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Perry Anne - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 51.
  • El Rostro De Un Extra?o
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Su nombre es William Monk, su profesi?n, detective de la polic?a. Eso, al menos, es lo que le dicen cuando despierta en un hospital londinense, ya que ?l no recuerda nada. Al parecer, el carruaje en que viajaba volc? y como consecuencia de este accidente el cochero muri? y ?l qued? malherido. Tras pasar tres semanas inconsciente y otras tantas de convalecencia, Monk recupera la salud, pero no la memoria. Su primer caso cuando se reincorpora en el cuerpo de polic?a es el brutal asesinato de Joscelin Grey, un h?roe de la guerra de Crimea que fue golpeado hasta morir en sus aposentos. Se trata de un asunto delicado, pues la familia de la v?ctima no est? dispuesta a que un simple plebeyo hurgue en sus intimidades. Sin embargo, Monk no se deja amilanar y, mientras busca una clave que ilumine su propio pasado, empieza a investigar entre las amistades de Grey.

  • Execution Dock
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • 1864 and, once again, Inspector William Monk, now of the Thames River Police, must face a dangerous foe. After a game of cat and mouse, Monk has finally captured Jericho Philipps, main suspect in the brutal slaying of mudlark Water 'Fig' Figgis. In doing so he believes that he has taken the first step in bringing to justice the man responsible for running an evil child prostitution ring and avenged the memory of Durban, his old commander, who was convinced of Philipps' guilt. When Philipps comes to trial however all does not run smoothly. Oliver Rathbone, Monk's friend, is hired ...

  • Falsa inocencia
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • El inspector William Monk, ahora miembro de la Polic?a Fluvial del T?mesis, se enfrenta a un enemigo muy peligroso: Jericho Phillips, sospechoso de dirigir una extensa red de prostituci?n infantil. Sin embargo, tras el juicio, Phillips es liberado. Decidido a probar su culpabilidad, Monk reabre el caso; pero a medida que se sumerge en los bajos fondos de Londres se percata de que el misterioso apoyo que recibe Phillips proviene de altas esferas de la sociedad. Con el apoyo de su esposa Hester, William Monk se enfrenta al m?s peligroso y escurridizo criminal de toda su carrera.

  • La m?dium de Southampton Row
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Londres, Junio de 1892. Pronto habr? elecciones. El clima est? caldeado. En el Parlamento y en las calles se discute sobre la autonom?a de Irlanda. La reducci?n de la jornada laboral a ocho horas, el coste y la preservaci?n del Imperio, el derecho al voto de las mujeres. Los liberales creen que podr?n acceder al poder; los conservadores, que deben jugar todas sus bazas para no perderlo. Y una de sus principales cartas es Charles Voisey, el ac?rrimo enemigo del superintendente Thomas Pitt.Voisey va a presentarse a un esca?o en un distrito ...

  • Luto riguroso
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nunca se hab?a visto envuelto en el esc?ndalo el aristocr?tico clan de los Moidore, una de las mejores familias de Londres, a cuya mansi?n de Queen Anne Street acuden los m?s encumbrados personajes. Ahora, sin embargo, la bella hija de sir Basil ha aparecido apu?alada en su propia cama y la noticia corre de boca en boca por la ciudad. El inspector William Monk recibe la orden de encontrar al asesino sin demora, aunque evitando causarle mayores trastornos a una familia ya abrumada por la tragedia. Monk se halla a?n bajo los efectos de la amnesia que le dej? como secuela un grave accidente, pero sus facultades contin?an intactas y, con la ayuda de Hester Latterly, se aproxima paso a paso a un asombroso descubrimiento.

  • Seven Dials
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Thomas Pitt, mainstay of Her Majesty’s Special Branch, is summoned to Connaught Square mansion where the body of a junior diplomat lies huddled in a wheelbarrow. Nearby stands the tenant of the house, the beautiful and notorious Egyptian woman Ayesha Zakhari, who falls under the shadow of suspicion. Pitt’s orders are to protect-at all costs-the good name of the third person in the garden: senior cabinet minister Saville Ryerson. This distinguished public servant, whispered to be Ayesha’s lover, insists that she is as innocent as Pitt himself is. Pitt’s journey to uncover the truth takes him from Egyptian cotton fields to the insidious London slum called Seven Dials, to a packed London courtroom where shocking secrets will at last be revealed.

  • The Sheen of the Silk
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • New York Times bestselling novelist Anne Perry, the undisputed Queen of Victorian mysteries and the author of an acclaimed series set during World War I, now broadens her canvas with her first major stand-alone book – an epic historical novel set in thirteenth-century Constantinople, where a woman must live a lie in her quest to uncover the truth.Arriving in the ancient Byzantine city in the year 1273, Anna Zarides has only one mission: to prove the innocence of her twin brother, Justinian, who has been exiled to the desert for conspiring to kill Bessarion, a nobleman.Disguising herself ...

  • The Silent Cry
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Deep in London's dangerous slums, Victorians transacted their most secret and shameful business. For a price, a man could procure whatever he wanted, but it happened now and then that the price he paid was his life.Now, in sunless Water Lane, respected solicitor Leighton Duff lies dead, kicked and beaten to death. Beside him lies the barely living body of his son, Rhys. The police cannot fathom these brutal assaults until shrewd investigator William Monk uncovers a connection between them and a series of rapes and beatings of local prostitutes. Then, shockingly, it begins to appear that young Rhys may have killed his own father…

  • The Sins of the Wolf
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Nurse Hester Latterly finds herself well-suited for the position: accompany Mrs. Mary Farraline, an elderly Scottish lady with delicate health, on a short train trip to London. Yet Hester’s simple job takes a grave turn when the woman dies during the night. And when a postmortem examination of the body reveals a lethal dose of medicine, Hester is charged with murder-punishable by execution.The notorious case presents detective William Monk with a daunting task: find a calculating killer amongst the prominent and coolly unassailable Farraline clan. Since Hester must be tried in Edinburgh, where prejudice against her runs high, there is little that the highly skilled barrister Oliver Rathbone can do to help. He can only try to direct her Scottish lawyer from the frustrating sidelines, and pray that Hester will not be sent to the gallows…

  • The Whitechapel Conspiracy
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • It is spring, 1892. Queen Victoria persists in her life of self-absorbed seclusion. The Prince of Wales outrages decent people with his mistresses and profligate ways. The grisly killings of Whitechapel prostitutes by a man dubbed Jack the Ripper remain a frightening enigma. And in a packed Old Bailey courtroom, distinguished soldier John Adinett is sentenced to hang for the inexplicable murder of his friend, Martin Fetters.Though Thomas Pitt should receive praise for providing key testimony in the Fetters investigation, Adinett’s powerful friends of the secretive Inner Circle make sure he is vilified instead. Thus Pitt is ...