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Книги 46876—46900 из 51942.

  • M?zg
  • Brown Fredric
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Ma?e miasteczko na p??nocy Stan?w Zjednoczonych staje si? miejscem wygnania gwiezdnego przest?pcy. Intruz ma tylko jedno pragnienie — wr?ci?. Wykorzystuje do tego celu ludzi i zwierz?ta, opanowuj?c ich m?zgi. ?mier? ofiary jest dla niego jedyn? szans? zdobycia nast?pnej. Seri? podejrzanych, pozornie ze sob? nie powi?zanych samob?jstw, zaczyna si? interesowa? wybitny naukowiec sp?dzaj?cy w miasteczku urlop. Nie wie, jak straszliw? walk? przyjdzie mu stoczy?, by ocali? Ziemi? przed agresj? Obcych.

  • Ma?e, du?e
  • Crowley John
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Wielopokoleniowa saga rodziny Drinkwater?w i ich kuzyn?w, mieszkaj?cych w Edgewood i okolicach. Wszyscy wierz?, ?e obok naszego, realnego ?wiata, istnieje drugi, w kt?rym magia jest mo?liwa, ryby m?wi? ludzkim g?osem, a las zamieszkuj? wr??ki, gnomy i inne stworzenia. Drinkwaterowie s? z tym ?wiatem nierozerwalnie zwi?zani i chronieni, jednak z czasem – wskutek up?ywu czasu i zapomnienia – ta wi?? s?abnie i na rodzin? spadaj? kolejne nieszcz??cia. R?wnie? ?wiat ogarnia powoli szale?stwo.Aby przywr?ci? r?wnowag? ?wiatu bohaterowie powie?ci podejmuj? pr?b? ponownego zawi?zania tej wi?zi.

  • Macroscope
  • Anthony Pierce
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • Throughout history, man has been searching for better ways to gather information about his universe. But although they may have longed for it, not even the most brilliant minds could conceive of a device as infinitely powerful or as immeasurably precise as the macroscope, until the twenty-first century. By analyzing information carried on macrons, this unbelievable tool brought the whole universe of wonders to man’s doorstep. The macroscope was seen by many as the salvation of the human race. But in the hands of the wrong man, the macroscope could be immensely destructive — infinitely more dangerous than the ...

  • Mad Ship
  • Хобб Робин
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The magic and mayhem continue in this thrilling second instalment of Hobb's new series.Althea Vestrit has found a new home aboard the liveship Ophelia, but she lives only to reclaim the Vivacia as her rightful inheritance. However, the Vivacia has been captured by the pirate, 'King' Kennit, and is acquiring a keen bloodlust. Meanwhile in Bingtown, the fading fortunes of the Vestrit family lead Malta deeper into the magical secrets of the mysterious Rain Wilds Traders. And just outside Bingtown, Amber dreams of relaunching the Paragon, The Mad Ship…The second volume in this superb trilogy from the author of THE FARSEER TRILOGY continues the dramatic tale of piracy, serpents, love and magic.

  • Madhouse
  • Thurman Rob
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • My brother had spent a lifetime—mine, at least—telling me that I was normal, that I wasn't a monster. With his help, I'd finally realized that as long as I could remain who I was, I could survive what I was. It was only bad genes....Half-human Cal Leandros and his brother, Niko, aren't exactly prospering with their preternatural detective agency. Who could have guessed that business would dry up in New York City, where vampires, trolls, and other creepy crawlies are all over the place?But now there's a new arrival in the Big Apple. A malevolent evil with ancient powers, dead set on making history with an orgy of blood and murder, is picking off humans like sheep. And for Cal and Niko, this is one paycheck they're going to have to earn...if they live long enough to collect it.

  • Maelstrom
  • Watts Peter
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • An enormous tidal wave on the West Coast of North America has just killed thousands. Lenie Clarke, in a black wetsuit, walks out of the ocean onto a Pacific Northwest beach filled with the oppressed and drugged homeless of the Asian world who have gotten only this far in their attempt to reach America. Is she a monster or a goddess? One thing is for sure: all hell is breaking loose. This dark, fast-paced, hard SF novel returns to the story begun in Starfish: all human life is threatened by a disease (actually a primeval form of life) from ...

  • Maestro del passato
  • Lafferty Raphael
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Il “migliore dei mondi possibili” ? Astrobia, pianeta costruito sul modello dell’Utopia, dove agi e ricchezze sono a disposizione di chi li vuole. Ma proprio quando il sogno sta per realizzarsi ecco scoppiare una crisi inspiegabile: perch? la gente volta le spalle al benessere e sceglie di vivere nel pericolo, negli stenti? I capi di Astrobia non lo sanno, e decidono di chiedere aiuto al passato, cercando nella Storia un leader che possa salvare la loro civilt? perfetta. Inizia cos? uno dei romanzi pi? ironici e profondi degli ultimi anni. Un’opera inesauribile, allegorica e umana, che mostra realt? ...

  • Mafia Fix
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • When ten billion filthy drug dollars' worth of heroin pollutes the Jersey shore and threatens to make the Mafia a second Evil Empire, the president knows there's just one man who can stop a Jersey Kingpin from destroying the country and that's an ex-Jersey cop resurrected and nicknamed the Destroyer. Remo Williams is on a mission to mainline death and destruction into the Cosa Nostra before Main Street gets stuck. But how will Master Chiun's masterpiece of a human killing machine score? Will history's biggest drug score go bust? With Remo on the mission you know he'll sniff out the swine and cover his tracks but when he gets to the top will he find he's gone too high and realize that the Mafia fix is in?

  • Magic Burns
  • Andrews Ilona
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • As a mercenary who cleans up after magic gone wrong, Kate Daniels knows how waves of paranormal energy ebb and flow across Atlanta like a tide. But once every seven years, a flare comes, a time when magic runs rampant. When Kate sets out to retrieve a set of stolen maps for the Pack, Atlanta's paramilitary clan of shape shifters, she quickly realizes much more is at stake. The stolen maps are only the opening gambit in an epic tug of war between two gods hoping for rebirth, and if Kate can't stop the cataclysmic showdown, the city may not survive.