Why pay for costumes, scenery, props or actors when the most brilliant drama of all time is unfolding before your very eyes, in vivid color — in 1050 A.D.? Just the film crew of that stupendous motion picture saga as they journey back in time to capture history in the making.First published as .
Mind meets microchip as a brilliant young genius develops a machine capable of spontaneous thought. Before he can perfect the machine, terrorists steal his research and put a bullet through his brain. Miraculously revived by methods he pioneered, he must find his lost memory and discover who is trying to kill him.
About 65 million years ago, it is supposed that dinosaurs disappeared from Earth. But what if they had not been?From a master of imaginative storytelling comes an epic tale of the world as it might have been, a world where the age of dinosaurs never ended, and their descendants clashed with the humans. The story is set in the Americas, where a clan of native humans survives by hunting and fishing. Suddenly they clash with a new race that comes from across the ocean — the lizards who are a much more advanced civilization, progressing not through technology, but ...
A new ice age threatens Earth. Facing extinction, the dinosaurs must employ their mastery of biology to swiftly reconquer human territory. Desperately, Kerrick launches an arduous quest to rally a final defense for humankind. With his beloved wife and young son, he heads north to the land of the whale hunters, east into the enemy’s stronghold, and south to a fateful reckoning with destiny.
Was macht der Chef einer Filmgesellschaft, die kurz vor dem Bankrott steht? Er ist grunds?tzlich bereit, alles zu versuchen, um die drohende Pleite abzuwenden. Er l??t sich, obwohl er den Mann f?r einen Schwindler h?lt, sogar mit einem Professor ein, der behauptet, eine funktionsf?hige Zeitmaschine bauen zu k?nnen.Aber der Professor ist kein Schwindler — und die Zeitmaschine funktioniert tats?chlich. Sie bringt Schauspieler, Kameraleute und Regisseure in das 11. Jahrhundert, wo die Dreharbeiten f?r ein Wikingerepos anlaufen, das alle bisherigen Leinwanderzeugnisse weit in den Schatten stellen soll.Ein turbulentes SF-Abenteuer mit Humor und Pfiff.
Nadej?cie nowego lodowca zagra?a istnieniu Ziemi i gatunkowi ludzkiemu. Stoj?c w obliczu zagro?enia. dinozaury musz? wykorzysta? sw? znajomo?? biologii, aby zaw?adn?? terytorium ludzi i przetrwa?.Kerrick wraz ze sw? ?on? i synkiem wyrusza na pomoc ludzko?ci. W?r?d jaszczur?w ?yje istota, kt?rej celem jest zniszczenie przeciwnej kultury. To w?a?nie knowania Vanite doprowadzaj? do nieustannych star? i tragedii. Kerrick zna jednak spos?b na wymuszenie rozejmu.