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Vanderhaeghe Guy - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—3 из 3.
  • Homesick
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • “One has only to read the first page of Guy Vanderhaeghe’s Homesick to see why his books have garnered him international awards…” – Regina Leader-Post“If great art is that which holds a mirror up to nature, as was once said, then Homesick is great art.” – Daily News (Halifax)“[Vanderhaeghe’s characters] lift themselves by pride and love from the ordinariness of their world.” – Ottawa Citizen“Vanderhaeghe has an unerring eye for the prairie landscape and a shrewd ear for the ironies of small-town conversation… He balances his dramatization of the cycle of life with exuberant ...
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  • Man Descending
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A collection of storiesThese superbly crafted stories reveal an astonishing range, with settings that vary from a farm on the Canadian prairies to Bloomsbury in London, from a high-rise apartment to a mine-shaft. Vanderhaeghe has the uncanny ability to show us the world through the eyes of an eleven-year-old boy as convincingly as he reveals it through the eyes of an old man approaching senility. Moving from the hilarious farce of teenage romance all the way to the numbing tragedy of life in a ward for incurables, these twelve stories inspire belief, admiration, and enjoyment, and come together to form a vibrant chronicle of human experience from a gifted observer of life's joys and tribulations. This is Guy Vanderhaeghe's brilliant first book of fiction.
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  • The Englishman’s Boy
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • “A stunning performance. Hugely enjoyable. I couldn’t put it down.” – Mordecai Richler“The canvas is broad, the writing is vivid, and the two story-lines are deftly interwoven to contrast cinematic ‘truth’ with history as it happened. An intense and original piece of writing.” – The Bookseller (U.K.)“A richly textured epic that passes with flying colors every test that could be applied for good storytelling.” – Saskatoon StarPhoenix“Characters and landscapes are inscribed on the mind’s eye in language both startling and lustrous.” – Globe and Mail“Vanderhaeghe succeeds at a daring act: he juggles ...
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