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Фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 46951—46975 из 51942.
  • Mari stregati
  • Powers Tim
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Una fantasy orrorifica con i pirati, uno spadaccino voodoo? Chi potrebbe mai mescolare il mondo del pirata Barbanera con la magia nera se non Timothy Powers, il creatore di Le Porte di Anubis, l’autore pi? originale e geniale prodotto dal mondo fantascientifico e fantastico negli ultimi decenni. Lo scenario di questo eccezionale romanzo ? il Mar dei Caraibi del 1718, periodo di grandi cambiamenti per i pirati, un tempo strumento dell’Impero Britannico, libera forza mercenaria che non riveste pi? nessuno scopo strategico per gli inglesi. ? su questo scenario in evoluzione che compare il giovane John Chandagnac, ex burattinaio orfano ...

  • Marionnettes humaines
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • L’ann?e 2007, dans l’histoire des Etats-Unis a ?t? l’ann?e de l’invasion. D’une invasion comme on n’en a jamais vu jusqu’alors. Les ennemis, innombrables, se pr?sentent sous un aspect stup?fiant : des boules g?latineuses, anim?es de mouvements amibo?des. Ils arrivent par astronef de la plan?te Titan.Leur tactique est la plus simple : ils se collent sur la nuque des hommes et ceux-ci deviennent imm?diatement des esclaves, des marionnettes soumises compl?tement ? la volont? de ces choses innommables, de ces « ma?tres » ? la fois malfaisants, despotiques et diaboliquement habiles.Il faudra une v?ritable guerre pour venir ? bout de cette menace qui p?se sur le genre humain tout entier. Mais l’homme vaincra encore une fois les puissances mauvaises, gr?ce ? un brillant agent des Services Secrets, Elis?e Nivens, sa ravissante femme Mary, et son p?re, le fameux « Patron ».

  • Mariposa
  • Bear Greg
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In an America driven to near bankruptcy with crushing foreign debt, the Talos Corporation stands out as a major success story – training soldiers and security forces from around the world and providing logistics and troops for nearly all branches of the United States government. But Talos has another plan in mind – the destruction of the federal system and constitutional law.Three FBI agents are all that stands between Talos's CEO Axel Price and the subversion of our nation. Fouad Al-Husam is working undercover in Lion City, Texas, on the Talos Campus – but he may have just overplayed his ...

  • Mark of the Demon
  • Rowland Diana
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Cop and conjurer of demons, she's a woman in danger of losing control — to a power that could kill…. That's what Beaulac, Louisiana, detective Kara Gillian was asking herself when an angelic creature named Rhyzkahl unexpectedly appeared during a routine summoning. Kara was hoping to use her occult skills to catch a serial killer, but never had she conjured anything like this unearthly beautiful and unspeakably powerful being whose very touch set off exquisite new dimensions of pleasure. But can she enlist his aid in helping her stop a killer who's already claimed the lives — and souls — of ...

  • Marked
  • Cast P. C.
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • When sixteen-year-old Zoey Redbird gets Marked as a fledgling vampire she must join the House of Night school where she will train to become an adult vampire. That is, if she makes it through the Change. But Zoe is no ordinary fledgling. She has been chosen as special by the Goddess Nyx and discovers her amazing new power to conjure the elements: earth, air, fire, water and spirit. When Zoey discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school's most elite group, is misusing her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look within herself to embrace her destiny - with a little help from her new vampire friends.

  • Market Force
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • STAY TUNED FOR MORE DEATH AND DESTRUCTIONSomebody is using television as a mind control vehicle, sending subliminal messages to hollow-eyed viewers, and turning ordinary couch potatoes into raging mobs programmed to kill. A secret enemy dares to take over the world - by controlling it's greatest natural resource: the boob tube.Worse, it's soon clear that whoever is behind the conspiracy knows about CURE and plans to preempt its mission to protect the world. Will Remo and Chiun kill each other...or just change the channel? Will Harold Smith discover his new assistant is a traitor...or just a victim of bad programming. Will the Destroyer be cancelled by a certain network bigwig...or will the most fiendish plot ever to grip the airways become just another failure in the cutthroat world of big entertainment?

