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Книги 1—25 из 35.
- A Deeper Blue
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Heart-sick over the deaths of so many of his Keldara followers, and one in particular, former SEAL Mike Harmon, hero of , and , decides to sit this one out. WMDs headed for the US no longer matter to the Kildar. But when his best friend and intel specialist both are seriously wounded in an ambush aimed at him, the Kildar gets his gameface back on. Mike has always said that he’s not a nice guy, and he’s about to prove it to a boatload of terrorists and Colombian drug dealers. Set in the Bahamas and Florida Keys, is a fast moving thriller that never slows down from the first page. With the return of some old faces, the action-packed novel proves, once again, the adage that sometimes it takes some very bad people to do good things.
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- Against the Tide
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- In the distant future, the world was a paradise — and then, in a moment, it was ended by the first war in centuries. People who had known godlike power, to whom hunger and pain were completely unknown, desperately scrabbled to survive. As the United Free States, the bastion of freedom and center of opposition to the tyrants of New Destiny, prepared for the long-feared invasion by the Changed legions of Ropasa, Edmund Talbot realized that bureaucratic ineptitude and overconfidence was setting the USF naval forces of ships and dragons up for a disastrous defeat at sea. His fears came ...
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- Callys Krieg
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- John Ringos grandiose „Invasion“-Reihe, die inzwischen auch hierzulande zahllose Fans gefunden hat, wird mit diesem Roman fortgesetzt: Atemberaubende Kampfszenen, modernste Technik, furchtlose Helden — Science Fiction at its best! Hervorragend geeignet f?r alle Leser von „Mechwarrior-DarkAge“ und David Webers „Honor-Harrington“-Serie.Vierzig Jahre nach der Invasion verstecken sich in den Tr?mmern der zerst?rten St?dte immer noch Posleen-Einheiten und warten darauf, zur?ckzuschlagen. Und dann ist da noch eine andere au?erirdische Spezies, die mysteri?sen Darhel, deren Pl?ne im Dunkeln liegen. Diesen Pl?nen auf die Spur zu kommen, ist die Aufgabe von Cally O’Neal, Tochter des legend?ren Commanders Michael O’Neal. Vor Jahren offiziell f?r tot erkl?rt, ist sie nun Mitglied einer Gruppe von Untergrundk?mpfern — und muss begreifen, dass ihr Krieg gerade erst beginnt.
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- Callys War
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Cally O’Neal was trained from childhood as a premier killer. Officially listed as dead, for the past forty years she has lived a life of aliases, random lovers and targeted assassinations. This has led her to become the top in her profession, undefeatable, invulnerable. And in the process, she has lost, her soul. Now she, and the man she loves, must battle to reclaim it. But Cally will find that leaving her dark world of shadow identities, murder-for-hire, and deadly secrets will be more difficult than any of the many lethal operations she carried out in the past. Her employers think she knows too much to live, and the scores of enemies she has made still have her at the top of their hit lists. The real question is, will she win her soul only to lose her life?
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- Choosers of the Slain
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Former SEAL Michael Harmon (Ghost, Kildar) has a pretty good life. He’s settled down in the country of Georgia and built a solid commando-quality militia out of his local retainers. The Keldara have an ancient history of being first-class mountain warriors and all they needed was a few million in modern weapons and training to bring them up to speed. Now, with the Keldara keeping the area safe from Chechen raiders, and the various other terrorists that want Ghost’s head on their wall, he can settle back, relax in his harem and drink a few beers. However, ...
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- Claws That Catch
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Working off of a piece of intelligence from the alien Hexosehr, the is dispatched to investigate rumors of an ancient and powerful civilization that may have been the creators of the “black box” that drives humanity's only space ship. Any remnant technology would be nice but what the finds is much more than they bargained for. Worse, the ship is infested by an alien species of scorpion-like arachnoids that has the potential to wipe out a world. Worst of all, instead of being Astrogator, Captain William Weaver is now the XO and he is getting along with the new commander. And the new commander does not get along with Weaver, the ship's female savant-linguist or most of the rest of the original crew. And what that weird noise the ship makes every time it's in hard maneuvers? Leave it to the oddball geniuses of the to sort it all out. And the Dreen are going to like the answers.
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- Doktryna piekie?
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Kiedy linie obronne w Po?udniowych Appalachach upad?y, mi?dzy rozszala?ymi hordami Posleen?w a mi?kkim podbrzuszem P?askowy?u Cumberland pozostali ju? tylko weterani 555-go Piechoty Mobilnej.Zrzuceni w prze??cz Rabun Pass, maj?c dwa miliony Posleen?w za sob? i czterna?cie milion?w przed sob?, stoj? przed jednym tylko pytaniem – co si? sko?czy pierwsze: energia, amunicja czy ?o?nierze.Ale maj? jednego asa w r?kawie: daleko na p??nocy, podziurawiona w boju SheVa Dziewi??, przezwana „Bun-Bunem”, przechodzi powa?ny lifting. Z jej dymi?cych zgliszcz powstaje nowa machina ...
