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Dahl Roald » My Uncle Oswald

Автор: Dahl Roald

Жанр: Юмористическая проза

HIS FIRST NOVEL FOR GROWNUPSFrom that most dramatically dual of literary personalities, writing in his classic “Chocolate Factory” incarnation but as the devilish Dahl of and — here is the ultimate adult romp.Behold Uncle Oswald, Michelangelo of seduction.He makes Casanova look like Winnie the Pooh.He stumbles — circa 1919 — onto the world’s most powerful aphrodisiac: Powdered Sudanese Blister Beetle. makes Spanish Fly look like Ovaltine.Then he discovers a method of quick-freezing sperm . . . and gets the most imspired commercial idea in history. he makes a list of the 51 living geniuses ...

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