Stephenson Neal -
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Книги 1—21 из 21.
- Anathem
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Anathem is set on a planet called Arbre, where the protagonist, Erasmas, is among a cohort of secluded scientists, philosophers and mathematicians who are called upon to save the world from impending catastrophe. Erasmas — Raz to his friends — has spent most of his life inside a 3,400-year-old sanctuary. The rest of society — the S?cular world — is described as an "endless landscape of casinos and megastores that is plagued by recurring cycles of booms and busts, dark ages and renaissances, world wars and climate change." Their planet, Arbre, has a history and culture that is roughly analogous to Earth. Resident scholars, including Raz, are unexpectedly summoned by a frightened S?cular power to leave their monastic stronghold in the hope that they may prevent an approaching catastrophe.
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- Cryptonomicon
- WWII, year 1943. The allies have already cracked all the Nazi codes. They know where the military convoys are going and where enemy submarines are hiding. But if British destroyers will start finding and sinking Nazi submarines every time without any problems, Germans will figure out that their codes have been broken and will change them. That's why it's necessary to fool the enemy. For that reason, the special British-American secret unit 2702 was created..."The Bible" of cyberpunk (or cypherpunk? :) about the creation of the computer world. There is everything in it: love, war, betrayal, treasures on the bottom of the sea, and even exile from Eden...
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- L?ge de diamant
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Dans une Chine r?tro-futuriste partag?e entre r?seaux neuronaux, rebelles int?gristes n?o-confuc?ens et comptoirs occidentaux, l’Itin?raire d’une toute jeune fille guid?e par les pr?ceptes de son ?tonnant mentor ?lectronique… Un roman interactif et fr?n?tique, ?lectronique et victorien, ?rotique et po?tique, o? l’on verra intervenir une actrice au grand c?ur, un producteur trop curieux, un savant pas si fou que ?a, un mandarin, quelques nobles actionnaires, plusieurs petites filles, une arm?e de rebelles, des hordes de r?fugi?s et la reine Victoria II…
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- Peanatema
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Stephenson opisa? tu badaczy, filozof?w, naukowc?w, kt?rzy zostali zamkni?ci w zakonach i pozbawieni dost?pu do komputer?w, akcelerator?w cz?stek oraz reszty niezb?dnego ustrojstwa, lecz nie zaprzestali swoich bada?. Opracowali nowe metody pracy, r?wnie dobre, a mo?e nawet lepsze od starych, bo dzia?aj?ce wy??cznie w oparciu o wszechstronne mo?liwo?ci psychofizycznego instrumentarium cz?owieka. Tym samym Stephenson zdaje si? m?wi? wprost — jedyn? technologi?, kt?r? warto rozwija? jest cz?owiek.
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