?nie du logiciel ? Dame 3Jane, l’h?riti?re clon?e de l’empire Tessier-Ashpool ? Ou Angie, vedette de cin?ma, fille du savant Mitchell, le c?l?bre cr?ateur des biopuces ?L’enjeu est de taille ! Ils l’ignorent encore mais celui qui, au risque de sa vie, saura se rendre ma?tre de l’aleph poss?dera les cl?s d’un monde nouveau, un monde au-del? de l’humanit?…

  • Mona Liza Turbo
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • Powie?? Mona Liza Turbo jest przez krytyk? uwa?ana za jedn? z najlepszych ksi??ek autora Neuromancera. Wejd?my w niezwyk?y ?wiat Gibsona — liryczny i zmechanizowany, erotyczny i brutalny, pos?pny i podniecaj?cy — gdzie wielonarodowe korporacje i stechnicyzowani przest?pcy walcz? o w?adz?, przenosz?c si? w generowane komputerowo universum zwane cyberprzestrzeni?. W tym ?wiecie pojawia si? Mona, dziewczyna o m?tnej przesz?o?ci i niepewnej przysz?o?ci. ?ycie prowadzi j? po kursie kolizyjnym ze ?wiatowej s?awy gwiazd? Sense/Netu, Angie Mitchell. Angie od dzieci?stwa potrafi?a w??czy? si? do cyberprzestrzeni, ...

  • Neuromancer
  • Here is the novel that started it all, launching the cyberpunk generation, and the first novel to win the holy trinity of science fiction: the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award and the Philip K. Dick Award. With Neuromancer, William Gibson introduced the world to cyberspace--and science fiction has never been the same.Case was the hottest computer cowboy cruising the information superhighway--jacking his consciousness into cyberspace, soaring through tactile lattices of data and logic, rustling encoded secrets for anyone with the money to buy his skills. Then he double-crossed the wrong people, who caught up with him in a big way--and burned the talent out of his brain, micron by micron. Banished from cyberspace, trapped in the meat of his physical body, Case courted death in the high-tech underworld. Until a shadowy conspiracy offered him a second chance--and a cure--for a price....

  • Neuromancien
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • « Science-fiction ? court terme qui explore les retomb?es des technologies de pointe, notamment l’informatique, dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. Ambiance marqu?e par la culture rock et flirt fr?quent avec le polar. »Cette citation tir?e du catalogue illustre parfaitement l’univers cyberpunk dont , premier livre de Gibson, est l’oeuvre fondatrice.R?compens? d?s sa sortie par les prix Hugo, N?bula et P K Dick, ce roman se passe entre Hong Kong, Atlanta et Londres.Chase est un ancien pirate de la matrice, cet univers qu’il d?...

  • Neuromante
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • «El cielo sobre el puerto era del color de la televisi?n, sintonizada en un canal muerto.» El primer enunciado de la novela de Gibson establece el tono de esta historia ultramoderna de gente que se mueve en un paisaje electr?nico. Siguiendo las huellas de Alfred Bester, William Burroughs y (tal vez) Samuel R. Delany, pero inspir?ndose en los sue?os del Silicon Valley, el autor ha creado un thriller rom?ntico y triste, tan actual como los juegos de video, los trasplantes de ?rganos y la investigaci?n sobre inteligencia artificial, todo lo cual tiene su ...

  • Spook Country
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Now that the present has caught up with William Gibson's vision of the future, which made him the most influential science fiction writer of the past quarter century, he has started writing about a time-our time-in which everyday life feels like science fiction. With his previous novel, , the challenge of writing about the present-day world drove him to create perhaps his best novel yet, and in he remains at the top of his game. It's a stripped-down thriller that reads like the best DeLillo (or the best Gibson), with the lives of a half-dozen evocative characters connected by a tightly converging plot and by the general senses of unease and wonder in our networked, post-9/11 time.