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Steel Danielle - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 43.
  • 44 Charles Street
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • A magical transformation takes place in Danielle Steel's luminous new novel: Strangers become roommates, roommates become friends, and friends become a family in a turn-of-the-century house in Manhattan's West Village.The plumbing leaked; the furniture was rescued from garage sales. And every inch was being restored to its original splendor – even as a relationship fell apart. Owner of a struggling art gallery and newly separated from her boyfriend, Francesca Thayer does the math and then the unimaginable. She puts out an advertisement for boarders, and soon her Greenwich Village house becomes a whole new world. First comes Eileen, ...
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  • A Good Woman
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • From the glittering ballrooms of Manhattan to the fires of World War I, Danielle Steel takes us on an unforgettable journey in her new novel – a spellbinding tale of war, loss, history, and one woman's unbreakable spirit…Nineteen-year-old Annabelle Worthington was born into a life of privilege, raised amid the glamour of New York society, with glorious homes on Fifth Avenue and in Newport, Rhode Island. But everything changed on a cold April day in 1912, when the sinking of the Titanic shattered her family and her privileged world forever. Finding strength within her grief, Annabelle pours herself into ...
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  • Accidente
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Corr?a una de esas tardes de s?bado de abril tan perfectas, tan deliciosamente tibias, en las que una brisa de seda acaricia las mejillas y uno querr?a vivir para siempre al aire libre. El d?a hab?a sido largo y soleado. Mientras al filo de las cinco cruzaba el puente Golden Gate en direcci?n del condado de Mar?n, Page contempl? las aguas de la otra orilla y qued? maravillada. Mir? de soslayo a su hijo, que iba sentado a su lado y cuyas facciones parec?an una r?plica de ella misma. Su rubio cabello se levantaba muy tieso all? donde lo hab?a aplastado la gorra de b?isbol, y ten?a la cara cubierta de mugre.
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  • Betrayal
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • In Danielle Steel's thrilling new novel, a renowned film director confronts an act of unimaginable treachery – and the first devastating blow will not be the last.BETRAYALAt thirty-nine, Tallie Jones is a Hollywood legend. Her work as a film director is her passion and the center of her life; one after another, her award-winning productions achieve the rare combination of critical and commercial success. With no interest in the perks of her profession or the glitz and glamour of Los Angeles, Tallie maintains close and loving relationships with her college-age daughter and her aging father, and ...
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  • Big Girl
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • A chubby little girl with blond hair, blue eyes, and ordinary looks, Victoria Dawson has always felt out of place in her family, especially in body conscious Los Angeles. Her parents are disappointed by their daughter's looks.Later in life, the one thing Victoria knows is that she has to get as far away from home as possible and, after college in Chicago (which her parents disapprove of), she moves to New York City. Landing her dream job as a high school teacher, Victoria finds joy and excitement working with her students by day-and by night continues to ...
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  • Destinos Errantes
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • A los ojos de los dem?s, Audrey Driscoll es una solterona que parece estar destinada a pasar sus d?as cuidando de su abuelo y de su mimada hermana. Sin embargo, su esp?ritu aventurero y comprometido con una realidad desalentadora -son los a?os de la depresi?n en Estados Unidos- necesita huir de una sociedad que la oprime.Escindida entre los dictados de su conciencia y los de su coraz?n Audrey decide ser due?a de su destino y realizar su sue?o: emprender? un viaje por Europa, donde conocer? a un alma gemela, Charles Parker-Scott. Juntos, iniciar?n un periplo que les conducir? a la fascinante China, al norte de ?frica y a la Alemania de preguerra.
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  • Echoes
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Against a vivid backdrop of history, Danielle Steel tells a compelling story of love and war, acts of faith and acts of betrayal…and of three generations of women as they journey though years of loss and survival, linked by an indomitable devotion that echoes across time.For the Wittgenstein family, the summer of 1915 was a time of both prosperity and unease, as the guns of war sound in the distance. But for eldest daughter Beata, it was also a summer of awakening. By the glimmering waters of Lake Geneva, the quiet Jewish beauty met a young French ...
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  • El Largo Camino A Casa
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Con apenas siete a?os, Gabriella sabe que es culpable de algo, porque as? se lo han dicho y que por eso su irascible madre la somete a terrible castigos y malos tratos. Y tambi?n sabe que su padre es incapaz de protegerla. Su mundo, una confusa mezcla de miedo, soledad y dolor, da un repentino vuelco cuando su madre la abandona en un convento. All? crecer? al amparo del cari?o y el afecto de las monjas, pero el amor prohibido que le despierta un joven sacerdote provocar? otro dram?tico cambio en su vida y la obligar? a salir al mundo real para enfrentarse a sus duros retos…La odisea de una ni?a maltratada que, una vez convertida en mujer, tiene valor para liberarse del pasado y tomar las riendas de su propio destino. Toda una lecci?n de entereza, esperanza y amor.
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  • El viaje
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Todo el mundo en Washington conoce a Madeleine y Jack Hunter. Maddy es una presentadora de televisi?n galardonada, y Jack es el director de la cadena y un asesor del Presidente en temas de medios de comunicaci?n. Para todo el mundo, el suyo es un matrimonio de cuento. Pero detr?s de las puertas cerradas de su casa, la mujer a la que toda la naci?n idolatra vive en la degradaci?n y el miedo. La crueldad que ella experimenta en manos de Jack no deja moretones, ni cicatrices, s?lo las heridas del miedo, la ...
