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Книги 9026—9050 из 10588.

  • M?s szelek sz?rny?n
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • Szigetvil?g az?rk?k tenger?n, egy kicsiny sziget kicsiny faluj?ban, t?vol a vil?g zaj?t?l k?l?n?s k?pess?gekkel b?r? fi? l?tja meg a napvil?got. Velesz?letett var?zsereje m?r gyermekk?nt felkelti a m?gusok ?rdekl?d?s?t, ?gy hamarosan maga a h?res Oromon keresi fel, s fogadja tan?tv?ny?ul. Az ifj? K?bor nagy tettekre sz?letett, megvan benne minden, hogy nev?t ?s tetteit egyszer a legnagyobb h?s?k mellett emlegess?k. ?m a tehets?g nem minden. A fi? ereje mell? hamarosan g?g t?rsul, tettrek?szs?ge nagyrav?gy?sba fordul, m?gnem egy v?szterhes ?jjelen megid?z valamit, amit a leghatalmasabb mesterek sem tudnak ir?ny?tani. Egy n?vtelen ?rnyat a t?lvil?gr?l, amelynek egyetlen c?lja megszerezni K?bor lelk?t, hogy azt?n annak erej?t a vil?g roml?s?ra haszn?lja. Legend?kba ill? ?ld?z?s veszi kezdet?t.

  • Ma?e, du?e
  • Crowley John
  • Wielopokoleniowa saga rodziny Drinkwater?w i ich kuzyn?w, mieszkaj?cych w Edgewood i okolicach. Wszyscy wierz?, ?e obok naszego, realnego ?wiata, istnieje drugi, w kt?rym magia jest mo?liwa, ryby m?wi? ludzkim g?osem, a las zamieszkuj? wr??ki, gnomy i inne stworzenia. Drinkwaterowie s? z tym ?wiatem nierozerwalnie zwi?zani i chronieni, jednak z czasem – wskutek up?ywu czasu i zapomnienia – ta wi?? s?abnie i na rodzin? spadaj? kolejne nieszcz??cia. R?wnie? ?wiat ogarnia powoli szale?stwo.Aby przywr?ci? r?wnowag? ?wiatu bohaterowie powie?ci podejmuj? pr?b? ponownego zawi?zania tej wi?zi.

  • Mad Ship
  • Хобб Робин
  • The magic and mayhem continue in this thrilling second instalment of Hobb's new series.Althea Vestrit has found a new home aboard the liveship Ophelia, but she lives only to reclaim the Vivacia as her rightful inheritance. However, the Vivacia has been captured by the pirate, 'King' Kennit, and is acquiring a keen bloodlust. Meanwhile in Bingtown, the fading fortunes of the Vestrit family lead Malta deeper into the magical secrets of the mysterious Rain Wilds Traders. And just outside Bingtown, Amber dreams of relaunching the Paragon, The Mad Ship…The second volume in this superb trilogy from the author of THE FARSEER TRILOGY continues the dramatic tale of piracy, serpents, love and magic.

  • Magic Lost, Trouble Found
  • Shearin Lisa
  • Raine is a sorceress of moderate powers, from an extended family of smugglers and thieves. With a mix of street smarts and magic spells, she can usually take care of herself. But when her friend Quentin, a not-quite-reformed thief, steals an amulet from the home of a powerful necromancer, Raine finds herself wrapped up in more trouble than she cares for. She likes attention as much as the next girl, but having an army of militant goblins hunting her down is not her idea of a good time. The amulet they're after holds limitless power, derived from an ancient, soul-stealing stone. And when Raine takes possession of the item, takes possession of .Now her moderate powers are increasing beyond anything she could imagine—but is the resum? enhancement worth her soul?"An absolutely enjoyable read." C E Murphy

  • Magic Under Stone
  • Dolamore Jaclyn
  • For star-crossed lovers Nimira and Erris, there can be no happily ever after until Erris is freed from the clockwork form in which his soul is trapped. And so they go in search of the sorcerer Ordoria Valdana, hoping he will know how to grant Erris real life again. When they learn that Valdana has mysteriously vanished, it's not long before Nimira decides to take matters into her own hands-and begins to study the sorcerer's spell books in secret. Yet even as she begins to understand the power and limitations of sorcery, it becomes clear that freeing Erris will bring danger-if not out-and-out war-as factions within the faerie world are prepared to stop at nothing to prevent him from regaining the throne.

  • Magicians of Gor
  • Norman John
  • With the capital city of Ar the sway of the beautiful traitress Talena, a ruler placed in power by the Cosian invaders, Tarl Cabot and the Delta Brigade, the members of the underground force sworn to defeat Cos, must call upon the unique talents of master magician Boots Tarsk-Bit to recapture the precious Home Stone of vanquished Ar's Station. For snatching the Home Stone from the enemy's grasp may prove the vital ingredient in Tarl's desperate and deangerous compaign to rouse the people of Ar to fight on to regain their freedom from the hated foe..

  • Magick? prazdroj
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Zrodil se m?g tak mocn?, ?e proti n?mu jsou ostatn? m?gov? jen varietn? hudla?i, a sama jeho existence p?ivede Zem?plochu na pokraj panmagick? v?lky. Jedin?, kdo mu stoj? v cest?, je Mrakopla?, nedostudovan? kouzeln?k, jen? chce zach?nit sv?t, nebo alespo? tu ??st, na kter? se s?m pr?v? nach?z?. K zem?plo?sk?m hrdin?m, kter? u? zn?me se p?ipoj? dal??: Conina — barbarsk? kade?nice, Nijel — ni?itel (jeho? mati?ka st?le dohl??? na to, aby nosil vln?n? spodn? pr?dlo), a pravd?podobn? prvn? m?stsk? d?in, kter? podnik? v mosazn?ch lamp?ch, kde by r?d objevil prostor pro vlastn? r?st.