  • Mars
  • Бова Бен
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Jamie Waterman, a Native American geologist, is chosen at the last minute for the first manned exploration of the planet Mars. On touchdown, he is so overwhelmed with the emotion of the moment that he utters a Navajo phrase instead of the political statement he is supposed to read. This sets off a chain reaction among the leaders and politicians on Earth. Thus starts Bova’s sprawling space opera. The expedition, seen from Jamie’s point of view, is really the protagonist here. The story is filled with lots of characters of different nationalities and there’s plenty of ...

  • Marsianischer Zeitsturz
  • Dick Philip
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Mit gro?em Enthusiasmus und Pioniergeist haben die Menschen den Mars besiedelt. Doch nun, Jahre sp?ter, ?hnelt das Leben dort auf erschreckende Weise dem Alltagstreiben auf der Erde. Und auch die politischen Grabenk?mpfe setzen sich nahtlos fort: Arnie Kott ist bereits der m?chtigste Mann auf dem Mars, aber das ist ihm nicht genug. Mittels eines geistesgest?rten Jungen, f?r den die Schranken der Zeit nicht existieren, will er seinen Feinden eine endg?ltige Niederlage beibringen. Doch der Junge ist nicht nur in der Lage, vorw?rts und r?ckw?rts durch die ...

  • Marte azul
  • Робинсон Ким
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Marte ha crecido. Ha sido completamente terraformado —plantas y animales transg?nicos— viven a orillas de los canales y mares tormentosos que han aparecido en los ?ltimos a?os. Marte es ahora un planeta pol?ticamente independiente. La mayor?a de los Primeros Cien est?n muertos; los que quedan son los Mitos vivientes de los j?venes marcianos…Mientras tanto la Tierra ha crecido demasiado. Nacionalismo rabioso, recursos naturales escasos… demasiado gente… Marte parece un utop?a burlona, un sue?o inalcanzable, para vivir, para luchar, tal vez, para morir. Un libro hermoso, para vivirlo por dentro. Que sea cierto.

  • Marte rojo
  • Робинсон Ким
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Siglo XXI. Durante eones, las tormentas de arena han barrido el est?ril y desolado paisaje del planeta rojo. Ahora, en el a?o 2026, cien colonos, cincuenta mujeres y cincuenta hombres, viajan a Marte para dominar ese clima hostil. Tienen como misi?n la terraformaci?n de Marte, y como lema: “Si el hombre no se puede adaptar a Marte, hay que adaptar Marte al hombre”. Espejos en ?rbita reflejar?n la luz sobre la superficie del planeta. En las capas polares se esparcir? un polvo negro que fundir? el hielo. Y grandes t?neles, de kil?metros de profundidad, atravesar?n el manto marciano para dar salida a gases calientes. En este escenario ?pico, habr? amores y amistades y rivalidades, pues algunos luchar?n hasta la muerte para evitar que el planeta rojo cambie.

  • Marte Verde
  • Робинсон Ким
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Marte rojo ya no existe, fue destruido por la fallida revoluci?n del 2062. Una generaci?n m?s tarde, Marte verde ha sido terraformado y areoformado. Pero tambi?n hay otros que quieren explotar las riquezas minerales de Marte, las materias primas que la Tierra necesita. La nueva generaci?n de colonos est? expuesta a insurrecciones, conflictos y pruebas. Sobrevivientes de los Primeros Cien, entre ellos Hiroko, Nadia, Maya y Simon, saben que la tecnolog?a no es suficiente. La creaci?n de un nuevo mundo requiere confianza y colaboraci?n, pero esas cualidades son tan escasas como el aire mismo que respiran en Marte…Tengo la impresi?n que Kim Stanley Robinson fue uno de los primeros colonos en Marte, y que ha regresado para contarnos la historia en esta brillante nueva novela.

  • Martian Time-Slip
  • Dick Philip
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • Warning: Although this the action of this book is set on Mars, it could just as easily have taken place in one of the desert communities around Los Angeles. The real action takes place inside the minds of the characters. If you're looking for all the external trappings of interplanetary Sci-Fi, you will be deeply disappointed. Approach it with an open mind, and you will be richly rewarded. What happens when one of the most powerful men on the planet Mars finds that real-estate speculators are intent on gobbling up the remote and seemingly worthless Franklin D Roosevelt mountains? ...