It's April, 1988, a month before Kinsey Millhone's thirty-eighth birthday, and she's alone in her office doing paperwork when a young man arrives unannounced. He has a preppy air about him and looks as if he'd be carded if he tried to buy booze, but Michael Sutton is twenty-seven, an unemployed college dropout. Twenty-one years earlier, a four-year-old girl disappeared. A recent reference to her kidnapping has triggered a flood of memories. Sutton now believes he stumbled on her lonely burial when he was six years old. He wants Kinsey's help in locating the child's remains and finding the men ...
A spiderweb of dangerous relationships is at the heart of this daring new novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author.Kinsey on Kinsey: "I know there are people who believe you should forgive and forget. For the record, I'd like to say I'm a big fan of forgiveness as long as I'm given the opportunity to get even first."– from V is for VengeanceA woman with a murky past who kills herself-or was it murder? A dying old man cared for by the son he pummeled mercilessly. A lovely woman whose life is about to ...
Kinsey Millhone, trzydziestodwuletnia mieszkanka Kalifornii posiadaj?ca licencj? prywatnego detektywa, zostaje wynaj?ta przez m?odego ch?opaka, poznanego podczas ?wicze? rehabilitacyjnych w miejscowej si?owni. Z wypadku, w kt?rym jego porsche zosta? staranowany przez nieznane auto i zepchni?ty do kanionu, Bobby Callahan ledwo wyszed? z ?yciem, straszliwie okaleczony; jad?cy z nim kolega zgin?? na miejscu. Cho? ani rodzina, ani policja w to nie wierz?, Bobby jest przekonany, ?e usi?owano go zabi?, poniewa? dowiedzia? si? czego?, co stanowi bezpo?rednie zagro?enie dla mordercy. Dotkni?ty po wypadku cz??ciow? utrat? pami?ci, nie potrafi odtworzy? informacji, b?d?cej kluczem do zagadki. Zanim sobie przypomni, zginie. Kinsey Millhone zawsze wywi?zuje si? z umowy. Nie uda?o si? zapobiec zbrodni – ale teraz uczyni wszystko, by odnale?? jej sprawc?.