Patterson James -
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Книги 26—50 из 73.
- I, Michael Bennett
- Жанр: Триллер
- A South American crime lord has brought New York the worst lawlessness and violence the city has ever seen. Police shot in the street. Judges murdered in the courtroom. Mayhem is unleashed-and the mayor demands that Detective Michael Bennett find a way to stop it.Bennett takes his ten kids and their beautiful nanny, Mary Catherine, out of the chaos on a much-needed vacation to upstate New York. But instead of escaping the violence, it follows them and they find themselves in the middle of another nightmare that threatens the entire family. The danger isn't only coming from the crime lord's killers-FBI Agent Emily Parker is back, and Bennett's attraction to her endangers his relationship with Mary Catherine. A no-holds-barred, pedal-to-the-floor, action-packed novel, MICHAEL BENNETT'S GOLD is James Patterson at his most thrilling best.
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- Judge & Jury
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyBestsellers Patterson and Gross (Lifeguard) once again deliver what their fans expect in this slapdash revenge thriller. When mob godfather Dominic Cavello is finally brought to trial by FBI agent Nick Pellisante, his longtime nemesis, the accused is strangely unconcerned even as a parade of his former criminal associates finger him as having ordered a hit on a corrupt businessman. The gangster's plan to intimidate the decision-makers at his trial reaches its climax when he arranges for a bomb to blow up the bus transporting the jury. The sole survivor teams up with Pellisante to ...
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- Lifeguard
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyBeach bum Ned Kelly, a part-time lifeguard, pool guy and errand runner in Palm Beach, Fla., has just scored with beautiful, rich Tess McAuliffe. Life sure is looking up, especially from his days back in chilly South Boston. He's looking forward to another round with Tess, but first he has to help some smalltime hoodlum pals commit a $60-million art heist. It's supposed to be an easy job, but everything goes to hell-the paintings they were after weren't even there-and soon enough his pals are all dead, as is Tess. Ned goes on the run, ...
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- London Bridges
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyAny thriller writer, wannabe or actual, would do well to study Patterson's 10th Alex Cross novel. A sequel to last year's The Big Bad Wolf, the book is a model of economy, delivering a full package of suspense, emotion and characterization in a minimum number of words. The story brings back not only Big Bad Wolf's arch-villain, the Russian mobster known as the Wolf, but also an earlier Patterson bad guy, the Weasel, recruited by the Wolf to further his plans. These involve extorting Western powers for billions of dollars to avoid major terrorist attacks ...
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- Luna De Miel
- Жанр: Триллер
- Hermosa, elegante, inteligente y seductora… la mujer con la que todo hombre sue?a, amante y compa?era perfecta. Y tambi?n, despiadada asesina. Nora Sinclair ha conseguido triunfar en el selecto mundo de la alta decoraci?n. Su maestr?a s?lo rivaliza con su capacidad para elegir a hombres: famosos, pol?ticos, estrellas de cine, atractivos y con suculentas cuentas bancarias. Acaba de encontrar una nueva presa: un joven escritor de best-sellers enamorado de ella. Desear?a dejarlo con vida, llevar una existencia normal, pero ha vuelto a escuchar la voz que la impulsa a convertirlo en v?ctima. El FBI lleva tiempo detr?s de esta viuda negra. Pero siempre un paso por delante de ellos. Sin embargo, el agente John O’Hara est? dispuesto a hacer todo lo que est? en su mano para reunir las pruebas que permitan detenerla. Pulso a muerte entre una mujer fascinante y carente de escr?pulos, y un hombre decidido a meterse en el nido de la v?bora para cazarla.
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- Max
- Жанр: Триллер
- Maximum Ride and the other members of the Flock have barely recovered from their last arctic adventure, when they are confronted by the most frightening catastrophe yet. Millions of fish are dying off the coast of Hawaii and someone-or something-is destroying hundreds of ships. Unable to discover the cause, the government enlists the Flock to help them get to the bottom of the disaster before it is too late.While Max and her team are exploring the depths of the ocean, their every move is being carefully tracked by Mr. Chu-a criminal mastermind with his own plans for the Flock. Can they protect themselves from Mr. Chu's army of mercenaries and save the ocean from utter destruction?A James Patterson PageturnerIn the spirit of the most enduring hit movies and books, James Patterson has written this story for readers from ten to a hundred and ten. Special care has been taken with the language and content of MAXIMUM RIDE 5.
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- Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyThemes from Patterson's popular adult titles When the Wind Blows and The Lake House waft through this YA thriller, the author's first in the genre. Wood stars as Maximum Ride, 14-year-old leader of a band of kids who have escaped the lab where they were bred as 98% human and 2% bird (wings being a key component) and developed a variety of other-worldly talents. In Patterson's unusual universe, Max and her young cohorts are soon forced to rescue one of their own-a girl named Angel-from a pack of mutant wolf-humans called Erasers. Wood nails Patterson's often adult-beyond-their-years ...
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- Pami?tnik Pisany Mi?o?ci?
- Жанр: Триллер
- Nie?atwo jest kobiecie spotka? idealnego m??czyzn?. Kate Wilkinson si? uda?o, ale c?? z tego skoro pewnego dnia ukochany Matt odchodzi bez wyja?nienia, zostawiaj?c jej tylko pami?tnik… Okazuje si?, ?e ten dziennik pisa?a m?oda matka, Suzanne Bedford, z my?l? o swoim male?kim synku. Kobieta we wzruszaj?cy spos?b opowiada o w?asnym ?yciu, o pocz?tkach znajomo?ci z ojcem dziecka i rado?ciach zwi?zanych z macierzy?stwem. Podczas czytania tych chwytaj?cych za serce wyzna? Katie nagle u?wiadamia sobie, ?e utracony przez ni? ukochany to m?? i ojciec z pami?tnika. Podczas dalszej lektury, przera?ona i pe?na nadziei, pr?buje zrozumie?, co w?a?ciwie zasz?o. Zastanawia si? r?wnie?, czy jej mi?o?? na szanse na przetrwanie…
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- Podmuchy Wiatru
- Жанр: Триллер
- Doktor Frannie O’Neill spotyka w lesie niedaleko szpitala dziewczynk?. Jedenastolatka jest zadziwiaj?co silna i inteligentna. Ale nie to wprawia Frannie w najwi?ksze zdumienie… Kilka dni p??niej lekark? odwiedza agent FBI. Kieruje ?ledztwem w sprawie szokuj?cych eksperyment?w genetycznych prowadzonych w tajnym laboratorium.
