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Ringo John - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—35 из 35.
  • The Hero
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • The human was an expert sniper — and a psychopath. He had never failed in the past when he stalked human prey. But now he is on an enemy planet, and his prey is anything but human. The Darhel are a race with a highly developed empathic sense. Long ago, they learned that they cannot deal death to another intelligent being without being destroyed by the death agonies of their victim. Even though they have been manipulating other species behind the scenes for millennia, including the humans of planet Earth, they cannot bear to kill another being, and depend on other, less sensitive beings to do their dirty work. But now one of the Darhel must kill or be killed. And the fate, not only of his own race, but all of humanity, is riding on his survival. The course of the next thousand years will be determined by whether or not he can learn to fight back. If he cannot, it will be too late… for the entire galaxy.
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  • The Road to Damascus
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • In the midst of an ongoing interplanetary war between human-colonized worlds and the hostile alien species known as the Deng, one planet chooses to rebel against the sentient BOLO war machines that serve as the primary line of defense against the Deng. Ringo and Evans contribute another tale of military sf to the series of novels featuring the BOLOs originated by sf author Keith Laumer. Despite the general hawkish politics lacing the plot’s subtext, the authors provide a wealth of military action along with a cast of well-developed characters, including a sympathetic BOLO named Sonny. A good choice for series fans and readers of military SF.
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  • Unto the Breach
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • Michael Harmon has been there and done that. Rescued co-eds, killed major terrorists, stopped nuclear assaults. Now he’d just like to kick back and relax with his harem of lovelies. Unfortunately, the world keeps turning. Mike and the Keldara are back tracking down terrorists, rogue Russian bio-scientists and the doomsday weapon to end all doomsday weapons. It’s going to take some very tough, hard and nasty people to stop the end of the world. Fortunately, there’s Mike Harmon. The Hero of , and , along with his company of elite mountain fighters, is sent on a mission to stop an advanced smallpox plague from being turned over to terrorists. But that will only be the beginning as the Kildar and his Keldara rush to stop a host of WMD attacks, coordinated to take out the very heartland of terrorism’s enemies. It’s a battle for culture, and this time the terrorists aren’t aiming at just one building…
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  • Von Neumann’s War
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • New series. Mars is changing. Seemingly overnight the once “Red” planet is turning to gray. Something is happening, something unnatural. A team of, literally, rocket scientists figure out a way to send a probe, very fast, to Mars to determine how and why it is changing. However, when the probe is destroyed well short of the formerly red planet, it’s apparent that Mars is being used as a staging ground. The only viable target for that staging ground is Earth. Ranging from rocket design to brilliant paranoids to “in your face” fighting in Iraq, is a fast paced look at what would happen if the earth was attacked by a robot race that, quite accidentally, was bent on destroying civilization.
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  • Vorpal Blade
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • The sequel to . William Weaver, PhD. and SEAL Chief Adams are back and Bill got himself a ship! The former SSBN has been converted, using mostly garage mechanics and baling wire, into a warp ship ready to go “out there.” But as everyone knows, the people who really are going to bear the brunt are the poor Security guys, Force Recon Marines who are kept in the dark and fed manure all day. That is until they land on an alien planet, get partially wiped out and then load back up again. Ranging in topics from the best gun to kill armored space monsters to particle physics to cosmology to health and beauty tips, is a return to the “good old days” of SF when the science problems were intractable and the beasts were ugly. The monkeys are out in the space lanes and ready to rock. As soon as they get another roll of duct tape.
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  • Warta na Renie
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • W ponurych czasach poprzedzaj?cych wydarzenia opisane w „Pierwszym uderzeniu”, jeszcze przed pierwsz? poslee?sk? inwazj?, kanclerz Niemiec stan?? przed konieczno?ci? podj?cia trudnej decyzji. Z biegiem lat w wyniku wprowadzania ci?? bud?etowych zasoby do?wiadczonych kadr ?o?nierskich kurczy?y si?. Po zniszczeniu P??nocnej Wirginii kanclerz u?wiadomi? sobie, ?e musi si?gn?? po ludzi, kt?rych poprzysi?g? nigdy, przenigdy wi?cej nie powo?ywa? na nowo: nielicznych wci?? jeszcze ?yj?cych ?o?nierzy Waffen SS. „Warta na Renie” to by? mo?e najbardziej w ca?ej historii obiektywne i brutalne spojrzenie na wewn?trzne mechanizmy funkcjonowania Waffen SS. Ukazuje wszystko, co by?o dobre i z?e w najbardziej nies?awnej w dziejach jednostce wojskowej, odmalowuj?c to na tle poslee?skiej inwazji.
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  • Watch on the Rhine
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • In the dark days after the events in the book , but before the primary invasion, the Chancellor of Germany faces a critical decision. Over the years, with military cutbacks, the store of experienced military personnel had simply dwindled. After the destruction of Northern Virginia, he realized that it was necessary to tap the one group he had sworn never, ever, to recall: the few remaining survivors of the Waffen SS. is perhaps the most unbiased, and brutal, look at the inner workings of the Waffen SS in history. Meticulously researched, it explores all that was good, and evil, about the most infamous military force in history using the backdrop of the Posleen invasion as a canvas.
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  • Yellow Eyes
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • The Posleen are coming and the models all say the same thing: Without the Panama Canal, the US is doomed to starvation and defeat. Despite being overstretched preparing to defend the US, the military sends everything it has left: A handful of advanced Armored Combat Suits, rejuvenated veterans from the many decades that Panama was a virtual colony and three antiquated warships. Other than that, the Panamanians are on their own. Replete with detailed imagery of the landscape, characters and politics that have made the jungle-infested peninsula a Shangri-La for so many over the years, is a hard-hitting look at facing a swarming alien horde with not much more than wits and guts. Fortunately, the Panamanians, and the many veterans that think of it as a second home, have plenty of both.
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