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Книги 1876—1900 из 1977.

  • 60-я параллель
  • Караев Георгий
  • «Шестидесятая параллель» как бы продолжает уже известный нашему читателю роман «Пулковский меридиан», рассказывая о событиях Великой Отечественной войны и об обороне Ленинграда в период от начала войны до весны 1942 года.Многие герои «Пулковского меридиана» перешли в «Шестидесятую параллель», но рядом с ними действуют и другие, новые герои — бойцы Советской Армии и Флота, партизаны, рядовые ленинградцы — защитники родного города.События «Шестидесятой параллели» развертываются в Ленинграде, на фронтах, на берегах Финского залива, в тылах противника под Лугой — там же, где 22 года тому назад развертывались события «Пулковского меридиана».Много героических эпизодов и интересных приключений найдет читатель в этом новом романе.

  • Akademia Pana Kleksa
  • Brzechwa Jan
  • Jest to pierwsza cz??? ba?niowej trylogii Jana Brzechwy – arcydzie?o, do przeczytania kt?rego nikogo nie trzeba zach?ca?. Tytu?ow? Akademi?, po?o?on? w ogromnym parku pe?nym jar?w i w?woz?w, otacza wysoki mur, w kt?rym jedna obok drugiej mieszcz? si? ?elazne furtki, zamkni?te na srebrne k??deczki, a ka?da z nich to drzwi do innej bajki… Wraz z Panem Kleksem – niezwyk?ym nauczycielem i wynalazc? – bohaterowie opowie?ci odwiedzaj? ba?niowe kr?lestwa i prze?ywaj? niewiarygodne przygody, a z ka?dej wyprawy wracaj? m?drzejsi.

  • And Baby Makes Two
  • Sheldon Dyan
  • Lana Spiggs is fed up with everyone telling her what to do. If it isn’t her mother nagging and shouting, it’s her teachers nagging and shouting. What Lana wants is to be grown-up. She wants her own flat, her own husband and her own children – and then no one will be able to boss her around any more. When Lana meets Les on her fifteenth birthday, she knows he is The One. And when she gets pregnant without even trying, she knows it’s her ticket to freedom – even though everyone else calls it a prison sentence. But can her dream of Happy Families stand up to reality?

  • Are You There, God? Its Me, Margaret
  • Blume Judy
  • No one ever told Margaret Simon that eleven-going-on- twelve would be such a hard age. When her family moves to New Jersey, she has to adjust to life in the suburbs, a different school, and a whole new group of friends. Margaret knows she needs someone to talk to about growing up-and it's not long before she's found a solution.Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. I can't wait until two o'clock God. That's when our dance starts. Do you think I'll get Philip Leroy for a partner? It's not so much that I like him as a person God, but as a boy he's very handsome. And I'd love to dance with him… just once or twice. Thank you God.

  • Bit?te Maja un vi?as piedz?vojumi
  • V. Bonselss
  • Bit?te Maja un vi?as piedz?vojumiV. BonselssNo 560. v?cu izdevuma tulkojusi L. A.Gr?matu apg?des „R?ts" izdevums R?g?, 1926R?GA ,.AVOTS" 1993Ilustr?jis J. SaukumsMaja ir ?rk?rt?gi zin?tk?rs bi?u b?rns, kuras aizraujo?ie piedz?vojumi ieinteres?s gan maz?kus, gan liel?kus b?rnus. Kop? ar Maju iepaz?sim ro?u vagul?ti, uzp?t?go za?o blakti, ener?isko dunduru Ansi Kristapu, kura ener?ija gan to nesp?j pagl?bt no lepn?s un skaist?s sp?res ?nukas lielisk?s ?stgribas. Kur tad v?l satik?an?s ar m?slu vaboli Kurtu, kur? noliedz savu amatu, uzm?c?go mu?u Puku, aud?jzirnekli Hanibalu, kur? neizj?t ne vismaz?ko cie?u pret cilv?ku, un citiem maz?s Majas draugiem un nelabv??iem.

