Grafton Sue -
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Книги 1—25 из 28.
- A Is For Alibi
- Жанр: Триллер
- "'Skilful and ingenious' Irish Times; 'I love Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone novels… you are never disappointed' Guardian; 'Will keep you awake until the last page has been turned' Daily Mail"'My name is Kinsey Millhone. I'm a private investigator, licensed by the state of California. I'm thirty-two years old, twice divorced, no kids. The day before yesterday I killed someone and the fact weighs heavily on my mind…' When Laurence Fife was murdered, few cared. A slick divorce attorney with a reputation for ruthlessness, Fife was also rumoured to be a slippery ladies' man. Plenty of people ...
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- B De Bestias
- Жанр: Триллер
- La investigadora privada Kinsey Millhone tiene problemas para llegar a fin de mes el d?a en que no tiene m?s remedio que aceptar el rutinario encargo de buscar a la hermana de Mrs. Danziger, Elaine. Ahora bien, cuando llega al apartamento de ?sta y se encuentra con que lo ocupa otra enigm?tica mujer, cuando Mrs. Danziger le pide de pronto que abandone el caso, cuando se entera de que, pocos d?as antes de la desaparici?n de Elaine, su vecina y compa?era de bridge ha sido brutalmente asesinada y su casa ha desaparecido bajo las llamas, cuando el sobrino drogadicto de ?sta sabe m?s de lo que dice, cuando se producen misteriosos registros, extra?as injerencias y, finalmente, otro asesinato, a la obstinada y meticulosa Kinsey Millhone el asunto le va pareciendo todo menos rutinario. Y cuanto m?s investiga, m?s se ve envuelta en un diab?lico laberinto de espejos en el que nada -excepto el peligro- es en realidad lo que parece ser.
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- B Is For Burglar
- Жанр: Триллер
- Wise-cracking, female private investigator, Kinsey Millhone, is hired to find a missing sister. However, when the trail leads to Florida, Kinsey finds herself caught up in a dangerous case involving fire-raising, burglary and murder.
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- C de cad?ver
- Жанр: Триллер
- Kinsey Millhone acepta ayudar y proteger a Bobby Callahan, un reservado joven que conoci? en el gimnasio. ?l est? convencido de que, tras el accidente que le dej? amn?sico y con el cuerpo zurcido de cicatrices, alguien quiere matarle, aunque nadie le cree. Pero tres d?as despu?s Bobby aparece muerto. Y ahora a Kinsey le toca encontrar al asesino.
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- C is for Corpse
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyThe corpse in private eye Kinsey Millhone's third adventure ("A" Is for Alibi and "B" Is for Burglar is that of Bobby Callahan, a young man she first meets while both are working out in a local gym. Bobby is convinced the car crash he'd been injured in was really an attempt on his life and, fearful of another assault, persuades Kinsey to investigate. A few days later, Bobby is indeed killed, and Kinsey stays on the case. She is befriended by Bobby's wealthy mother, his opportunistic stepfather and druggie, anoretic stepsister. She learns Bobby ...
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- D is for Deadbeat
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers Weekly"D" is for Detective Kinsey Millhone, given $25,000 of stolen drug money by a drunkard named Daggett who then dies in a drowning. When she decides to deliver the money to Daggett's designee, a young man who was the sole survivor of an auto accident perpetrated by Daggett, Kinsey finds herself in a dilemma: too many "D's" are after the loot. There are two Mrs. Daggetts, a daughter, the drug dealers and a determined killer who soon claims a second life. At this point, Grafton's lively, well-written adventure develops a deadly flaw. Kinsey comes upon the second victim shortly after he's been shot. Though dying, he is conscious and coherent. Why, then, doesn't she ask who did it? When asked the same thing by the police, she says, "I didn't want the last minutes of his life taken up with that stuff"a humane but unlikely rejoiner from any private eye. Even so, the pleasure of this story comes through. Let's give it a "D" for Dandy.