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- Private
- Жанр: Триллер
- Former Marine and CIA agent Jack Morgan inherits his father's renowned security and detective business-along with a case load that tests him to the breaking point. Getting to the bottom of an NFL gambling scandal and an unsolved LAPD investigation into 18 school girl slayings would be enough. On top of all that, Morgan takes on solving the horrific murder of his best friend's wife.As Morgan fights the urge to exact brutal revenge on that killer, he has to navigate a workplace imbroglio that could blow the roof off his elite agency. And it's an especially explosive situation… because the love affair is his own.
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- R??e S? Czerwone
- Жанр: Триллер
- Seria krwawych napad?w na banki w Marylandzie i Wirginii. Tajemniczy, wyj?tkowo przebieg?y przest?pca wynajmuje za ka?dym razem innych ludzi do rabunku… a potem ich zabija. ?ledztwem kieruje Alex Cross. Kolejne tropy prowadz? donik?d. Lecz Cross nie rezygnuje. Nawet kiedy przekonuje si?, ?e inteligentny zbrodniarz prowadzi z nim wyrafinowan? gr?. I ?e za najmniejszy b??d mo?e zap?aci? ?mierci?.
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- Run For Your Life
- Жанр: Триллер
- A calculating killer who calls himself The Teacher is taking on New York City, killing the powerful and the arrogant. His message is clear: remember your manners or suffer the consequences! For some, it seems that the rich are finally getting what they deserve. For New York 's elite, it is a call to terror.Only one man can tackle such a high-profile case: Detective Mike Bennett. The pressure is enough for anyone, but Mike also has to care for his 10 children-all of whom have come down with virulent flu at once!Discovering a secret pattern in The Teacher's lessons, Detective Bennett realizes he has just hours to save New York from the greatest disaster in its history. From the #1 bestselling author comes BE AFRAID, the continuation of his newest, electrifying series.
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- Step On A Crack
- Жанр: Триллер
- Detective Michael Bennett is about to take on the most sinister challenge of his career. The nation has fallen into mourning after the unexpected death of a beloved former first lady, and the most powerful people in the world gather in New York for her funeral. Then the inconceivable occurs. Billionaires, politicians, and superstars of every kind are suddenly trapped within one man's brilliant and ruthless scenario.Bennett-father of ten-is pulled into the fray. As the danger escalates, Michael is hit with devastating news. After fighting for many years, his wife has succumbed to a terrible disease. As ...
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- Swimsuit
- Жанр: Триллер
- Syd, a breathtakingly beautiful supermodel on a photo shoot in Hawaii, disappears. Fearing the worst, her parents travel to Hawaii to investigate for themselves, never expecting the horror that awaits them. LA Times reporter Ben Hawkins is conducting his own research into the case, hoping to help the victim and get an idea for his next bestseller. With no leads and no closer to uncovering the kidnapper's identity than when he stepped off the plane, Ben gets a shocking visit that pushes him into an impossible-to-resist deal with the devil. A heart-pounding story of fear and desire, SWIMSUIT transports readers to a chilling new territory where the collision of beauty and murder transforms paradise into a hell of unspeakable horrors.
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- The 6th Target
- Жанр: Триллер
- When a horrifying attack leaves one of the four members of the Women's Murder Club struggling for her life, the others fight to keep a madman behind bars before anyone else is hurt. And Lindsay Boxer and her new partner in the San Francisco police department run flat-out to stop a series of kidnappings that has electrified the city: children are being plucked off the streets together with their nannies – but the kidnappers aren't demanding ransom. Amid uncertainty and rising panic, Lindsay juggles the possibility of a new love with an unsolvable investigation, and the knowledge that one member of the club could be on the brink of death.And just when everything appears momentarily under control, the case takes a terrifying turn, putting an entire city in lethal danger. Lindsay must make a choice she never dreamed she'd face – with no certainty that either outcome has more than a prayer of success.
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- The 8th Confession
- Жанр: Триллер
- As San Francisco 's most glamorous millionaires mingle at the party of the year, someone is watching-waiting for a chance to take vengeance on Isa and Ethan Bailey, the city's most celebrated couple. Finally, the killer pinpoints the ideal moment, and it's the perfect murder. Not a trace of evidence is left behind in their glamorous home.As Detective Lindsay Boxer investigates the high-profile murder, someone else is found brutally executed-a preacher with a message of hope for the homeless. His death nearly falls through the cracks, but when reporter Cindy Thomas hears about it, she knows the ...
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- The 9th Judgment
- Жанр: Триллер
- A young mother and her infant child are ruthlessly gunned down while returning to their car in the garage of a shopping mall. There are no witnesses, and Detective Lindsay Boxer is left with only one shred of evidence: a cryptic message scrawled across the windshield in blood red lipstick.The same night, the wife of A-list actor Marcus Dowling walks in on a cat burglar who is about to steal millions of dollars worth of precious jewels. In just seconds there is an empty safe, a lifeless body, and another mystery that throws San Francisco into hysteria.
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