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- East of the Sun, West of the Moon
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- When the council that controlled the world spanning computer Mother fell out in civil war, it plunged the world in an instant from high-tech utopia to medieval nightmare. Now Herzer Herrick and Megan Trevante have been assigned the mission to capture the spaceship that supplies the fuel for the whole world. Given that Herzer vaguely thinks orbital decay is something having to do with teeth it should be… interesting. With all the usual combat expected in a John Ringo novel, sheds new light on the bizarre relationship between Herzer and Megan, the politics of the new born world and fascinating details of space technology.
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- Emerald Sea
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- In the future the world was a paradise — and then, in a moment, it ended. The council that controlled the Net fell out and went to war, while people who had never known a moment of want or pain were left wondering how to survive. Duke Edmund Talbot has been assigned a simple mission: Go to the Southern Isles and make contact with the scattered mer-folk-those who, before the worldwide collapse of technology, had altered their bodies in the shape of mythical sea-dwelling creatures. He must convince them to side with the Freedom Coalition in the battles against the ...
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- Eye of the Storm
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- In an instant the world changed for Lieutenant General Michael O’Neal. His beloved Corps of the last remaining ACS destroyed beneath the guns of the Fleet, his staff shot before his eyes, arrested on the charge of war crimes, he faces a short,one-sided, trail, a trip to the Fleet Penal Facility and a bullet to the back of the head while trying to ‘escape’.General Tam Wesley faces trying one of the most beloved heroes in Federation, not mention a friend of decades, on trumped up charges. He alternative is having the last coprs of humans ...
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- Ghost
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Former SEAL Michael Harmon, Team Name “Ghost”, retired for service injuries, is not enjoying college life. But things are about to change, if not for the better. When he sees a kidnapping a series of, at the time logical, decisions leave him shot to ribbons and battling a battalion of Syrian commandos with only the help of three naked co-eds who answer to the names “Bambi,” “Thumper” and “Cotton Tail.” A fast-paced, highly-sexual, military-action thriller that ranges from a poison factory in the Mideast to the Florida Keys to Siberia, the novel will keep you guessing what twisted fate will bring next for the man once known as… Ghost. Keep an eye on him or… poof, he’ll be gone.
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- Gust Front
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- …Our choice was simple: we could be cannon fodder, or we could be… fodder. We could send our forces to fight and die (as only humans can) against a ravening horde that was literally feeding on its interstellar conquests — or remain as we were — virtually weaponless and third in line for brunch.We chose to fight.Thanks to alien technology and sheer guts, the Terrans on two worlds fought the Posleen to a standstill. Thank God there was a moment to catch our breath, a moment, however brief, of peace.Now, for the survivors of ...
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- Hells Faire
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- With the defences of the Southern Appalachians sundered, the only thing standing between the ravening Posleen hordes and the soft interior of the Cumberland Plateau are the veterans of the 555th Mobile Infantry. Dropped into Rabun Pass, the only question is which will run out first: power, bullets or bodies.
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- Honor of the Clan
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Duty. Honor. Country.Three words that resound in the heart of the warrior. But what is duty when country is gone? Where does honor lie when allies are revealed as enemies, when friends are not who they seem and when enemies are the ones we love?For Cally O’Neal and the O’Neal Bane Sidhe, underground fighters against the tyranny of Earth’s Darhel “allies,” duty lies in the overthrow of the established order. For Major General Michael O’Neal, her father, duty lies in maintaining that order to prevent a reinvasion by the dreaded Posleen.When diamond meets diamond, when O’Neal battles O’Neal, the only sure outcome is fireworks.
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- Into the Looking Glass
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- When a 60-kiloton explosion destroyed the University of Central Florida, and much of the surrounding countryside, the authorities first thought that terrorists had somehow obtained a nuclear weapon. But there was no radiation detected, and, when physicist Dr. William Weaver and Navy SEAL Command Master Chief Robert Miller were sent to investigate, they found that in the center of the destruction, where the University’s physics department used to be, was an interdimensional gateway to… somewhere. An experiment in subatomic physics had produced a very unexpected effect. Furthermore, other gateways were appearing all over the world-and one of them ...
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- Kildar
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Problems, problems, problems! All Mike Harmon ever wanted to be was a SEAL. But after problems in the teams, college student was a decent second best. However, trouble seemed to follow him where he went. Now, after having angered every terrorist on Earth and at least five governments, buying a farm in a third world country was looking pretty good. Of course, nothing was ever simple. With Chechen terrorists knocking on the door and tenant farmers with a truly Byzantine culture, the question was whether he could drag the keldara into the 21st century before the Chechen put them back in the 6th. Kildar answers the question: Where would an international security specialist and former SEAL choose to retire — if he’s going to buy the farm, it should be one with beautiful women and the best beer in the world. Valhalla on Earth complete with Vikings.
