Robb J. -
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Книги 26—50 из 50.
- Kindred In Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- When the newly promoted captain of the NYPSD and his wife return a day early from their vacation, they were looking forward to spending time with their bright and vivacious sixteen-year-old daughter who had stayed behind.Not even their worst nightmares could have prepared them for the crime scene that awaited them instead. Brutally murdered in her bedroom, Deena's body showed signs of trauma that horrified even the toughest of cops; including our own Lieutenant Eve Dallas, who was specifically requested by the captain to investigate.When the evidence starts to pile up, Dallas and her team think they are about to arrest their perpetrator; little do they know yet that someone has gone to great lengths to tease and taunt them by using a variety of identities. Overconfidence can lead to careless mistakes. But for Dallas, one mistake might be all she needs to bring justice.
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- Kwiat Nie?miertelno?ci
- Жанр: Триллер
- Porucznik Eve Dallas z wydzia?u zab?jstw nowojorskiej policji ma przed sob? trudne zadanie. Pi?kna, s?awna modelka Pandora zosta?a w brutalny spos?b zamordowana, a g??wn? podejrzan? o zbrodni? jest Mavis Freestone, najserdeczniejsza przyjaci??ka Eve. Dallas, przekonana o jej niewinno?ci, postanawia wykry? prawdziwego sprawc?. Jednak coraz to nowe dowody ?wiadcz? przeciwko Mavis i wszyscy radz? Eve, aby zako?czy?a ?ledztwo. Wierna przyja?? obu kobiet zostaje wystawiona na ci??k? pr?b?.
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- Loyalty in Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- In 21st-century New York City, tough-as-nails cop Eve Dallas can survive a bombing, seduce her husband, and outsmart a terrorist-all on four hours of sleep. In this latest installment of the In Death series, author J.D. Robb (a.k.a. Nora Roberts) casts our heroine against an enigmatic group of terrorists named Cassandra. With no clear motivation or demands, Cassandra feeds on the thrill of senseless killing and the calculated destruction of Eve's world.Relying on her own brawn and brains, as well as that of her aid Peabody and her husband Roarke, Eve begins to unravel ...
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- Midnight In Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- The number-one New York Times bestselling In Death series explodes with intrigue, passion, and suspense. Now, Nora Roberts writing as J.D. Robb propels you into the darkest night of Lieutenant Eve Dallas's life-when a killer comes to call.Eve's name has a made a Christmas list, but it's not for being naughty or nice. It's for putting a serial killer behind bars. Now the escaped madman has her in his sights. With her husband Roarke at her side, Eve must stop the man from exacting his bloody vengeance-or die trying.
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- ?miertelna ekstaza
- Жанр: Триллер
- Drew Mathias, zdolny elektronik i entuzjasta gier komputerowych, nie mia? ?adnego powodu, ?eby odebra? sobie ?ycie. Podobnie jak wzi?ty nowojorski adwokat S.T. Fitzhugh, wp?ywowy senator Peary czy Cerise Devane, przebojowa w?a?cicielka popularnego brukowca. Tych czworga nie ??czy?o nic poza tym, ?e postanowili odej?? z tego ?wiata. ?ledztwo nie przynios?o ?adnego rezultatu, ale porucznik Eve Dallas z nowojorskiej policji nie chce uwierzy?, ?e by?y to samob?jstwa. Kto jednak i dlaczego chcia?by pozbawi? ?ycia czworo niezwi?zanych ze sob? ludzi? I jak tego dokona??Porucznik Dallas postanawia mimo wszystko poszuka? odpowiedzi na te pytania. Oczywi?cie mo?e liczy? na pomoc ?wie?o po?lubionego m??a – superprzystojnego, superinteligentnego i bogatego Raorke’a – kt?ry kocha j? do szale?stwa i zrobi dla niej wszystko.
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- Naked In Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- 'a perfect balance of suspense, futuristic police procedural and steamy romance…truly fine entertainment…sure to leave you hungering for more…' Publisher's WeeklyIt is 2058. New York cop Eve Dallas doesn't have to confront gun crime anymore, no one does. Guns are simply relics. She is assisted in detection by instant communications and probability predictions from the all-pervasive computer network. But this latest homicide is an old-fashioned crime in many ways. Sharon DeBlass is a high-class hooker from a wealthy, powerful family. Her brutal, possibly sexually motivated shooting sends shockwaves through her family, the upper echelons of ...
