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Книги 8976—9000 из 10588.
  • Les terrassiers
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Apr?s les p?rip?ties du Grand Exode (qui suivit la d?molition du Grand magasin), les gnomes pensaient vivres tranquilles et heureux, install?s dans leur carri?re abandonn?e ? flanc de colline.Mais la situation change brusquement : la temp?rature baisse, du ciel tombent des gouttes et les flaques d’eau deviennent dures, craquantes et glissantes. Bref, l’hiver approche.Et pour tout compliquer, ces idiots d’humains ont d?cid?s de rouvrir la carri?re. Que faire ? Quand on mesure dix centim?tres de haut et qu’on vit dix fois plus vite qu’un humain, on n’est pas de taille ? repousser de tels envahisseurs.Heureusement, les gnomes ont peut-?tre sur la colline un alli? de poids : Jekub, le terrible dragon qui sommeille l? depuis la construction du Monde…

  • Les tombeaux dAtuan
  • Гуин Урсула
  • Arha veille sur les tombeaux. Depuis la naissance de Terremer. A quatorze ans, elle est devenue la Grande Pr?tresse du Lieu o? dorment les puissances du pass?. Son royaume est celui des t?n?bres. Elle ne conna?t d’autre promenade que celle du labyrinthe qui la conduit d’une ombre ? une autre. Elle garde. Son existence se confond avec l’?ternit?. Jusqu’au jour o? appara?t Ged, le Sorcier de Terremer, venu qu?rir dans les Tombeaux l’anneau d’Erreth-Akbe. Selon la loi tr?s ancienne, parce qu’il a viol? le Lieu, il doit mourir dans l’obscurit?. Mais Arha a d’autres desseins : Ged l’Epervier doit lui appartenir. Il doit devenir son captif, afin que, nuit apr?s nuit, elle puisse l’?pier, le poss?der.Mais l’horreur qui prot?ge Erreth-Akbe ?uvre pour rapprocher le magicien prisonnier de la jeune Pr?tresse des Tombeaux.

  • Letni deszcz. Kielich
  • Brzezi?ska Anna
  • To mia?a by? po prostu grabie? jego ?ycia, kt?ra raz na zawsze zapewni Twardok?skowi dostatni? staro?? na po?udniowych wyspach, z dala od intryg bog?w i szlacheckiej rebelii. Niestety, zb?jca zd??y? zasmakowa? w kompanii szlacheckich pan?w braci i szczerze podziela ich zami?owanie do bitki, wypitki i ob?apki. Znaj?c zajad?o?? i dum? swoich nowych kamrat?w, wie te? doskonale, ?e zechc? pom?ci? zniewag? i na wie?? o zrabowaniu skarbca kap?an?w w ?lad za z?odziejem pu?ci si? kilka setek szabel. Waha si? wi?c i ...

  • Lhiverrier
  • Pratchett Terry
  • L’esprit de l’hiver s'est ?pris de Tiphaine Patraque. Il lui offre des icebergs, se d?clare par des avalanches et la couvre de flocons — t?moignages d’amour un peu rudes pour une apprentie sorci?re de treize ans, mais qui ne manquent pas de… fra?cheur.« Miyards ! »Ah ! oui, et revoici les Nac mac Feegle, les ch'tits hommes libres, venus donner un coup de main, que ?a lui plaise ou non. Car, si Tiphaine ne fait pas entendre raison ? son soupirant, il n’y aura plus jamais de printemps.

  • Lila The Werewolf
  • Beagle Peter
  • The author of A. and , a pair of the very best fantasy novels of our time, Peter S. Beagle has written only two fantasy short stories of which "Lila the Werewolf" is the best, a contemporary classic. Beagle is a musician, a script writer, and a literary descendant of the fantasist Robert Nathan. Like Avram Davidson, he is an urban fantasist of wit and perception; a lover of animals who knows their personalities; a writer with a flair for characterization that raises him to the very top rank of contemporary writers who choose the fantastic as their metier. And his New York setting vibrates with authenticity, though it has been twenty years since dogs have been so common in the city. This is not a story about love.

  • Lilja I Goram
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Stra?nik Goram ma do wykonania wa?ne zadanie w Ma?ym Madrycie, zwanym inaczej miastem nieprzystosowanych. M?oda dziewczyna, Lilia, prosi mianowicie o pomoc dla swego siedmioletniego kuzyna, Silasa, kt?ry jest bardzo ?le traktowany i w rodzinnym domu, i w szkole. Tymczasem wys?annikom Kr?lestwa ?wiat?a udaje si? wyl?dowa? poza terytorium G?r Czarnych, ale dalsza droga do domu wydaje si? znacznie trudniejsza ni? kiedykolwiek przedtem…

  • Lincantesimo dei druidi
  • Kerr Katharine
  • Rhodry e Jill sono impegnati in una missione ai limiti dell’impossibile, nonostante l’aiuto del potente druido Nevyn. Essi infatti intendono salvare il paese di Deverry dalle mire dei negromanti di Annwyn, l’oscura fratellanza che vuole impadronirsi della regione, ma l’unica speranza di realizzare quest’obiettivo consiste nel convincere gli uomini e gli elfi ad unire le loro forze. Come vincere una diffidenza e una ostilit? che si sono consolidate nei secoli? Come convincere le due razze ad accantonare i mille motivi di contrasto che il tempo ha creato? Come se non bastasse i maghi di Annwyn conoscono i piani di Rhodry e Jill e sono gi? pronti a contrastarli con qualunque mezzo. Basteranno l’astuzia e i poteri di Nevyn a sconvolgere i loro diabolici schemi e a salvare il regno di Deverry?