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  • Family Ties
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Danielle Steel delves deep under the surface of contemporary American life in this compelling ensemble novel in the vein of her #1 New York Times bestseller Sisters, as a young woman overnight becomes mother to her sister's three small children…Grown now, each of them will choose a different path…Through it all, one thing remains: Family Ties.From Manhattan to Paris and all the way to Tehran, Family Ties is a novel that reminds us how challenging and unpredictable life can be, and that the powerful bonds of family are the strongest of all.
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  • Gwiazda
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Historia mi?o?ci pi?knej Crystal Wyatt, kt?rej marzy si? kariera gwiazdy filmowej, i ambitnego prawnika Spencera Hilla. Oczarowany niezwyk?? urod? dziewczyny. Spencer zakochuje si? w niej od pierwszego wejrzenia i jest przekonany, ?e nigdy o niej nie zapomni. M??czyzna przedk?ada jednak karier? nad szcz??cie osobiste i ?eni si? z kobiet?, dzi?ki kt?rej ma nadziej? osi?gn?? wysok? pozycj? zawodow?. Wkr?tce po ?lubie Spencer wyje?d?a na wojn? w Korei. Dramatyczne prze?ycia powoduj?, ?e jego ?wiat warto?ci ulega zmianie, i m??czyzna postanawia walczy? o m?odzie?cz? mi?o??. Oznacza to, ?e b?dzie musia? zmierzy? si? z zaborczym m??em Crystal.
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  • Hotel Vendome
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Danielle Steel's dazzling new novel invites readers into the ultra-glamorous world of a five-star New York hotel, and brings to vivid life the man who builds it as his dream, the girl who grows up in its loving embrace, and the colorful guests and staff who make its magic complete.HOTEL VEND?METhe hotel was old, run-down. But to Swiss-born Hugues Martin, a young, ambitious hotelier trained in the most illustrious European traditions, it is a rough diamond, tucked away on a quiet, perfectly situated Manhattan street. After begging and borrowing every penny he can scrape ...
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  • Joyas
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • En su ch?teau de La Meuze, Sarah Whitfield se apresta a celebrar su septuag?simo quinto cumplea?os. A la fiesta acudir? su familia. Antes que ella, han acudido sus recuerdos. All? est?n para acompa?arla, v?vidos y emocionantes: su infancia en la mansi?n familiar de Long Island; su primer y frustrado matrimonio; el encuentro con el duque de Whitfield, que se convertir?a en su segundo marido y el gran amor de su vida; el descubrimiento de la campi?a francesa… y los horrores de la guerra, el dolor de la incertidumbre, la emoci?...
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  • La casa
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Sarah es una exitosa abogada y socia del bufete en el que trabaja en San Francisco. Sin embargo, su vida personal es bastante desastrosa, pues vive desde hace cuatro a?os una relaci?n que no le satisface en absoluto a Phil, un colega abogado. Todo cambia el d?a en que su cliente favorito, un anciano millonario, le lega una cuantiosa suma de dinero en su testamento y la posibilidad de adquirir la inmensa mansi?n en la que ?l resid?a. En esta casa solariega a Sarah le esperan muchas sorpresas: una emotiva historia familiar, la felicidad de ver sus sue?os cumplidos… y un hombre completamente diferente a Phil.
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  • Matters Of The Heart
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Top photographer Hope Dunne has known joy and heartbreak, and finds serenity through the lens of her camera. Content in her Soho loft, she isn't looking for a man or excitement. But these things find her when she flies to London to photograph one of the world's most celebrated writers.Finn O'Neill exudes warmth and a boyish charm. Enormously successful, he is a perfect counterpoint to Hope's quiet, steady grace – and he's taken instantly by her. He courts her as no one ever has before, whisking her away to his palatial, isolated Irish estate.Hope finds it ...
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  • Mi?o?? Silniejsza Ni? ?mier?
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Titanic", luksusowy transatlantyk – gigant, wyrusza w dziewiczy rejs. W?r?d jego pasa?er?w znajduj? si? Kate i Bertram Winfieldowie, kt?rzy po og?oszeniu w Anglii zar?czyn najstarszej c?rki, Edwiny, z Charlesem Fitzgeraldem wracaj? razem z nim do San Francisco, gdzie niebawem m?odzi maj? wzi?? ?lub. Jednak?e radosny sen o szcz??ciu przemienia si? w koszmar, gdy pierwszy rejs statku okazuje si? ostatnim. Poniewa? dla m??czyzn nie ma miejsc w ?odziach ratunkowych, Kate, wierna przysi?dze ma??e?skiej, pozostaje z m??em. Razem z bliskimi Edwiny umieraj? w morskiej toni jej marzenia, ona za?, obarczona brzemieniem tragicznych wspomnie?, musi ?y?, by wype?ni? obietnic? z?o?on? matce.
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  • Rogue
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Meet Maxine Williams, a dedicated doctor with three great kids, a challenging career, and the perfect new man in her life. Her only problem? Her irresistibly charming, utterly infuriating ex-husband, aka the…Being married to Blake had been an amazing adventure for Maxine. Brilliant, charismatic, and wholly unpredictable, Blake Williams made millions and grabbed headlines as a dot-com entrepreneur. His only shortcoming was as a husband-first his work and then his never-ending quest for fun kept him constantly on the move, far away from Maxine and his family. For five years Blake and Maxine have worked out an ...
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