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- New York to Dallas
- Жанр: Триллер
- When a monster named Isaac McQueen—taken down by Eve back in her uniform days—escapes from Rikers, he has two things in mind. One is to pick up where he left off, abducting young victims and leaving them scarred in both mind and body. The other is to get revenge on the woman who stopped him all those years ago.
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- Portrait In Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- Lieutenant Eve Dallas faces a serial killer who offers his victims eternal youth by taking their life…After a tip from a reporter, Eve Dallas finds the body of a young woman in a Delancey street dumpster. Just hours before, the news station had mysteriously received a portfolio of professional portraits of the woman. The photos seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary for any pretty young woman starting a modeling career. Except that she wasn't a model. And that these photos were taken after she had been murdered.Now Dallas is on the trail of a killer who's a perfectionist and an artist. He carefully observes and records his victim's every move. And he has a mission: to own every beautiful young woman's innocence, to capture her youth and vitality-in one fateful shot…
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- Purity in Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- Louie Cogburn had spent three days holed up in his apartment staring at his computer screen. His pounding headache was unbearable-it felt like spikes drilling into his brain. And it was getting worse. Finally, when someone knocked at the door, Louie picked up a baseball bat, opened the door, and started swinging… The first cop on the scene fired his stunner twice. Louie died instantly. Detective Eve Dallas has taken over the investigation but there's nothing to explain the man's sudden rage or death. The only clue is a bizarre message left on his computer screen.ABSOLUTE PURITY ACHIEVEDAnd when a second man dies under near-identical circumstances, Eve starts racking her brain for answers and the courage to face the impossible… that this might be a computer virus able to spread from machine to man…
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- Rapture in Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- Three apparent suicides: a brilliant engineer, an infamous lawyer, and a controversial politician. Three strangers with nothing in common – and no obvious reasons for killing themselves. Police lieutenant Eve Dallas found the deaths suspicious. And her instincts paid off when autopsies revealed small burns on the brains of the victims. Was it a genetic abnormality or a high-tech method of murder?
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- Reunion in Death Traducido
- Жанр: Триллер
- Walter Pettibone lleg? a su casa a las 7:30 p.m. para encontrarse con su familia y un centenar de amigos que le recibieron con el grito de . Era su fiesta de cumplea?os. Y, aunque no ten?a idea de la fiesta que le hab?an organizado, la verdadera sorpresa estaba por llegar. A las 8:45 p.m., una mujer con ojos del color de las esmeraldas y cabello rojo le entreg? una copa de champ?n. Y un sorbo del burbujeante l?quido despu?s… Walter estaba muerto.El nombre de la mujer es Julia Dockport y nadie en la fiesta sabe qui?n es. Pero la detective Eve Dallas la recuerda muy bien. Diez a?os atr?s, Eve fue la responsable de la encarcelaci?n de Julie. Y ahora, liberada por buena conducta, sigue teniendo las mismas intenciones de anta?o. Parece que quiere encontrarse de nuevo con Eve… en una reuni?n que ninguna olvidar?…
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- Ritual in Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- When a high-society party is crashed by a naked, knife-wielding, blood-covered man who "thinks" he might have killed someone, Eve Dallas must track down the crime, and the criminals. Everything points to Satanic ritual, but Eve doesn't believe in devil worship…
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- Salvation in death
- Жанр: Триллер
- Holy communion spells death for Fr. Miguel Flores, a popular Catholic priest in New York City's Spanish Harlem, after he swallows wine laced with cyanide during a funeral in bestseller Robb's unusually introspective 27th crime thriller to feature Lt. Eve Dallas (after Strangers in Death). The ensuing homicide investigation suggests that Flores could actually be Lino Martinez, a former member of a disbanded gang, the Soldados, suspected of two bombings before he disappeared. The death by cyanide of another religious figure, Jimmy Jay Jenkins, founder of the Church of Eternal Light, complicates matters. Are the two murders connected? Sussing out the answer to that question involves some serious digging. Dallas 's husband, Roarke, and fun sidekick, Det. Delia Peabody, lend support. Robb offers a multilayered solution to several crimes that serves as yet another reminder that wolves sometimes hide in sheep's (or priest's) clothing, but justice, like faith, has no expiration date.
