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Rankin Ian - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 30.
  • A Cool Head
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "My dad used to say to me, 'Try to keep a cool head and a warm heart'. At least I think it was my dad. I don't really remember him." Gravy worked in the graveyard – hence the name. He was having a normal day until his friend Benjy turned up in a car Gravy didn't recognise. Benjy had a bullet hole in his chest, but lived just long enough to ask Gravy to hide him and look after his gun. Gravy had looked after things for Benjy before, but never a gun. When Gravy looked in the car he found blood, a balaclava and a bag stuffed with money. Gravy's not too bright but he wants to help his friend. So Gravy finds himself caught up in the middle of a robbery gone wrong, a woman who witnessed a murder, and some very unpleasant men who will do anything to get back the money Benjy stole…

  • A Question of Blood
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A shooting incident at a private school just north of Edinburgh. Two seventeen year olds killed by an ex Army loner who has gone off the rails. As Detective Inspector John Rebus puts it, 'there's no mystery'… except the why. But this question takes Rebus into the heart of a shattered community. Ex Army himself, Rebus becomes fascinated by the killer, and finds he is not alone. Army investigators are on the scene, and won't be shaken off. The killer had friends and enemies to spare ranging from civic leaders to the local Goths leaving behind a legacy of secrets and lies. Rebus has more than his share of personal problems, too. He's fresh out of hospital, hands heavily bandaged, and he won't say how it happened. Could there be a connection with a house fire and the unfortunate death of a petty criminal who had been harrassing Rebus's colleague Siobhan Clarke? Rebus's bosses seem to think so…

  • Aguas Turbulentas
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La desaparici?n de una estudiante, Philippa Balfour ?ni?a rica rebelde, hija de un banquero bien acomodado e influyente? conduce a la polic?a a dos posibles pistas: la primera relacionada con la aparici?n de una mu?eca de madera en un min?sculo ata?d abandonado en un paraje rural, a poca distancia de la casa de los Balfour; la segunda, su participaci?n en un juego de rol a trav?s de Internet dirigido por un misterioso gur? cibern?tico. Dos posibles pistas que vinculan casos antiguos de asesinatos no resueltos con otros m?s recientes. La polic?a, de Lothian y Borders, se pone en marcha, mientras Rebus investiga los deslavazados antecedentes hist?ricos de cr?menes sin resolver y la agente Siobhan Clarke sigue la pista virtual del misterioso «Programador», cuyas enrevesadas claves acaban dirigiendo los pasos de la investigaci?n. Las vidas, virtuales y reales, dependen ahora de una fracci?n de segundo.

  • Beggars Banquet
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Over the years, Ian Rankin has amassed an incredible portfolio of short stories. Published in crime magazines, composed for events, broadcast on radio, they all share the best qualities of his phenomenally popular Rebus novels. 10 years ago, A GOOD HANGING Ian's first short story collection demonstrated this talent and now after nearly a decade at the top of popular fiction, Ian is releasing a follow up. Ranging from the macabre ('The Hanged Man') to the unfortunate ('The Only True Comedian') right back to the sinister ('Someone Got To Eddie') they all bear the hallmark of great crime writing. Of even more interest to his many fans, Ian includes seven Inspector Rebus stories in this new collection…

  • Black & blue
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Tres mujeres j?venes han aparecido ultrajadas y asesinadas. El criminal se ha guardado como f?nebre recuerdo un objeto de cada una de ellas. Demasiadas coincidencias en tono a una forma de actuar que recuerda a los salvajes procedimientos y la impronta de un asesino en serie que conmocion? a la sociedad escocesa en los a?os sesenta: el escurridizo John Biblia, cuya verdadera identidad nunca se pudo averiguar. El inspector de polic?a John Rebus es el vivo reflejo de la frustraci?n de aquellos que no pudieron atrapar a aquel depravado criminal. Ahora est? decidido a ...

  • Black Book
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Rebus finds himself with a number of problems on his hands. His wayward brother, Michael, has returned to Edinburgh in need of accommodation — with only the box-room in Rebus's flat available. While out drinking, he meets an old army friend, Deek Torrance, who admits to being involved in shady activities, telling Rebus he can get his hands on 'anything from a shag to a shooter'. Rebus spends so long out with Deek that he misses dinner with his girlfriend, Doctor Patience Aitken. Furious, she locks him out of her flat, forcing him to sleep in his own flat, on the sofa.

