Patterson James -
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Книги 51—73 из 73.
- The Beach House
- Жанр: Триллер
- Jack Mullen's life is working out perfectly. A Harvard law student, he's loving his summer job in a Boston law firm, and the weekends spent at Martha's Vineyard. Until he arrives home, and his father greets him with the news that his brother, Peter, is dead. The police believe Peter committed suicide, but Jack senses a darker, dangerous truth, and is determined to bring a killer to justice…
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- The Big Bad Wolf
- THERE WAS AN IMPROBABLE MURDER STORY told about the Wolf that had made its way into police lore and then spread quickly from Washington to New York to London and to Moscow. No one knew if it was actually the Wolf. But it was never officially disproved, and it was consistent with other outrageous incidents in the Russian gangster's life
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- The Jester
- Жанр: Триллер
- Arriving home disillusioned from the Crusades, Hugh discovers that his village has been ransacked and his wife abducted by knights in search of a relic worth more than any throne in Europe. Only by taking on the role of a jester is he able to infiltrate his enemy's castle, where he thinks his wife is captive.With the unstoppable pace and plot of a page-turning Alex Cross novel, THE JESTER is a breathtakingly romantic, pulse-pounding adventure-one that could only be conjured by the mind of James Patterson. Everyone who has ever hoped for good to defeat evil or for love to conquer all will not be able to stop turning the pages of this masterful novel of virtue, laughter-yes, laughter-and suspense.
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- The Murder of King Tut
- Жанр: Триллер
- Since 1922, when Howard Carter discovered Tut's 3,000-year-old tomb, most Egyptologists have presumed that the young king died of disease, or perhaps an accident, such as a chariot fall.But what if his fate was actually much more sinister?Now, in The Murder of King Tut, James Patterson and Martin Dugard chronicle their epic quest to find out what happened to the boy-king.The result is a true crime tale of intrigue, betrayal, and usurpation that presents a compelling case that King Tut's death was anything but natural.
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- The Quickie
- Жанр: Триллер
- Lauren Stillwell is not your average damsel in distress. When the NYPD cop discovers her husband leaving a hotel with another woman, she decides to beat him at his own game. But her revenge goes dangerously awry, and she finds her world spiraling into a hell that becomes more terrifying by the hour.In a further twist of fate, Lauren must take on a job that threatens everything she stands for. Now, she's paralyzed by a deadly secret that could tear her life apart. With her job and marriage on the line, Lauren's desire for retribution becomes a lethal inferno as she fights to save her livelihood – and her life.Patterson takes us on a twisting roller-coaster ride of thrills in his most gripping novel yet. This story of love, lust and dangerous secrets will have reader's hearts pounding to the very last page.
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- Thriller: Stories to Keep You Up All Night
- Жанр: Триллер
- An anthology of storiesBe prepared to be thrilled as you've never been beforeFeaturing North America's foremost thriller authors, Thriller is the first collection of pure thriller stories ever published. Offering up heart-pumping tales of suspense in all its guises are thirty-two of the most critically acclaimed and award-winning names in the business. From the signature characters that made such authors as David Morrell and John Lescroart famous to four of the hottest new voices in the genre, this blockbuster will tantalize and terrify.Lock the doors, draw the shades, pull up the covers and ...
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- Trzy Oblicza Zemsty
- Жанр: Триллер
- Porucznik Lindsay Boxer, kieruj?ca wydzia?em zab?jstw w San Francisco, jest przypadkowym ?wiadkiem eksplozji bomby w willi magnata przemys?owego Mortona Lightowera. Z po?wi?ceniem ratuje kilkuletniego ch?opca ze zgliszcz domu. Kilka dni p??niej ma miejsce kolejne zab?jstwo przemys?owca, tym razem przy pomocy pot??nej trucizny. Do serii zbrodni przyznaje si? w e-mailu wys?anym do przyjaci??ki Lindsay, reporterki San Francisco Chronicle, grupa lub osoba podpisana jako August Spies (czyli?Sierpniowi Szpiedzy"). Og?asza, i? prowadzi wojn? przeciw?chciwym i skorumpowanym" i co trzy dni b?dzie zabija? kolejne osoby. Poniewa? ...
