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Kesey Ken - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.
  • Alguien Vol? Sobre El Nido Del Cuco
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Llevado al cine (como ATRAPADO SIN SALIDA en algunos pa?ses) por Milos Forman, protagonizada por Jack Nicholson en una de las actuaciones que lo convirtieron en una marca, con Louise Fletcher como la enfermera m?s repugnante de la historia del cine, y una reflexi?n temiblemente perdurable sobre las mec?nicas del poder.1975: 5 Oscar: mejor pel?cula, director, actor (Jack Nicholson), actriz (Louise Fletcher), gui?n adaptado / Drama.Randle McMurphy cumple una larga condena en una granja-prisi?n y se las ingenia para ser trasladado a una instituci?n psiqui?trica. Una vez all?, avisado ...
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  • Demon Box
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From Publishers WeeklyThe central theme running through this collection of stories (many of which seem to be primarily nonfiction with elements of fiction thrown in) by the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the struggle to come to terms with the legacy of the 1960s. Kesey draws largely on his own experiences after returning to his Oregon farm following a brief stint in prison on drug charges. A series of tales, apparently sections from a novel in progress, star an alter-ego named Devlin Deboree: his relatively tranquil post-jail farm existence is disturbed both by ...
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  • Lot nad kuku?czym gniazdem
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "Lot nad kuku?czym gniazdem" to jedna z najg?o?niejszych i najszerzej w ?wiecie znanych powie?ci ameryka?skich drugiej po?owy XX wieku. Ukazuje brutalne d?awienie indywidualno?ci na przyk?adzie zamkni?tego zak?adu psychiatrycznego, w kt?rym pacjent?w odziera si? z resztek wolno?ci i godno?ci osobistej. Powie?? stanowi wnikliw? analiz? psychologiczn? szale?stwa zbiorowo?ci.Ksi??ka Keseya wstrz?sn??a opini? ameryka?sk?, a przyby?y w tym czasie do USA, zrewoltowany przeciw w?adzy komunistycznej czeski re?yser Milosz Forman nakr?ci? na jej podstawie film ze s?ynn? kreacj? Jacka Nicholsona. Film ten przyda? s?awy powie?ci (podobnie jak jej adaptacja teatralna), uwypuklaj?c metaforyczn?, antytotalitarn? wymow?. W krajach ?wczesnego bloku sowieckiego przyj?to go szczeg?lnie ?ywo, jako czyteln? aluzj? do sowieckich "psychuszek", w kt?rych osadzano i prze?ladowano opozycjonist?w.
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  • One flew over cuckoos nest
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Chief Bromden, half American-Indian, whom the authorities believe is deaf and dumb, tells the story of a mental institution ruled by Big Nurse on behalf of the all-powerful Combine. Into this terrifying grey world comes McMurphy, a brawling gambling man, who wages total war on behalf of his cowed fellow-inmates. What follows is at once hilarious and heroic, tragic and ultimately liberating. Since its first publication in 1962, Ken Kesey’s astonishing first novel has achieved the status of a contemporary classic. “Kesey can be funny, he can be lyrical, he can do dialogue, and he can write a muscular narrative. In fact there's not much better come out of America in the sixties… If you haven’t already read this book, do so. If you have, read it again” – Douglas Eadie, “Scotsman”.
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  • Um Estranho No Ninho
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • O romance de Ken Kesey ? inspirado em suas pr?prias experi?ncias quando participou de pesquisas com drogas psicoativas no centro psiqui?trico do Menlo Park Veterans Hospital (Calif?rnia). 'Um estranho no ninho' ? protagonizado por R. P. McMurphy, um preso que escapa da condena??o fingindo-se de louco. McMurphy ? ent?o internado em um hosp?cio, sob a tutela da s?dica Chefona, a enfermeira Ratched, que comanda os internos com suas rigorosas sess?es de terapia e eletrochoque. Aos poucos McMurphy percebe que o hosp?cio pode ser muito pior que a pris?o, nesse novo universo cercado de pacientes inseguros, ansiosos e constantemente dopados. Pessoas que buscaram ref?gio da sociedade no hosp?cio.
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