  • Callej?n Fleshmarket
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En un barrio de viviendas protegidas de Edimburgo aparece asesinado un sin papeles. ?Se trata de una agresi?n racista o de algo muy distinto? Es un caso que, sin duda, interesa a Rebus, que se encuentra en ese momento rodeado de problemas: han cerrado su antigua comisar?a y sus jefes querr?an que se retirara. Pero Rebus es m?s terco que nadie. Durante las indagaciones visita un centro de detenci?n para inmigrantes, trata con el s?rdido mundo del hampa de Edimburgo y probablemente acabe enamor?ndose. Siobhan, por otra parte, tiene sus propios problemas. ...

  • Death Is Not The End
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Damon Mee was last seen in a blurred security video on the dance floor of a Kirkaldy nightclub. It was a routine missing persons case and it wasn't even on his patch, but inspector John rebus said he'd look into it as a favour to the boy's father, a friend from his school days. In the deft hands of Ian Rankin, the ripples of the investigation widen rapidly. They lead to the club's greasy owner, to a slightly bent casion croupier, to a drop dead blonde whose name nobody seems to know, to a Hibs striker with a talent for goals and a weakness for gambling and finally to the shadowed men who call the shots in Edinburgh's underworld. When it's over, Rebus has repaid a debt and his boss has received an unexpected birthday present.

  • Doors Open
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For the right man, all doors are open… Mike Mackenzie is a self-made man with too much time on his hands and a bit of the devil in his soul. He is looking for something to liven up the days and perhaps give new meaning to his existence. A chance encounter at an art auction offers him the opportunity to do just that as he settles on a plot to commit a 'perfect crime'. He intends to rip-off one of the most high-profile targets in the capital – the National Gallery of Scotland. So, together with two close friends from the art world, he devises a plan to a lift some of the most valuable artwork around. But of course, the real trick is to rob the place for all its worth whilst persuading the world that no crime was ever committed. But soon after he enters the dark waters of the criminal underworld he realises that it's very easy to drown…

  • El jard?nde las sombras
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El inspector Rebus se desvive por llegar al fondo de una investigaci?n que podr?a desenmascarar a un genocida de la segunda guerra mundial, asunto que el gobierno brit?nico preferir?a no destapar, cuando la batalla callejera entre dos bandas rivales llama a su puerta. Un mafioso checheno y Tommy Telford, un joven g?nster de Glasgow que ha comenzado a afianzar su territorioRebus, rodeado de enemigos, explora y se enfrenta al crimen organizado; quiere acabar con Telford, y as? lo har?, aun a costa de sellar un pacto con el diablo.

  • En La Oscuridad
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Edimburgo est? a punto de convertirse, al cabo de casi tres siglos, en anfitriona del primer Parlamento escoc?s, un hito hist?rico y pol?tico que enciende pasiones. El inspector Rebus ha sido destinado al comit? de enlace de seguridad del Parlamento, en Queensberry House, centro mismo del distrito de la comisar?a de St. Leonard. De Queensberry House, futura sede del gobierno de la nueva Escocia, perdura la maldici?n de una leyenda, una maldici?n que seg?n algunos recaer? sobre los nuevos inquilinos.Los problemas empiezan cuando, en la antigua chimenea donde de acuerdo con la leyenda muri? asado un joven, aparece el cad?ver de Roddy Grieve,candidato a un esca?o en el nuevo Parlamento.

  • Exit Music
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • BCA Crime Thriller of the Year (nominee)It's late autumn in Edinburgh and late autumn in the career of Detective Inspector John Rebus. As he tries to tie up some loose ends before retirement, a murder case intrudes. A dissident Russian poet has been found dead in what looks like a mugging gone wrong. By apparent coincidence a high-level delegation of Russian businessmen is in town, keen to bring business to Scotland. The politicians and bankers who run Edinburgh are determined that the case should be closed quickly and clinically. But the further they dig, the more Rebus ...