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- Virgen
- Жанр: Триллер
- Estamos en 1987. Simult?neamente y en dos lugares distintos -Irlanda y Estados Unidos- se produce un acontecimiento similar: sendas muchachas quedan embarazadas sin dejar por ello de ser v?rgenes. Aunque ins?lito, el hecho no parece ir m?s all? de lo meramente curioso, sin embargo, es posible que constituya parte de un plan sobrenatural de dimensiones c?smicas, algo ya anunciado setenta a?os antes, en F?tima. Se trata de la famosa y desconocida tercera profec?a que la Virgen Mar?a hizo a los tres pastorcillos portugueses: el Segundo Advenimiento. El hecho conmociona a la ...
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- Watch the Skies
- Жанр: Триллер
- LIGHTSAll's quiet in the small town of Holliswood. Television sets, computers, and portable devices are aglow in every home, classroom, and store. Yet not all is perfect. Evil is lurking, just out of sight, behind the screen.CAMERAResiding in this sleepy town is a villain with more ambition than the world can withstand. Twisted beyond reason, he is dead set on throwing Holliswood into chaos and documenting the destruction of every person in it, including Daniel X.EXTERMINATIONThe only person who can stop this made-for-TV tyrant, Daniel must use his extraordinary power to save the town. But this devilish director has assembled an all-star team of his own creation and vows to stage the most spectacular finale the world has ever seen. Can Daniel X stop this deranged outlaw-or will he find himself on the cutting room floor?
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- Wielki Z?y Wilk
- Жанр: Триллер
- Wilk to przyw?dca rosyjskiej "czerwonej mafii", najgro?niejszej organizacji przest?pczej dzia?aj?cej w Ameryce – by?y agent KGB, bezlitosny zab?jca bez twarzy i imienia. W?asnor?cznie wykonuje ka?d? "mokr? robot?", nie boi si? ?adnego ryzyka. Nikt nie wie, kim jest, gdzie mieszka, jak si? nazywa. Tropi go Alex Cross, policjant z wydzia?y zab?jstw, odbywaj?cy sta? w FBI. Wyrwany ze szkolenia w Quantico, musi zaj?c si? spraw? tajemniczych zagini?? bia?ych kobiet, porywanych przez mafi? w charakterze "seksualnych niewolnic" na zam?wienie bogatych zbocze?c?w. Prze?om w strawie nast?puje, gdy odnajduje si? jedna z porwanych kobiet, a czternastoletnian hackerka w?amuje si? na doskonale zabezpieczon? stron? w internecie s?u??c? do sk?adania zam?wie? na "?ywy towar". Najwi?ksz? trudno?? sprawia Crossowi pojmanie samego Wilka – kolejne podejrzane osoby okazuj? si? tylko marionetkami…
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- Worst Case
- Жанр: Триллер
- One by one, children of New York 's wealthiest are taken hostage. But the criminal doesn't crave money or power-he only wants to ask the elite if they know the price others pay for their luxurious lifestyles. And, if they don't, he corrects their ignorance-by killing them.To Detective Michael Bennett, it becomes clear that these murders are linked and must be part of a greater, more public demonstration. With the city thrown into chaos, he is forced to team up with FBI agent Emily Parker, and the two set out to capture the killer before he begins his most public lesson yet-a deadly message for the entire city to witness.From the bestselling author who brought you the Alex Cross novels comes James Patterson's most action-packed series yet. With the heart-pounding suspense that only Patterson delivers, WORST CASE will leave you gasping for breath until the very end.
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- You’ve Been Warned
- Жанр: Триллер
- For Karen Burns, a talented young photographer, it was only natural to go to New York to chase her dreams. And it was only normal-just to pay the rent while she waited for her big chance-to work as a nanny for a young power couple, an attorney and his socialite wife, watching their two children.But for all the promise, the thrills, and the glitter, there are temptations and there are deadly dangers that come with life among the rich and powerful. Get ready for the Nanny Diaries from Hell.
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- Zoo
- Жанр: Триллер
- Once in a lifetime, a writer puts it all together. This is James Patterson’s best book ever.For 36 years, James Patterson has written unputdownable, pulse-racing novels. Now, he has written a book that surpasses all of them. ZOO is the thriller he was born to write.All over the world, brutal attacks are crippling entire cities. Jackson Oz, a young biologist, watches the escalating events with an increasing sense of dread. When he witnesses a coordinated lion ambush in Africa, the enormity of the violence to come becomes terrifyingly clear.With the help ...
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