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- E Is for Evidence
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyWhile private detective and former cop Kinsey Millhone ("D" Is for Deadbeat) is investigating a possible case of industrial arson involving a company owned by the family of a former schoolmate, someone tries to make it look as if she's on the take. A mysterious $5000 appears in her bank account. She sets out to clear herself, while two or possibly more cases of murder occur, including one by bombing. A Christmas spent alone and the reappearance of her second ex-husband, Daniel, who had deserted her, add to Kinsey's depression. Grafton has an accurate, wicked eye ...
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- F is For Fugitive
- Жанр: Триллер
- This is the latest in the ABC of crime, featuring the wise-cracking female private investigator, Kinsey Millhone. Baily Fowler was convicted of murder and then went missing. 16 years later he's found by the police and Kinsey Millhone is hired by Fowler's father to clear his name.
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- G Is For Gumshoe
- Жанр: Триллер
- On 5th May, Kinsey Millhone celebrates her birthday, moves back into her apartment and is hired to bring Mrs Clyde Gersh's mother back from the Mojave desert. She also finds out that she has made it into Tyrone Patty's hit list. This is the seventh book featuring Kinsey Millhone.
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- H is for Homicide
- Жанр: Триллер
- Kinsey Millhone, twice-divorced ex-cop, ever dauntless, ever vulnerable ("A" is for Alibi, etc., etc.), now investigating claims for California Fidelity, is assigned a seemingly routine claim from the files of deceased co-worker Parnell Perkins – robbed and shot dead. The case leads Kinsey to elusive, beautiful Bibianna Diaz and to a late-night restaurant meal interrupted by an attempt to kidnap Bibianna that ends with the shooting death of Chago Maldonado – killed by Bibianna's escort Jimmy Tate – an ex-cop and old pal of Kinsey's. Tate lands in the hospital; Bibianna and Kinsey in jail – to be greeted on release by Chago's ...
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- I de Inocente
- Жанр: Триллер
- Una bala a trav?s de la mirilla de la puerta acab? con la vida de Isabelle. En el juicio por el asesinato, el acusado David Berney, esposo de la victima, fue absuelto por falta de pruebas. Seis a?os desp?es, uno de los ex maridos de Isabelle decide interponer una demanda por lo civil contra Barney.El investigador que llevaba el caso ha fallecido recientemente y Kinsey Millhone lo sustituye en el que es su primer trabajo para el bufete de abogados Kingman e Ives. Uno de los principales escollos que Kinsey deber? afrontar es la ...
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- I is for Innocent
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Kirkus ReviewsCalifornia's formidable p.i. Kinsey Millhone (``A'' Is for Alibi, etc.), fired from her comfortable berth with Fidelity Insurance, now rents office space from busy Santa Teresa lawyer Lonnie Kingman. His usual outside investigator Morley Shine has died of a heart attack, and he hires Kinsey to take over the case that Morley was working on. It involves the upcoming trial of David Barney, acquitted of the six-year-old murder of his wife, Isabelle, but now being sued for wrongful death in civil court by Isabelle's first husband, Ken Voigt. Voigt, represented by Lonnie Kingman, is ...
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- J de Juicio
- Жанр: Триллер
- Cuando encontraron el yate de Wendell Jaffe a la deriva, todo indicaba que se hab?a tirado por la borda. No s?lo lo confirmaba la nota que ?l hab?a dejado, sino tambi?n su desastrosa situaci?n financiera. Aun as?, poco antes, hab?a suscrito con la compa??a para la que trabaja Kinsey Millhone un seguro de vida de quinientos mil d?lares a nombre de Dana, su mujer, quien, sin embargo, al haber desaparecido el cad?ver de su marido, tuvo que esperar cinco a?os hasta que fuera dado oficialmente por muerto. Pero quiso el azar que un d?a un agente de la compa??a de seguros descubriera a Jaffe en la barra de un bar miserable de la costa mexicana, justo dos meses despu?s de que Dana cobrara el seguro de su marido. Por supuesto, la compa??a quiere deshacer en entuerto y contrata a Kinsey para investigar el caso. Pero cuanto m?s se adentra ella en el misterio que rodea al supuesto suicidio de Wendell Jaffe, m?s hondo excava tambi?n en su propio pasado…
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- K Is For Killer
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyThe 11th adventure of Santa Teresa, Calif., PI Kinsey Milhone has a dark tone-due in great part to Kinsey's working this case mostly at night. Kinsey agrees to look into the 10-month-old death of Lorna Kepler, a young woman whose decomposed body was discovered in her cabin so long after death that it was impossible to determine the cause. Kinsey's client, Lorna's mother, who works the night shift in a 24-hour diner, suspects murder. So does Kinsey, especially after investigating Lorna's effects and her considerable assets, some unaccounted-for. An anonymously delivered pornographic tape adds to ...
