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Книги 1—25 из 38.
- Ain’t Misbehaving
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Mitch Cochran had been kept from enjoying life to its fullest, but he’s now ready for all love has to offer. He wants much more than just a casual encounter, though. He’s looking for love, and Kay Sanders is the real thing. But when he learns she’s a sex ed teacher, Mitch worries that he’ll be unable to live up to the expectations of this very passionate woman.Kay can tell Mitch is hiding something, and the less he volunteers about his past, the more intrigued she becomes. Despite kisses that could tempt Kay to go against her own rule of no sex without commitment, Mitch ends each date like the perfect gentleman. Kay soon realizes that if she wants to move their budding relationship to the next level, she’s going to have to take matters into her own hands…
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- Al amparo de la noche
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Obligada por la tormenta, Bree llam? a la puerta de una misteriosa mansi?n sin imaginar que ser?a recibida por un atractivo hombre y su hija, una ni?a demasiado lista para su corta edad. Cuando Simon Courtland le ofreci? una habitaci?n para dormir, Bree acept? de inmediato, pero jam?s pens? que al poco rato Simon entrar?a en su dormitorio como son?mbulo y semidesnudo…
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- Blame It On Paris
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Kelly Rochard is determined to have one last adventure before settling down to married life!Still, being mugged at the Louvre is not what she had in mind for her long-awaited trip to Paris. Until Will Maguire comes to her aid, and she finds herself completely distracted by the handsome stranger in the Notre Dame sweatshirt.Kelly can't seem to resist the world's most romantic city or Will, who is determined to show her all its treasures, from the top of the Eiffel Tower to strolls along the Seine.But will their love last when they're back in plain old South Bend, Indiana, or will they end up blaming their breathless fling on the city of love?
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- Can’t Say No
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- After tragedy strikes, Bree Penoyer’s feelings of guilt leave her speechless-literally. Tired of always being the good girl and just letting things happen to her, Bree decides it’s time to take life into her own hands. She dumps her lucrative but uninspiring career and her sweet but boring fianc?, and escapes to her late grandmother’s rustic cabin in South Carolina to find herself again.Her solitude is immediately disrupted by her new neighbor, Hart Manning, a sexy but arrogant rogue who doesn’t seem capable of taking no for an answer. The last thing Bree wants is an affair, especially with a self-proclaimed womanizer like Hart. But she can’t deny he arouses her as no man ever has, and when at last she finds her voice, she’s very ready to say yes!
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- Conquer the Memories
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- After four years of marriage, Sonia and Craig Hamilton are as much in love as ever. But their happiness turns into a nightmare when they are violently assaulted while taking a late-night walk in a Chicago park.Back home in Cold Creek, Wyoming, far from the dangers of the big city, they try to put the attack behind them. But it’s not long before Sonia realizes Craig is haunted by the memory, and his inability to protect her. His obsession with keeping her safe, and getting revenge, soon threatens to tear them apart…
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- Cupid’s Confederates
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Two’s company…Bett and Zach Monroe were newly married and just starting their careers when they suddenly found themselves owners of a neglected farm in Michigan. Unable to resist the lure of the land, the young couple set out to build their own private paradise. The days are long, the work is hard, but Bett and Zach love every minute of it. And through it all, their passion for one another burns as hot as ever.Three’s a crowd…But their peace is threatened when Bett’s widowed mother comes for a “visit”-bringing with her a U-Haul of belongings. Within an hour of her arrival, Elizabeth is causing friction between Bett and Zach. And as the days become weeks, their house no longer feels like home, they are barely speaking, and privacy is nonexistent.There’s only one way to reclaim their own happily-ever-after: marry Elizabeth off.
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- Desaf?o de Amor
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- El cirujano Justin Webb, toda una leyenda en Texas, se enfrentaba al mayor desaf?o de su vida: conseguir el amor de la detective Winona Raye, independiente, descarada, desenvuelta y bell?sima. Cuando Winona descubri? un beb? abandonado en la puerta de su casa, el doctor aprovech? la oportunidad, y le ofreci? que se casaran para darle un hogar al ni?o. Winona no ten?a ninguna prisa en recorrer el camino hacia el altar, pero Justin hab?a decidido estar cerca… aunque ella no quisiera.