  • Magics Pawn
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • In this book, the main character is Vaynel Ashkevron, the most powerful Herald-Mage to ever live. Vanyel, when he was younger, had a very powerful, untrained, mage gift. He didn't want anything to do with it, he'd much rather be a Bard, but something that strong in nature is very dangerous if left untrained. Savil, the most powerful Herald-Mage of Valdemar at the time & Vanyel's aunt took him from his family's estate and brought him back to Haven to be trained in his Gift. At Haven, Vanyel fell in love with a young man, a Herald-trainee named Tylendel. But ...

  • Magics Price
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • In this book, Valdemar is in trouble. Karse, the religious/evil country to the South is waging a ruthless attack against Valdemar's borders. But more importantly, a dark Mage of unknown strength is preparing a final massing strike into Valdemar. Vanyel meets a young Bard named Stefen and falls in love with him. He finds out that not only is he in love, he is lifebonded, just as he and Tylendel were. Is this Tylendel's reincarnated soul? King Randale is near death from illness, so Vanyel has temporarily taken on most of the King's duties. As if this is not enough, all of the Herald-Mages are mysteriously being murdered off, one by one, until finally there is only Vanyel left. The dark master challenges Vanyel. He receives a vision in his dreams that reveals to his just what would happen if he and his companion Yfandes were to accept that challenge. If they should fail this fight, they will both be asked to pay the ultimate price. But if they flee, Valdemar will fall.

  • Magics Promise
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • In this book, Vanyel is 28 years old and is now the head of all the Herald-Mages in Valdemar. Vanyel has just returned to Haven from more conflicts on the Valdemar, Karsite border and deserves a rest. But, as it goes for most Heralds, the greater the Herald you are, the more you are needed. He needs to go visit his family, which is unfortunate since he and his family barely get along. While there, Yfandes receives a cry for help from a neighboring kingdom. Urged by this cry they go to investigate. They find a place that is in the middle of a Magical Holocaust. There they find Prince Tashir, a newly chosen Herald. This boy has a powerful Gift that he cannot control; Is he responsible for this Magic-made destruction? Find out.

  • Magiczne ksi?gi
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Akcja pierwszego tomu rozpoczyna si? w Bergen w Norwegii pod koniec XVII wieku. Tiril Dahl jest samotnym dzieckiem, kt?re dorasta w cieniu ?licznej siostry Carli. Z czasem wok?? obu si?str zaczynaj? si? dzia? bardzo z?e rzeczy. Tiril staje wobec niezwykle trudnego dylematu, jej ?yciu zagra?a prawdziwe niebezpiecze?stwo. Pomocn? d?o? wyci?ga do niej m?ody przedsi?biorca Erling, ale jednocze?nie w jej otoczeniu pojawia si? tajemniczy, budz?cy groz? Islandczyk. Jego imi? brzmi M?ri, ma on w ?yciu tylko jeden cel: sta? si? najpot??niejszym czarownikiem wszech czas?w.

  • Magiczny Ksi??yc
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Christa Lind z Ludzi Lodu zosta?a wybrana na matk? wyj?tkowego dziecka. Gdy odpowiedni czas nadejdzie, podejmie ono walk? z samym Tengelem Z?ym. Ojczym Christy pragn?? wyda? j? za m?? za bardzo religijnego wdowca, Abla Garda. Abel by? jednak dwa razy starszy od dziewczyny, poza tym mia? siedmiu syn?w. My?li Christy zajmowa? Lindelo, urodziwy ch?opiec z biednej komorniczej rodziny. Tajemniczego Lindelo otacza?a cudowna, mistyczna aura…

  • Majipoor Chronicles
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • ‘There's a room in there where millions of people of Majipoor have left memory-readings. You pick up a capsule, put it in a special slot and suddenly... you find yourself living in Lord Confalume's time, or Lord Siminave's, or out there fighting the Metamorph Wars…’The archives of the House of Records of the planet Majipoor have been rediscovered by the boy Hissune in the time after the restoration of the Coronal Lord Valentine.In tales of life, love, conflict and discovery, the complex and colourful world of Majipoor is explored from different perspectives, ranging across its long history and immense terrain.

  • Majipoor kr?nik?i
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • A Labirintus Majipoor gig?szi bolyg?j?nak b?rokratikus sz?ve, egy spir?lform?ban m?lys?gbe tekered? folyos?rendszer. Innen fel?gyeli az ?larcos hivatalnokokat minden egykori Napkir?ly, ?s itt ?l Hissune, a volt utcagyerek, aki a tr?nra seg?tette Lord Valentine-t. Amikor megindul felfel? a hivatali rangl?tr?n, els? l?p?sk?nt ?vtizedekig unalmas feljegyz?seket k?ne csak katalogiz?lnia a v?gtelen folyos?kon. M?g szerencse, hogy a k?zelben tal?lhat? a L?lekt?rol?, ahol Majipoor ut?bbi kilencezer ?v?b?l rakt?rozz?k t?bb milli?rd alattval? ?nk?ntes l?leklenyomat?t. Hissune pedig unatkozik, ez?rt hamis pap?rokkal rendszeresen besurran, kik?r n?h?ny l?lekkapszul?t, ?s elmer?l a t?rt?nelem egy-egy jelent?s vagy jelent?ktelen szerepl?j?nek ?let?ben. Szeme el?tt lassan roppant mozaik ?lt form?t e gigantikus bolyg? ?vezredeir?l, melynek alakjai m?gis egyt?l egyig ?rz?, h?s-v?r szem?lyek.