  • Hide And Seek
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Detective Inspector John Rebus finds the body of an overdosed drug addict in an Edinburgh squat, laid out cross-like on the floor, between two burned-down candles, with a five-pointed star painted on the wall above. Some of his colleagues are inclined to categorise it as the routine death of a "junkie", but Rebus is perturbed by some unusual facts of the case: a full package of heroin in the dead man's room, and some mysterious bruises on his face and body. Rebus takes seriously a death which looks more like a murder every day, and he begins to investigate ...

  • Kaskady
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W Edynburgu zagin??a studentka… Tyle ?e nie jaka? tam, a c?rka niezwykle zamo?nego i wielce wp?ywowego bankiera. Brak wszelkich ?lad?w, a detektyw inspektor John Rebus nabiera prze?wiadczenia, i? chodzi tu o co? wi?cej ni?li tylko wyskok zbuntowanej smarkuli, kt?rej do g?owy uderzy?y pieni?dze tatusia i nie tylko. Pojawiaj? si? dwa tropy: drewniana laleczka w pi?tnastocentymetrowej trumience, kt?r? kto? podrzuci? nad brzegiem strumienia i interaktywna gra internetowa, kt?r? zarz?dza tajemniczy cybernetyczny guru. Dramatyczne zdarzenia i zawzi?ty up?r detektywa, kt?ry woli s?ucha? starych longplay?w ni? plik?w MP3 powoduj?, ?e historia i wsp??czesno?? zaczynaj? si? z sob? miesza? i wzajemnie przenika?.

  • Knots And Crosses
  • Жанр: Полицейский детектив
  • Born in the Kingdom of Fife in 1960, Ian Rankin graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1982, and then spent three years writing novels when he was supposed to be working towards a PhD in Scottish Literature. His first Rebus novel, was published in 1987, and the Rebus books are now translated into over thirty languages and are bestsellers worldwide.Ian Rankin has been elected a Hawthornden Fellow, and is also a past winner of the Chandler-Fulbright Award. He is the recipient of four Crime Writers’ Association Dagger Awards including the prestigious Diamond Dagger in 2005. In 2004, Ian won America’s ...

  • La m?sica del Adi?s
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Oto?o, Edimburgo, hacia el final de la carrera del inspector John Rebus, que intenta cerrar alguno de los casos pendientes antes de jubilarse, cuando aparece muerto joven poeta ruso, al parecer a causa de un atraco que ha salido mal. Como por casualidad, una delegaci?n comercial rusa que intenta de hacer negocios en Escocia visita la ciudad, y pol?ticos y banqueros se muestran decididos a que el caso sea r?pidamente cerrado y sin ambig?edades. Pero cuanto m?s indagan Rebus y su colega, la sargento Siobhan Clarke, m?s convencidos est?n de que ...

  • Let It Bleed
  • Жанр: Полицейский детектив
  • Detective Inspector John Rebus and Frank Lauderdale start the book with a car chase across Edinburgh, culminating with the two youths they are chasing throwing themselves off the Forth Road Bridge and in Rebus being injured in a car crash. Rebus' upset over this allows Rankin to show the character in a new light, revealing his isolation and potentially suicidal despair.After the unconnected suicide of a terminally ill con, Rebus pursues an investigation that implicates respected people at the highest levels of government, and due to the politically sensitive nature of what he is doing, faces losing his job, or worse. He is supported by his daughter Sammy, allowing their distant relationship to be built upon.The title refers to the Rolling Stones album .

  • Mortal Causes
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The last people to die in Mary King's Close had been plague victims. But that was in the 1700s. Now a body has been discovered, brutally tortured and murdered in Edinburgh's buried city. Inspector John Rebus, ex army, spots a paramilitary link, but how can this be true? It is August in Edinburgh, the Festival is in full swing. No one wants to contemplate terrorism in the throng ing city streets. Special Branch are interested, however, and Rebus finds himself seconded to an elite police unit with the mission of smashing whatever cell may exist. But the victim turns out to be a gangster's son, and the gangster wants revenge on his own terms. Soon Rebus finds himself in a non man'sland where friendly fire is as likely to score a hit as anything lauched by the unseen enemy.

