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Harrison Harry - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 70.
  • Mundo muerto II
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Los personajes constitu?an la tribu m?s avanzada del planeta. Viv?an en inmundos palacios de madera, viajaban en barco y ten?an, aunque rudimentarios, algunos conocimientos cient?ficos. Jason se despoj? de sus pieles mugrientas y apestosas y propuso a Ijale, una esclava, que hiciera lo mismo con las suyas. Todo un mundo primitivo, con fuerza y principios salvajes; una civilizaci?n rudimentaria y unos personajes impetuosos y diab?licos, absorben la atenci?n del lector a trav?s de las p?ginas de MUNDO MUERTO una de las mejores obras del gran autor Harry Harrison.

  • Planeta Smierci 1
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Pierwsza cz??? z serii najs?ynniejszego cyklu powie?ciowego Harry'ego Harrisona. M?ody mi?dzygwiezdny szuler karciany Jason dinAlt niespodziewanie trafia na planet? Pyrrus — miejsce, w kt?rym ca?a flora i fauna sprzysi?g?a si? przeciwko cz?owiekowi! Wszystkie ro?liny i zwierz?ta tej planety, nawet najmniejsze owady, czy trawa maj? jedyny cel istnienia — nie?? ?mier? ka?dej istocie ludzkiej. Koloni?ci tocz? krwawy b?j o przetrwanie, lecz ich liczba z ka?dym rokiem si? zmniejsza… Badaj?c histori? tej kolonii Jason odkrywa, ?e nie zawsze tak by?o — pierwsi osadnicy nie napotkali ?adnych problem?w podczas zak?adania miasta. Jason postanawia odkry? przyczyn? istniej?cego stanu rzeczy…

  • Prvn? planeta smrti
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • HARRY HARRISON (1925) — jeden z p?edn?ch sv?tov?ch autor? ??nru science fiction se narodil v Connecticutu (USA) a vystudoval um?leckou ?kolu v New Yorku. B?hem sv? kari?ry nez?visl?ho spisovatele vyst??dal ?adu zem?, v sou?asn? dob? ?ije v irsk?m Dublinu. Dosud vydal 38 sci-fi rom?n?, z nich? k nejzaj?mav?j??m pat?? trilogie o planet?ch smrti, p??b?hy Jasona dinAlta, dobrodruha a profesion?ln?ho hr??e, kter? sv?m naturelem p?ipom?n? sv?ho tv?rce. Trilogie byla p?elo?ena do 14 sv?tov?ch jazyk?, a ?esky vych?z? poprv?.

  • Retter einer Welt
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Der Mann: Brion Brandd, Agent der Gesellschaft f?r kulturelle Beziehungen.Der Auftrag: Eine Welt vor der atomaren Vernichtung zu bewahren.Der Schauplatz: Dis — ein wilder, unwirtlicher Planet mit unheimlichen Bewohnern.Das Problem: Den Ursprung des ?bels zu finden, das die Bewohner des Planeten befallen hatte.Fr?her einmal waren die Disaner Menschen gewesen. Jetzt waren sie nur noch von dem Wunsch besessen, zu morden! Alles und jeden zu t?ten, sich selbst zu vernichten, ihren Planeten zu zerst?ren — nach M?glichkeit sogar das gesamte Universum, wenn man sie gew?hren lie?…Brion hatte nur noch wenige Stunden Zeit, um sie daran zu hindern.

  • Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Harry Harrison was born in Stamford, Connecticut in 1925 and lived in New York City until 1943, when he joined the United States Army. He was a machine-gun instructor during the war, but returned to his art studies after leaving the army. A career first as a commercial illustrator and later as art director and editor for various picture, news, and fiction magazines fitted him only for a lifetime residence in New York, so he changed it for the freelance writer's precarious existence and moved his family to Cuautla, Mexico. Since then he has lived in Kent, Camden, Italy, Denmark, Spain and Surrey; he has now returned to his native land, but he has not ceased to wander. He rationalizes this continual change of residence as essential research, when in reality it is an incurable case of wanderlust that enables him to indulge all his enthusiasms: travel, skiing, practising Esperanto, and making an annual pilgrimage to the Easter Congress of the British Science Fiction Association.

  • Stars and Stripes Triumphant
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • In , Harry Harrison began the story of the war that never was, but might so easily have happened: the war of the 1860s between the United States of America and the British Empire. It began with an ill-considered seizure of a British ship, escalated with an ill-considered letter to Abraham Lincoln, and continued with an ill-starred invasion of the territory of the USA by an incensed British government. The first modern war — with iron-clad ships, rapid-firing guns, trenches, mass armies and massive casualties, was taking place, not between the industrial northern states and the agricultural southern ones, but between the two great English-speaking nations. Who happened also to be the two most powerful nations on the planet. In the stunning conclusion to this series, the Irish become involved and a most surprising ending is the culmination of the ill-fated war.

  • Stonehenge, Zag?ada Atlantydy
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Ksi??? Ason z Myken, Egipcjanin Iteb i Aias z Byblos, uciakaj?c z Atlantydy przed wybuchem wulkanu i przed Atlantydami, dostaj? si? na wysp? Yerni, dzisiejsz? Wielk? Brytani?.Niespodziewane pojawienie si? ekspedycji Atlantyd?w sprawia, ?e uciekinierzy, zaprzyja?nieni z tubylcami, postanawiaj? zjednoczy? plemiona Yerni, gdy? tylko wtedy maj? one szans? w walce z naje?d?cami. Najlepszym na to sposobem wydaje si? zbudowanie pot??nego kamiennego symbolu nowych czas?w…Powie?? jest efektem wsp??pracy doskona?ego pisarza i ?wiatowej s?awy archeologa. Tak by? nie musia?o, ale mog?o…

  • The Daleth Effect
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The Daleth Effect was the key to the stars—and Israeli scientist Arnie Klein, its discoverer, knew that the great powers of the world would stop at nothing to control it. Arnie “defected” to tiny, tough Denmark in the hope of being able to carry on his work peacefully.A dramatic, “impossible” rescue of stranded Russian astronauts by a space-going submarine breaks the news to the world, and the squeeze play is on—with Arnie and his adopted country the focus of espionage, blackmail, and frank menace, culminating in the first act of space piracy and a bitterly ironic finale.