  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Dahl Roald
  • This book is fantastic it is about a very poor boy named Charlie Bucket. He always goes to school with out a jacket because they don't have money to buy Charlie things. The setting of the book is an unnamed city; small wooden house on the edge of a great city,a fabled chocolate factory. The conflict is five children who have found golden tickets compete to see who will take over Mr. Wonka's chocolate factory. It all started when the newpaper announces that the Wonka chocolate factory will hide five golden tickets in the Wonka chocolate bars. Charlie ...

  • Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik
  • Dahl Roald
  • 1916-1990, war Mitarbeiter der Shell Company in Ostafrika, im Zweiten Weltkrieg Pilot bei der Royal Air Force. Er schrieb folgende Kinderb?cher: «Danny oder Die Fasanenjagd» (rotfuchs 315); «Der Zauberfinger» (rotfuchs 422); «James und der Riesenpfirsich» (rotfuchs 858); «Sophiechen und der Riese» (Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis, rotfuchs 582); «Hexen hexen» (rotfuchs 587); «Die Zwicks stehen kopf» (rotfuchs 609); «Der fantastische Mr. Fox» (rotfuchs 615); «Matilda» (rotfuchs 855, M?rz 97); «Ottos Geheimnis», 1991; «Das Konr?dchen bei den Klitzekleinen», 1992; «Die Giraffe, der Peli und ich», 1993, u.a.

  • Cirkus Humberto
  • Басс Эдуард
  • By? byl naps?n ji? v roce 1930, vy?el rom?n Eduarda Basse (1888-1946) "Cirkus Humberto" a? v letech okupace. V?t?ina ?ten??? jej ch?pala jako mor?ln? povzbuzen? v t??k? dob? v?lky, v?dy? p??b?h n?kolika generac? cirkusov?ch um?lc? ukazoval nezdolnost a pracovitost ?esk?ch um?lc?, akrobat? i ten??k?. Bass zde popisuje nejslavn?j?? obdob? ko?ovn?ch cirkus? i jejich p?d na za??tku dvac?t?ho stolet?. P??b?h cirkusu za??n?me sledovat s p??chodem zedn?ka Anton?na Karase, jeho? nouze o pr?ci p?ivede k cirkusu. P?ivede s sebou synka Va??ka, kter? v historii slavn?ho cirkusu Humberto sehraje podstatnou roli.

  • Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
  • Sheldon Dyan
  • Mary Elizabeth, a.k.a. Lola, is accustomed to playing the starring role in the fascinating production that is her life. Her pottery-making single mom and bratty twin sisters are merely bit players in Lola's dramatic existence. But all this changes when she is forced to move from her beloved Manhattan to the boring suburbs of New Jersey. According to Lola, "living in the suburbs is like being dead, only with cable TV and pizza delivery." The worst part is that someone has already snagged the coveted Drama Queen of Suburbia title--and that someone is Carla Santini. Carla, who ...

  • El vals lento de las tortugas
  • Pancol Katherine
  • La novela contin?a con la vida de las y los protagonistas de Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos: Jos?phine y Zo? se han instalado en un buen barrio de Par?s gracias al ?xito de la novela que finalmente ha reivindicado su verdadera autora.Hort?nse se ha ido a estudiar moda a Londres y ve frecuentemente a Gary, el hijo de Shirley, quien tambi?n ha decidido vivir una temporada en Inglaterra. Philippe y su hijo tambi?n se han trasladado a Londres aunque van frecuentemente a Par?s a visitar a Iris, ingresada en una cl?nica psiqui?trica por hallarse en una profunda depresi?n.La madre de Jos?phine y de Iris, Henriette, trama una venganza contra su ex marido y su amante, Josiane, quienes por fin han encontrado la felicidad y est?n extasiados con los poderes casi sobrenaturales de su hijo de meses.

  • Envy
  • Wasserman Robin
  • Kane and Harper know what they want:Beth and Adam.And they know how to get it:Break up the shiny happy couple once and for all.Miranda thinks she knows how to hit on Kane (Mr. Unattainable). But she could take a few pointers from the all-knowing Kaia, who's seducing Mr. Powell, teacher en fran?ais. And Reed? Well, he just knows how to have a good time…Know the feeling?