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- Manxome Foe
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- In the midst of recovering from their successful if casualty prone first mission, the crew of the Alliance Space Ship are suddenly scrambled back into action. All other priorities take second place as word arrives on earth of a gate colony which has fallen to an unidentified alien assault. As the only space ship currently available to the Human-Adar Alliance, the is dispatched to find out what happened to the colony, rescue any survivors and learn the identity of the attackers. With new complexities added to the universe started in the novel and continued in , continues the tradition of non-stop action, valorous if quirky characters and rigorous science drawn from the frontiers of current theory. The odd-ball crew of the is an unlikely savior of earth, but none dare say they quail at engaging the Manxome Foe.
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- Pie?? przed bitw?
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Maj?c takich przyjaci??…Ziemia znalaz?a si? na drodze zach?annych Posleen?w. Pokojowe i przyjazne rasy galaktycznej Federacji proponuj? wsparcie zacofanym Ziemianom — ale nie za darmo. Ludzko?? musi teraz broni? trzech ?wiat?w.Kiedy ziemskie wojska spiesz? do walki, a jednostki specjalne penetruj? obce ?wiaty, ludzko?? otrzymuje cenn? lekcj?: mo?na obroni? si? przed wrogami, ale niech B?g strze?e nas przed sojusznikami.
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- Pierwsze uderzenie
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Mieli?my prosty wyb?r: albo b?dziemy mi?sem armatnim, albo... po prostu mi?sem. Mogli?my wys?a? nasze wojska i walczy? — tak, jak tylko ludzie potrafi? — z rozszala?? hord?, kt?ra dos?ownie ?ywi?a si? ?upami swoich mi?dzygwiezdnych podboj?w; mogli?my te? czeka?, bezbronni, a? zostaniemy po?arci.Wybrali?my walk?.
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- Princess of Wands
- Жанр: Ужасы
- distinguished by some unusual quality… a piece of evidence that indicates the probability or improbability of an event… Barbara Everette, homemaker living in a small town in Mississippi, had the perfect life. Perfect husband, perfect children, perfect house, perfect Christian Faith. She cooked and cleaned perfectly and managed all of the chores of the modern suburbanite, toting the kids, running the PTA, teaching kung-fu in the local dojo… Perfectly. But perfection has a price and the day came when Barbara snapped. She simply had to have “one weekend off.” God had to grant her that much. It ...
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- Sister Time
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Cally O’Neal is officially dead. In her over forty years of being an active secret agent she hasn't used her real name, much less spoken to her sister. So when Michelle interrupts an important mission, by seemingly appearing out of thin air, it’s an unexpected reunion. This highly anticipated sequel to the bestseller features the return of Michelle O’Neal, the first human Sohon mentat. is about life, love and covert operations amongst the universe’s ultimate dysfunctional family.
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- Tam b?d? smoki
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Akcja powie?ci osadzona jest kilka tysi?cleci w przysz?o??, kiedy to ludzie ?yj? w stworzonej przez siebie utopii. Poj?cia takie jak praca czy ub?stwo dawno zosta?y zapomniane, a dzi?ki niezwykle zaawansowanej technologii medycznej, ludzie ?yj? po kilkaset lat i dowolnie formuj? swoje cia?a przyjmuj?c posta? zwierz?t czy wyimaginowanych stworze?. Ich jedynym zmartwieniem jest wyszukiwanie coraz to nowszych rozrywek, m.in. poprzez toczenie potyczek z orkami w wirtualnej rzeczywisto?ci czy te? uprawianie rekreacjonizmu, czyli odtwarzanie sposobu ?ycia w wybranym okresie historycznym.
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- Taniec z diab?em
- Жанр: Боевая фантастика
- Po pi?ciu latach walk z poslee?skim naje?d?c? z ludzkiej cywilizacji pozosta?a zaledwie garstka wysoko uprzemys?owionych dolin, kt?rych mieszka?cy prze?cigaj? si? w tworzeniu coraz to pot??niejszych wojennych machin, maj?cych stawi? czo?a znienawidzonemu wrogowi. Po pi?ciu latach walk z lud?mi Posleeni s? zm?czeni. Ludzie nie walcz? fair. Posleeni s? gotowi na zmian?, dlatego nadchodzi Tulo'stenaloor. Raz pokonany, potrafi wyci?gn?? wnioski ze swojej kl?ski. Teraz nadesz?a pora konfrontacji. Dwaj dawni przeciwnicy maj? zmierzy? si? w bitwie, kt?ra rozstrzygnie o przysz?o?ci galaktyki na nast?pne tysi?clecia. A kiedy major Michael O'Neal, dow?dca pierwszego batalionu 555 pu?ku piechoty mobilnej, staje naprzeciw Tulo'stenaloora. Czas zata?czy? z diab?em.
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