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- Seduction In Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- Dante had been courting his victim in cyberspace for weeks before meeting her in person. A few sips of wine and a few hours later, she was dead. The murder weapon: a rare, usually undetectable date-rape drug with a street value of a quarter million dollars.Detective Eve Dallas is playing and replaying the clues in her mind. The candlelight, the music, the rose petals strewn across the bed-a seduction meant for his benefit, not hers. He hadn’t intended to kill her. But now that he had, he is left with only two choices: to either hole up in fear and guilt. Or start hunting again…
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- Srebrny B?ysk ?mierci
- Жанр: Триллер
- Dwa brutalne morderstwa, kt?rych zagadk? ma rozwi?za? Eve Dallas, maj? niew?tpliwie jeden element wsp?lny – narz?dzie zbrodni. Ale czy tylko to? Co ??czy ofiary? Obie maj? jaki? zwi?zek z m??em Eve, Roarkiem. Czy?by prawdziwym celem ataku by? on? Czy ka?da nast?pna ofiara – a wszystko wskazuje na to, ?e trzeba si? z nimi liczy? – b?dzie bli?sza Roarke`owi. A mo?e to on b?dzie ofiar??
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- Strangers In Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- Thomas Anders had been a respected businessman. He and his wife, Ava, were very active in charitable organizations especially for families and children. He is found dead in his bedroom in what appears to have been a kinky sex scene gone bad. His wife was on vacation with friends when he died. It doesn't appear that anyone broke into their home. The security system was bypassed by an expert. There are no signs of a struggle on Anders' body. Why would someone want to kill him?Lieutenant Eve Dallas and Detective Delia Peabody are assigned to the case. ...
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- Survivor in Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- No affairs. No criminal connections. No DNA. No clues. Eve Dallas may be the best cop in the city-not to mention having the lavish resources of her husband, Roarke, at her disposal-but the Swisher case has her baffled. The family members were murdered in their beds with brutal, military precision. The state-of-the-art security was breached, and the killers used night vision equipment to find their way through the upper middle-class house. Clearly, Dallas is dealing with pros. The only mistake they made was to overlook the nine-year-old girl cowering in the dark kitchen…Now Nixie Swisher is an ...
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- The Lost
- Жанр: Триллер
- “Missing in Death” by J.D. Robb”. A tourist disappears from a ferry in which she did not leap from but is no longer on board; neither are a dead person and a killer. NYPD Lieutenant Eve Dallas leads the investigation.“The Dog Days of Laurie Summer” by Patricia Gaffney. The accident left the mom in a coma, but now the workaholic awakens; but her world is similar yet not quite what her memory recalls as she sees things from the view of a dog.“Lost in Paradise” by Mary Blayney. The nurse arrives at an island fortress giving hope to the man locked inside by an ancient curse that she is the key to his freedom.“Legacy” by Ruth Ryan Langan. The grieving woman travels to the castle in Ireland where she uncovers a family secret buried on the estate.Though four radically different scenarios, readers will not feel lost with this fantasy-science fiction quartet as each author hits a home run.
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- Una muerte extasiada
- Жанр: Триллер
- Tres hombres aparecen muertos con una sonrisa en los labios. Los presuntos suicidas no tienen nada en com?n, ni aparentes motivos para querer quitarse la vida, La teniente Eve Dallas pone en tela de juicio la tesis del suicidio y las autopsias le dan la raz?n. En los cerebros de las tres v?ctimas se detectan peque?as quemaduras. En su investigaci?n, Eve se adentra en el inquietante mundo de la realidad virtual donde los mismos mecanismos concebidos para despertar el deseo pueden inducir a la mente a su propia destrucci?n.
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- Una muerte inmortal
- Жанр: Триллер
- Una top model muere brutalmente asesinada Para investigar el caso la teniente Eve Dallas debe sumergirse en el clamoroso mundo de la pasarela y no tarda en descubrir que no es oro todo lo que reluce. Tras la rutilante fachada de la alta costura los desfiles y las fiestas encuentra una devoradora obsesi?n por la eterna juventud y el ?xito, rivalidades encarnizadas, profundos rencores y frustraciones. Un excelente caldo de cultivo para el asesinato en especial si se a?ade a la mezcla un desenfrenado consumo de las mas sofisticadas drogas.
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- Vengeance in Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- An Eve Dallas investigation. New York in the year 2058 is very different from the New York of today. Guns have been outlawed but lasers can kill, and the police still have a hefty job to do. Two men are discovered murdered. They have links – both with each other, and with Eve's new husband, Rourke.
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- Witness in Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- When a celebrity is killed right before her eyes, New York detective Eve Dallas takes a new place in crime-as both officer and witness to murder…Opening night at New York 's New Globe Theater turns from stage scene to crime scene when the leading man is stabbed to death center stage. Now Eve Dallas has a high-profile, celebrity homicide on her hands. Not only is she lead detective, she's also a witness-and when the press discovers that her husband owns the theater, there's more media spotlight than either can handle. The only way out is to move ...
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