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- Dziecko, on i ta trzecia
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Fragment"…Molly wiedzia?a, ?e pos?ugiwanie si? takim s?owem, jak „kocha?" nie sprawia Flynnowi najmniejszego nawet problemu. Przecie? ju? wcze?niej m?wi?, ?e j? kocha. J? – kruch? jak jesienny li??, a jednocze?nie tward?. Potrafi?c? rozwi?za? najtrudniejsze problemy, a jednocze?nie tak wra?liw? i delikatn?. Nale?a? zapewne do grona tych m??czyzn, kt?rzy s?owa „kocham" u?ywali na co dzie?. Doskonale wiedzia?a, ?e nie mia?o ono dla niego wi?kszego znaczenia. Ale teraz sta? tu? przed ni?. Drzwi od jego gabinetu by?y szeroko otwarte. S?ysza?...
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- Fuerte como el amor
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- ?l era el tipo de hombre con el que sue?an todas las mujeres, pero al que Lexie nunca habr?a pensado conocer. Y, sin embargo, all? estaba Cash McKay, el hombre m?s atractivo del mundo… y que ser?a la sombra de Lexie Woolf durante cuatro semanas.Lexie se hab?a retirado a la monta?a para relajarse durante un mes, pero sab?a que no podr?a hacerlo mientras Cash estuviera cerca. Un gui?o, una sonrisa, y se tropezaba con cualquier cosa. Aunque eso serv?a para que ?l la tomara en sus brazos y la hiciera sentir la mujer m?s atractiva de la tierra. ?Podr?a aquella relaci?n temporal convertirse en una aut?ntica historia de amor?
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- Irresistible Stranger
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Twenty years ago, Lily Campbell's parents died in a mysterious fire. Now she's back for the truth.but nobody in her sleepy hometown wants to talk about that night. And when the fires start up again, it's clear that somebody doesn't want her to stay.Griff Branchard has perfected his bad-boy persona. But the moment he sees Lily, nothing matters as much as getting close to her. Although rumors about her are flying around town, he just can't believe such a sweet woman could be a troublemaker.But trouble? She's deep in it. And he's going to make sure that the only heat she feels is from the flames of desire.
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- Man From Tennessee
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- After a whirlwind courtship, Kern Lowery whisked his young bride away to the mountains of Tennessee to start a new life. Unfortunately, Trisha’ s sheltered Grosse Pointe upbringing didn’ t prepare her for marriage or the hardships of country living, so she left with barely a goodbye.Five years later, an accident brings Trisha back to Tennessee. No longer the shy, helpless girl she was, she keeps her composure when she comes face-to-face with the stranger she is still technically married to. Inside, however, her emotions are a riot of passion-and fear. Fear of falling for the man she loves once again…
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- Matrimonio por Honor
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Kelly Sinclair acept? casarse para proteger la seguridad del beb? que estaba esperando. Mac Fortune se cas? con ella mientras su hermano, que era un playboy, se marchaba de la ciudad. Pero enamorarse no formaba parte del trato. Por lo menos hasta que Mac, al final de la ceremonia, la beso apasionadamente en el altar. ?Podr?a ella convertir ese pacto entre los dos en un compromiso para toda la vida?
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- Mesmerizing Stranger
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Harm Connolly wants to leave his bad history with women on terra firma. Two weeks of business on a cruise would help accomplish that. First complication: the sexiest woman he's ever met is on board the vessel. Second complication: a dead body – one of his associates.Adventure chef Cate Campbell knows his type – arrogant corporate hotshot, taking his guys out for some R R. No problem. She'll have Harm eating out of her hand in seconds flat. No problem.until a killer on the loose forces her to find safety and comfort in his arms.Will mayhem at sea throw any chance of romance overboard?
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- Mi Bella Durmiente
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Maggie Fletcher pod?a recordarlo todo excepto lo ocurrido en las ?ltimas veinticuatro horas. Menos mal que, por suerte para ella, el sheriff local Andy Gautier estaba en el caso. En la ciudad se dec?a que era capaz de llegar al fondo de cualquier asunto… o de cualquier persona.Andy se hab?a jurado a s? mismo que ayudar?a a su bella durmiente a recuperar el d?a que hab?a perdido. Pero le estaba costando mucho concentrarse en el trabajo…
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- Millionaire M.D.