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- L de ley
- Жанр: Триллер
- La detective Kinsey Millhone se aprestaba a ser dama de honor en la boda del hermano de su casero cuando, pocos d?as antes, acepta investigar para un vecino, Chester, por qu? en los archivos militares ha desaparecido todo rastro de Johnny Lee, su padre reci?n fallecido y veterano de la segunda guerra mundial. ?Adi?s planes de boda!, porque, de pronto, alguien ha entrado en casa del difunto dej?ndolo todo patas arriba y Chester descubre, en una caja de caudales, una llave con esta misteriosa inscripci?n: LEY. A partir de entonces nadie es ya quien dice ser: ni Ray Rawson, el antiguo amigo del ej?rcito, que quiere alquilar la casa; ni Gilbert Hays, a quien Kinsey sorprende llev?ndose una bolsa de la casa de Lee; ni Laura Huckaby, la mujer a quien aqu?l entrega la bolsa. A Kinsey no le queda m?s remedio que emprender una salvaje odisea en la que, para desenredar la madeja, acabar? pasando por cualquier cosa, menos por detective…
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- L is for Lawless
- Жанр: Триллер
- ReviewBoth new readers and old fans will welcome this 12th Kinsey Milhone adventure in the "A" is for Alibi series by Sue Grafton. In this case, Kinsey agrees to do a favor for a friend of a friend and gets herself into so much trouble that she promises at the outset never to do such a thing again without careful consideration.Henry Pitt, her longtime landlord asks her to help a fellow neighbor find evidence that his grandfather served in the military during the Second World War. With such proof, the man can be ...
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- M is for Malice
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyApproaching middle age warily, PI Kinsey Millhone of the Southern California coast is mildly depressed, romantically vulnerable and in the process of reassessing her family ties. Yet, when it comes to her professional abilities, she's at the top of her form, as this deftly plotted and absorbing novel (her 13th appearance, after L Is for Lawless) proves. Bader Malek, a local industrial tycoon, has died, and his four sons now stand to inherit a substantial fortune. But one of them, Guy, has been missing since 1968. A drug addict, ne'er-do-well and all-around miscreant, Guy had been ...
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- N Is For Noose
- Жанр: Триллер
- Review"Suppose we could peer through a tiny peephole in time and chance upon a flash of what was coming up in the years ahead?" The questioner is Kinsey Millhone, middle-aged, two-time divorcee detective and junk food junkie star of Sue Grafton's popular "alphabet" mysteries; the book is 'N' Is for Noose. If Kinsey had had just a smidgen of foresight, she would never have taken her current case, handed down to her from her on-again, off-again flame and comrade in arms, Robert Dietz. We encounter the two this time out after Deitz's knee surgery, as ...
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- O Is For Outlaw
- Жанр: Триллер
- ReviewWise-cracking, staunchly independent, and chronically curious, Grafton's gritty gumshoe Kinsey Millhone is back. This time, the alphabet series star will take on the toughest case to date: her past. What begins as a random phone call from a "storage space scavenger" (someone who buys the contents of defaulted storage units) leads Kinsey to a box of old papers and personal effects that her ex-husband, Mickey Magruder, left behind. Inside, she finds a 15-year-old unsent letter from a bartender that, among other things, reveals her former hubby was having an affair. The letter also contains details ...
