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Книги 426—450 из 450.

  • Nation
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Finding himself alone on a desert island when everything and everyone he knows and loved has been washed away in a huge storm, Mau is the last surviving member of his nation. He's also completely alone — or so he thinks until he finds the ghost girl. She has no toes, wears strange lacy trousers like the grandfather bird and gives him a stick which can make fire. Daphne, sole survivor of the wreck of the Sweet Judy, almost immediately regrets trying to shoot the native boy. Thank goodness the powder was wet and the gun only produced a spark. ...

  • Tvens Marks
  • PRINCIS UN UBAGA Z?NSMarks Tvens3. izdevumsNo ang?u valodas tulkojusi - Ei?enija TurkinaR?GA «LIESMA» 1986R?tnajiem, m??ajiem b?rniem S?zijai un ?l?rai Klemens?m ?o gr?matu sirsn?g? m?lest?b?velt? t?vs.Amerik??u rakstnieks st?sta par divu z?nu — Toma un Edvarda — neparasto likteni: nejau??bas p?c vi?i samaina dr?bes, un skrandainis no Atkritumu laukuma k??st par princi, bet princis par ubagu. Anglijas n?kamais karalis iepaz?st cietsird?bu, tr?c?go lau?u postu un — pretstata tam visam — dzi?as un patiesas draudz?bas j?tas.Vid?j? skolas vecuma b?rniem.

  • The Phantom Tollbooth
  • Juster Norton
  • For Milo, everything's a bore. When a tollbooth mysteriously appears in his room, he drives through only because he's got nothing better to do. But on the other side, things seem different. Milo visits the island of Conclusions (you get there by jumping), learns about time from a ticking watchdog named Tock, and even embarks on a quest to rescue Rhyme and Reason! Somewhere along the way, Milo realizes something astonishing. Life is far from dull. In fact, it's exciting beyond his wildest dreams...

  • Tvens Marks
  • MARKS TVENSTOMA SOJERA PIEDZ?VOJUMIHAKLBERI JA FINA PIEDZ?VOJUMITHE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER by Mark Twain Foreign Languages Publishing House Moscow 1948THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN by Mark Tvvain Foreign Languages Publishing House Moscow 1948Grafiskas apdares autors ANDRIS LAMSTERS© Jolanta Mackova, p?cv?rds, koment?ri, 1993Arv?ds Bumanis, ilustr?cij?s, 1993 Andris Lamsters, grafisk? apdare, 1993TOMA SOJERA PIEDZ?VOJUMI

  • Volkovs Aleksandrs
  • A. VolkovsURFINS D??SS UN VI?A KOKA ZALD?TIR?GA «ZVAIGZNE» B?rni!Ja j?s esat las?ju?i gr?matu "Smaragda pils?tas burvis", tad pasakas "Urfins D?iss un vi?a koka zald?ti" varo?u vid? sastapsiet daudzus pazi?as.Izlas?ju?i ?o gr?matu, j?s uzzin?siet, k? meitene Ella v?lreiz ierodas Burvju zem?, k? vi?a pal?dz saviem draugiem — Bied?klim, Dzelzs Malkas Cirt?jam un citiem izgl?bties no posta, j?s uzzin?siet, kas notika ar Gudvinu p?c tam, kad vi?? ar gaisa balonu aizlidoja no Smaragda pils?tas, k? Carb?rdainais Kareivis k?uva par feldmar?alu un, protams, iepaz?sieties ar jauniem varo?iem, Burvju zemes iedz?vot?jiem.Tulkojusi Anna Sakse

  • What Happened on Fox Street
  • Springstubb Tricia
  • Gr 3-7-Thoughtful 11-year-old Mo Wren loves the house on Fox Street that she shares with her father and younger sister, the "Wild Child." Everyone in this blue-collar neighborhood in Cleveland, OH, looks out for one another; there is a lush Green Kingdom of woods and trees at the end of the street; and her best friend, Mercedes, comes from Cincinnati to spend each summer with her grandmother, Da, who lives across the way. The street also holds all of Mo's memories of her deceased mother. When life takes some unanticipated turns, however, the world as Mo knows it ...