Vinge Joan -
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Книги 1—6 из 6.
- Heaven Chronicles
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- Until the Civil War. Now Heaven Belt is a vast ruin, where the yet-living prey on the artifacts of the dead. Where pockets of humanity use failing machines and radiation-leaking ships to battle over fragments of lost science in the fading hope of surviving another generation, another year.Meanwhile, light-years away, Morningside Colony desperately gambles scarce resources, building a single ship to seek the Belt's help. Seven brave men and women are now flying toward Heaven ….And have just crossed the border into Hell.Heaven Chronicles (1991):- The Outcasts of Heaven Belt (1978)- Legacy (1980) (Media Man (1976), Fool's Gold (1980))
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- In den Tr?mmern des Himmelsystems
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- Sie sind die Nachkommen irdischer Kolonisten und steuern mit ihrem Raumschiff das Himmel-System, einen riesigen Asteroideng?rtel, an, in dem ebenfalls Kolonisten menschlicher Abstammung wohnen. Sie wollen Handel treiben und erhoffen sich viel von den Rohstoffen und Produkten dieses reichen Systems. Aber im Himmel-System hat ein B?rgerkrieg mit verheerenden Folgen gew?tet, und die ?berlebenden haben den endg?ltigen Untergang bereits vor Augen. Auf kleinen Welten ohne nat?rliche Atmosph?re lebend, bedeutet der absehbare Zusammenbruch der letzten Reste von Technologie den Tod f?r alle. Doch die G?rtelbewohner sind selbst angesichts dieser Konsequenz nicht dazu bereit, ...
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- La cintura del paradiso
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- La Terra ha sparso la sua prole tra le stelle e ha infine colonizzato l’universo: ma non tutti i mondi abitati dagli esseri umani si trovano nelle stesse condizioni. Cos? i poveri coloni del solitario pianeta Morningside, nel tentativo di ridare vita a un commercio ormai indispensabile alla loro sopravvivenza, inviano l’unica astronave in loro possesso, la Ranger, in una lunga missione verso quella che viene ricordata dalla tradizione come la pi? ricca colonia terrestre del cosmo conosciuto: la cintura del Paradiso, un sistema di asteroidi ricchi di minerali e di risorse naturali.Ma il Paradiso ? ...
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- Occhi dambra
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Un magnifico, suggestivo ritratto di una civilt? aliena su un mondo alieno (inabitabile per i terrestri), e delle straordinarie possibilit? e risultati dei tentativi di comunicazione tra due mentalit? mutualmente esclusive.Vincitore del premio Hugo per il miglior racconto in 1978.
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- The Snow Queen
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- The imperious Winter colonists have ruled the planet Tiamat for 150 years, deriving wealth from the slaughter of the sea mers. But soon the galactic stargate will close, isolating Tiamat, and the 150-year reign of the Summer primitives will begin. All is not lost if Arienrhod, the ageless, corrupt Snow Queen, can destroy destiny with an act of genocide. Arienrhod is not without competition as Moon, a young Summer-tribe sibyl, and the nemesis of the Snow Queen, battles to break a conspiracy that spans space.Won Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1981.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1981.
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- Tiamat
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Planeta Tiamat nale?y do konfederacji skolonizowanych przez ludzko?? ?wiat?w, zwanej Hegemoni?. Faktyczn? w?adz? dzier?y technokracja z planety Kharemough. Tiamat jest cywilizacyjnie zacofana, pokryta w wi?kszo?ci oceanem, z osadnictwem rozlokowanym na licznych archipelagach. Na Tiamat wyst?puje jednak wielkie bogactwo — woda ?ycia, wyci?g z krwi mer?w — morskich zwierz?t. Jej za?ywanie pozwala przed?u?a? ?ycie.Ze wzgl?d?w astronomicznych Tiamat ma tylko dwie pory roku, trwaj?ce po oko?o 150 lat — Lato i Zim?. Podczas Lata rz?dz? Letniacy, lud zabobonny, odrzucaj?cy technik?, a Zim? Zimacy, lud ...
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