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- P is for Peril
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyPI Kinsey Millhone's trademark dry sense of humor is largely absent in the first half of the 15th book in this justifiably popular series, though it resurfaces as the suspense finally begins to build in the second half. In the bleak November of 1986, Kinsey looks into the disappearance of Dr. Dowan Purcell, who's been missing for nine weeks. Dr. Purcell is an elderly physician who runs a nursing home that's being investigated for Medicare fraud. His ex-wife, Fiona, hires Kinsey when it seems as though the police have given up on the search. Fiona thinks ...
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- P Jak Przest?pstwo
- Жанр: Триллер
- Kinsey bada tajemnic? znikni?cia szanowanego lekarza Dowana Purcella, kt?ry od tygodni nie daje znaku ?ycia. O dziwo, do znanej ze skuteczno?ci detektyw zwraca si? Fiona, eks-?ona zaginionego, a nie obecna pani Purcell. Instynkt podpowiada Kinsey, by przyjrze? si? bli?ej ?yciu osobistemu doktora. Okazuje si?, ?e Fiona wyra?nie ostrzy sobie z?by na maj?tek by?ego m??a, za? na nowym ma??e?stwie cieniem k?ad? si? konflikty z przybran? c?rk?. Do tego przyjaciele podejrzewaj? zaginionego o malwersacj?. Kinsey ani o krok nie zbli?a si? do rozwi?zania zagadki. Kiedy przypadek pchnie j? w s?usznym kierunku, sama znajdzie si? w tarapatach. I jakby ma?o mia?a k?opot?w, w g?owie zam?ci jej pewien czaruj?cy facet. Ca?a Kinsey!
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- R is for Ricochet
- Жанр: Триллер
- Reba Lafferty was a daughter of privilege, Abandoned by her rebellious mother when she was an infant, she was the only child of a rich man already in his mid-fifties when she was born, and her adoring father thoroughly spoiled her. Now, at thirty-two, having had many scrapes with the law, she is about to be released on probation from the California Institution for Women, having served twenty-two months of a four-year sentence for embezzlement. Though Nord Lafferty could deny his daughter nothing, he wasn't there for her when she was brought up on this charge. Now he wants ...
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- S is for Silence
- Жанр: Триллер
- Thirty-four years ago, Violet Sullivan put on her party finery and left for the annual Fourth of July fireworks display. She was never seen again.In the small California town of Serena Station, tongues wagged. Some said she'd run off with a lover. Some said she was murdered by her husband.But for the not-quite-seven-year-old daughter Daisy she left behind, Violet's absence has never been explained or forgotten.Now, thirty-four years later, she wants the solace of closure.In S is for Silence, Kinsey Millhone's nineteenth excursion into the world of suspense and misadventure, S is for surprises as Sue Grafton takes a whole new approach to telling the tale. And S is for superb: Kinsey and Grafton at their best.
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- T de trampa
- Жанр: Триллер
- Es el mes de diciembre, y Kinsey Millhone atraviesa una ?poca de calma. Tiene entre manos un caso rutinario: una colisi?n entre dos veh?culos, que ha de investigar para el abogado Lowell Effinger. Sin embargo, a medida que avanza en sus pesquisas, empieza a sospechar que la mayor?a de los implicados, incluidos los testigos, no son lo que parecen. Adem?s, la tranquilidad de Kinsey se ve perturbada cuando Gus Vronsky, un vecino que no se distingue precisamente por su amabilidad ni su buen humor, sufre una ca?da y no puede valerse por s? mismo; ...
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- T Is For Trespass
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. The 20th Kinsey Millhone crime novel (after 2005's S Is for Silence), a gripping, if depressing, tale of identify theft and elder abuse, displays bestseller Grafton's storytelling gifts. By default, Millhone, a private investigator in the small Southern California town of Santa Teresa, assumes responsibility for the well-being of an old neighbor, Gus Vronsky, injured in a fall. After Vronsky's great-niece arranges to hire a home aide, Solana Rojas, Millhone begins to suspect that Rojas is not all that she seems. Since the reader knows from the start that an unscrupulous master manipulator ...
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