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Legendary Texas surgeon Justin Webb faced his biggest challenge – winning the heart of brash, bold and beautiful detective Winona Raye. When Winona discovered a baby abandoned at her door, the bachelor doc saw his chance and offered a hand – in marriage. Independent Winona was in no hurry to walk down the aisle, but Justin was going to be there for her…whether she wanted him to or not.
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- Ola de Calor
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Para Mick, era perfecta: inteligente, atractiva, apasionada. Desde el momento en que entr? en su vida, s?lo tuvo ojos para ella. Kat era un mujer preparada para el amor, pero hab?a una parte de ella que no pod?a alcanzar…El conocer a Mick era lo m?s maravillosos que le hubiera sucedido. Pero comprend?a que las mujeres como ella no pod?an pensar en el matrimonio. Y a pesar de que lo amaba, Kat sab?a que cuando le dijera la verdad, lo perder?a para siempre.
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- Orgullo y seducci?n
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Era muy peligroso seducir a alguien como ?l y luego tratar de olvidarloLo ?nico que Rebecca Fortune deseaba era tener un beb?, y si para ello ten?a que acabar en la cama con el duro investigador Gabriel Devereax, pues se tragar?a su orgullo e intentar?a seducirlo. Sab?a que Gabriel no tardar?a en alejarse de su vida, con lo que su secreto estar?a a salvo… Pero fue entonces cuando una soltera empedernida como Rebecca se dio cuenta de que lo que sent?a por ?l hab?a superado todas sus previsiones. ?Sentir?a lo mismo alguna vez el padre de su futuro hijo… especialmente cuando descubriera la mentira?
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- Pink Satin
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- With the figure of a sex symbol and a career as a lingerie executive, Greer Lothrop is used to attracting more than her fair share of male attention. After years of unwanted stares, she is far more comfortable playing mother hen than femme fatale.She’s shocked when there’s nothing motherly about the feelings her new neighbor, engineer Ryan McCullough, arouses in her. She’s never been attracted to a man of such raw sexuality before. What is it about Ryan that has her confiding in him-and falling into his arms-within hours of meeting?It’s clear Ryan isn’t interested in Greer for her chicken soup. He’s not falling for her girl-next-door routine either, no matter how hard she tries to deny their chemistry. He knows there’s a passionate woman behind the facade-and he knows just how to awaken her…
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- Por arte de magia
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- No era la gripe. Nicole estaba embarazada. Y no recordaba haberse acostado con ning?n hombre en los ?ltimos cuatro a?os. ?Era posible que hubiese tenido relaciones con Mitch, su empleado… en unas circunstancias poco claras? En efecto, ella no se acordaba, pero as? hab?a sido. Y su caballero andante acab? rindi?ndose a sus pies.La propuesta de Mitch estaba motivada por el deber, pero en sus ojos brillaba una pasi?n aut?ntica… ?Pod?a un matrimonio forjado por el bien de un futuro hijo convertirse en un amor de cuento de hadas entre la Bella Durmiente y su Pr?ncipe Azul?
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- Ruchome Piaski
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Priscilla robi?a wszystko, co w ludzkiej mocy, by tragiczne zdarzenie z czas?w wczesnej m?odo?ci nie zniszczy?o jej dalszego ?ycia. Uda?o jej si? odsun?? w niepami?? koszmary wspomnie?, dop?ki na jej drodze nie stan?? ten pot??ny m??czyzna, Coop Maitland, kolega ze szko?y. A przecie? on tylko chcia? jej pom?c…
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- Secretive Stranger
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- "Shouldn't you be dead?"It's not enough that Sophie Campbell discovers her neighbor's body. His dead ringer has to show up at her doorstep. But this man's no ghost.the instant attraction that sparks between them is all too real.College professor Cord Pruitt wants answers about his brother's murder. The woman downstairs must have seen something. But when Cord lays eyes on Sophie, all he wants to do is take her in his arms and protect her. With a killer on the loose, and all signs pointing toward Sophie as the next target, that's just what he will have to do…
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- Silver and Spice
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Jake Rivard has been back in Grosse Pointe for only twenty-four hours, and already banker Anne Blake’s well-ordered world is in chaos. Again. Every time the man with the sexy silver-gray eyes shows up, she falls into bed with him. And every time he walks away, there’s an ache in her heart she can never ease. Now that she has the stable life she’s always craved, Anne’s not about to let him seduce her again. No matter how much she wants him to.Jake’s not leaving this time without Anne by his side. ...
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