  • Nombrar a los muertos
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Julio de 2005: todo el mundo tiene los ojos puestos en Escocia. Los selectos dirigentes de los pa?ses del G8 se re?nen en la capital y las marchas de protesta, manifestaciones callejeras y refriegas diarias tienen desbordada a la polic?a. Pero un agente contin?a en excedente al margen de todo. Al inspector Rebus le dejan marginado por temor a que cree problemas a la superioridad en estas cruciales circunstancias. Pero todo cambia a ra?z de la ca?da nocturna de un joven pol?tico desde las murallas del Castillo de Edimburgo, hecho que sit?a ...

  • Nudos y cruces
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dos inocentes ni?as han sido secuestradas y asesinadas en Edimburgo para asombro de la opini?n p?blica, que se ha visto conmocionada ante tal crimen.El veterano inspector John Rebus, alcoh?lico y fumador empedernido, tomar? parte en la investigaci?n cuando una tercera menor desaparezca bajo las mismas circunstancias.Con un turbulento pasado y un estilo de vida totalmente desestructurado, Rebus deber? dejar a parte sus problemas personales para centrarse en la resoluci?n de un caso que podr?a convertirse en el m?s dram?tico suceso que pueda recordarse en toda Escocia. Pronto el asesino que todos buscan comenzar? a enviar una serie de pistas que quiz? solo Rebus podr? llegar a resolver.

  • Resurrection Men
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Inspector John Rebus has messed up badly this time, so badly that he’s been sent to a kind of reform school for damaged cops. While there among the last-chancers known as “resurrection men,” he joins a covert mission to gain evidence of a drug heist orchestrated by three of his classmates. But the group has been assigned an unsolved murder that may have resulted from Rebus’s own mistake. Now Rebus can’t determine if he’s been set up for a fall or if his disgraced classmates are as ruthless as he suspects.When Detective Sergeant ...

  • Strip Jack
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • SOMEONE IS STRIPPING JACK NAKED… Gregor Jack, MP, well like, young, married to the fiery Elizabeth to the outside world a very public sucess story. But Jack's carefully nurtured career plans take a tumble after a 'mistake' during a police raid on a notorious Edinburgh brothel. Then Elizabeth disappears, a couple of bodies float into viewwhere they shouldn't, and a lunatic speaks from his asylum… With his wife missing, his job on the line, and his sanity in doubt, Gregor Jack is ripe for revenge.

  • Supe?ki i Krzy?yki
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W Edynburgu zagin??a ma?a dziewczynka. Prawdopodobnie czeka j? taki sam los jak dwie pozosta?e ofiary brutalnego mordercy – ?mier? przez uduszenie sznurkiem z zawi?zanymi sup?ami. John Rebus, detektyw nadu?ywaj?cy alkoholu i papieros?w, jest jednym z wielu policjant?w poszukuj?cych cho?by najmniejszego ?ladu mordercy. W tym samym czasie do mieszkania detektywa zaczynaj? dociera? listy z zap?tlonymi kawa?kami sznurka i skrzy?owanymi zapa?kami. Owe tajemnicze wiadomo?ci, kt?re pocz?tkowo nie wzbudzaj? podejrze?, a jedynie irytuj? Rebusa, przywo?uj? mroczne i z trudem wyrzucone z pami?ci wspomnienia z pobytu w wojsku. Czy w?a?nie tutaj tkwi rozwi?zanie zagadki porwa? dziewczynek?

  • The Complaints
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • 'Mustn't complain' – but people always do… Nobody likes The Complaints – they're the cops who investigate other cops. Complaints and Conduct Department, to give them their full title, but known colloquially as 'The Dark Side', or simply 'The Complaints'. It's where Malcolm Fox works. He's just had a result, and should be feeling good about himself. But he's a man with problems of his own. He has an increasingly frail father in a care home and a sister who persists in an abusive relationship – something which Malcolm cannot seem to do anything about. But, in the midst of an aggressive Edinburgh winter, the reluctant Fox is given a new task. There's a cop called Jamie Breck, and he's dirty. The problem is, no one can prove it. But as Fox takes on the job, he learns that there's more to Breck than anyone thinks. This knowledge will prove dangerous, especially when a vicious murder intervenes far too close to home for Fox's liking.