  • Linger
  • Стифватер Мэгги
  • In , Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in , they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past . . . and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabel, who already lost her brother to the wolves . . . and is nonetheless drawn to Cole. At turns harrowing and euphoric, is a spellbinding love story that explores both sides of love—the light and the dark, the warm and the cold—in a way you will never forget.

  • LInvincible forteresse
  • Martin George
  • Bien que faits et signes ne cessent de confirmer la devise de Winterfell, « l’hiver vient », le royaume des Sept Couronnes affecte toujours d’ignorer la fin de l’?t? pour se consacrer plus commod?ment ? ses querelles, vindictes, ambitions. Pendant que Rob Stark poursuit ses campagnes sanglantes dans l’ouest, que Port-R?al vit dans la hantise du si?ge imminent, que la guerre se r?pand jusqu’? Winterfell gr?ce aux men?es des Greyjoy, eux-m?mes divis?s, s’amoncellent au-del? du Mur des forces obscures et malfaisantes. Mais contrairement aux apparences, Bran, le jeune fils du d?funt ma?tre de Winterfell, n’est pas mort, pas plus que n’est an?antie l’indomptable forteresse, pr?te ? rena?tre de ses cendres…

  • Little, Big
  • Crowley John
  • Edgewood is many houses, all put inside each other, or across each other. It’s filled with and surrounded by mystery and enchantment: the further in you go, the bigger it gets. Smoky Barnable, who has fallen in love with Daily Alice Drinkwater, comes to Edgewood, her family home, where he finds himself drawn into a world of magical strangeness. Crowley’s work has a special alchemy—mixing the world we know with an imagined world which seems more true and real. Winner of the World Fantasy Award, Little, Big is eloquent, sensual, funny and unforgettable, a truly Fantasy Masterwork.Nominated for the Hugo, Nebula, and BSFA awards in 1982.Won World Fantasy Award for Best Novel in 1982.

  • Lombra del Torturatore
  • Wolfe Gene
  • Con questo L’ombra del torturatore ha inizio uno dei cicli di science-fantasy pi? osannati negli ultimi venti anni. In uno stile elegante e raffinato, lirico e sublime, Gene Wolfe ci narra le cronache di Severian il Torturatore, in un futuro talmente distante da rassomigliare al passato pi? remoto. Alla corporazione dei torturatori non si accede per diritto di nascita: solo i figli delle vittime possono esservi ammessi. Nella grande cittadella di incorruttibile metallo grigio il giovane Severian e i suoi compagni apprendisti studiano per raggiungere il rango di Maestro Torturatore, imparando gli antichi misteri della corporazione, legati al ...

  • LOmbre mal?fique
  • Martin George
  • Ha? de tous et constamment en butte aux intrigues de sa propre s?ur, la reine r?gente Cersei, Tyrion le Lutin se d?m?ne de son mieux pour pr?server Port-R?al et rallier ? la cause de sa maison de grands seigneurs r?tifs. Le nouveau roi du Nord, Robb Stark, menace les domaines Lannister et exp?die sa m?re aupr?s de Renly Baratheon, rival direct de son propre fr?re, Stannis. Obtiendra-t-elle l’union sacr?e contre l’adversaire commun ? Que p?se la bonne volont? des hommes face aux rivalit?s des dieux ...

  • Looking for Jake and Other Stories
  • Mieville China
  • Step into a London ravaged by unearthly creatures at once utterly alien and chillingly familiar. In China Mi?ville's award-winning novella 'The Tain', we learn the reason for the invaders' terrible revenge. One survivor must trek through the ruins of the city with a desperate plan to stand against their assault. In addition to 'The Tain', this superb collection contains thirteen short stories, of visionary cityscapes and urban paranoia, ghosts, monsters and impossible diseases. Several of the stories are published here for the first time: these include one set in New Crobuzon, the location of the award-winning series of novels that began with Perdido Street Station; and one in comic-strip form, illustrated by top graphic artist Liam Sharp. This collection displays the sheer imaginative scope of China Mi?ville's work.

  • Lord Fouls Bane
  • Donaldson Stephen
  • The first book in one of the most remarkable epic fantasies ever written, the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Unbeliever.He called himself Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever because he dared not believe in the strange alternate world in which he suddenly found himself. Yet he was tempted to believe, to fight for the Land, to be the reincarnation of its greatest hero….THE CHRONICLES OF THOMAS COVENANT THE UNBELIEVERThe Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the UnbelieverCursed by a terrible disease, Thomas Covenant is an outcast in our world: shunned by his neighbours, pushed by loneliness ...

  • Lord of Emperors
  • Kay Guy
  • One of the world's foremost masters of fantasy, Guy Gavriel Kay has thrilled readers around the globe with his talent for skillfully interweaving history and Myth, colorful characterization, and a rich sense of time and place. Now, in Lord of Emperors, the internationally acclaimed author of continues his most powerful work.In the first volume in the Sarantine Mosaic, renowned mosaicist Crispin — beckoned by an imperial summons of the Emperor Valerius — made his way to the fabled city of Sarantium. A man who lives only for his craft, who cares little for ambition, less for money, and nothing ...