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Книги 4451—4475 из 4492.
  • To Pleasure a Lady
  • Jordan Nicole
  • best-selling author Nicole Jordan spins a delectable tale of wit and sensuality in this delicious Regency romance, the captivating first in a dazzling new trilogy, The Courtship Wars. Marcus Pierce, a strikingly handsome aristocrat with a wicked reputation, inherits guardianship of spirited Arabella Loring and her two younger sisters - and immediately declares his intention to marry them off. But enchantingly defiant Arabella sparks frustration - and something deeply erotic - in Marcus. After matching both wits and swords with her, the possessive nobleman concludes this beautiful and formidable foe must be his. Having sworn off marriage ...

  • To Romance a Charming Rogue
  • Jordan Nicole
  • Eleanor's heart gave a jolt when she looked up to find Damon's face at her open bedroom window. Her jaw dropping, she watched in disbelief as he eased his broad shoulders through the window and hauled himself inside, then lowered his feet to the carpet. He was still dressed in formal evening wear, Eleanor noted distractedly, but that wasn't what held her speechless. It was the fact that he had climbed up two stories to a lady's bedchamber, after midnight, bold as you please.“Damon!” she exclaimed, her voice a high, breathless rasp. “What the devil ...

  • To Seduce a Bride
  • Jordan Nicole
  • Lord Claybourne’s hands covered Lily’s shoulders, lightly massaging. Then bending, he covered her mouth with his in a slow, devastating, spellbinding kiss that sent searing heat arcing between them again. “Don’t you see?” he asked, his voice husky and low. “Whatever this is between us, it deserves exploring.” Dazed, Lily opened her eyes. Yes, she saw. She was aching with nameless longing…aching for him. Giving a frustrated groan, she slid out from his embrace and backed away, putting as much space as possible between them. His lordship locked gazes with her, regarding ...

  • Todo sobre la pasi?n
  • Laurens Stephanie
  • El destino ha hecho de Gyles Rawlings un hombre decidido a controlar cada aspecto de su vida. Ha resuelto casarse con una dama de buena cuna que se preste disciplinadamente a darle hijos, pero haga la vista gorda mientras ?l busca placer en otra parte. A juzgar por los informes que le llegan, Francesca deber?a cumplir a la perfecci?n con sus exigencias. Por lo que se refiere a “otra parte”, ha conocido recientemente a una joven bell?sima y descarada que ser?a una amante ideal, con un car?cter orgulloso a la altura del suyo....

  • Un Amor Escondido
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • Para escandalizar a la estricta, mojigata y puritana sociedad en la que vive, Catherine Ashfield, vizcondesa Bickley, acaba de ayudar a una amiga en la publicaci?n de un manual para las damas que subvierte todas las normas del decoro. Nunca pens? que esta diversi?n fuera a perjudicarla, oblig?ndola a abandonar Londres en compa??a de un atractivo protector.Su guardi?n es Andrew Stanton, el mejor amigo de su hermano, un plebeyo.Pero, sin saberlo, est? obligando a la hermosa e independiente Catherine, que reniega del amor, a reconsiderar su posici?n. As? los secretos, pasiones y un amor escondido est?n convirtiendo al hombre que ha prometido proteger a la vizcondesa, en el m?s dulce de los peligros…

  • Un Puente Al Amor
  • Spencer Lavyrle
  • Bess y Michael, divorciados desde hace a?os, han intentado rehacer sus vidas con nuevas parejas. No obstante, su hija Lisa se empe?a en reunirlos de nuevo. Con motivo de su propia boda, Lisa hace un ?ltimo intento, tambi?n en vano.Sin embargo, cuando el otro hijo de la pareja, Randy, casi muere a causa de una sobredosis, los sentimientos de Bess y Michael dan un vuelco inesperado que les abre los ojos a una verdad que siempre hab?a estado all? pero que ellos se obstinaban en no ver…

  • Un Romance Imposible
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • Cuando Allie descubre que su marido, muerto en un duelo, hab?a sido un criminal, resuelve intentar reparar los da?os que ha causado. Su empe?o la lleva de Am?rica Inglaterra, donde la esperan extra?os accidentes y un romance inesperado…Al quedar viuda como consecuencia de un escandaloso duelo, lo ?nico que le resta a Alberta Brown es un alijo de objetos mal habidos. Decidida a reparar las ofensas de su inescrupuloso marido, Allie se embarca hacia Inglaterra en busca del due?o de un anillo masculino adornado con un misterioso sello. Una serie de ...

  • Una Boda Imprevista
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • Austin Randolph Jamison, flamante duque de Bradford, pasea por las espesuras de sus ajardinadas posesiones con la mirada cansada mientras dentro de la mansi?n familiar los invitados disfrutan de una animada fiesta. No parece existir la celebraci?n capaz de devolverle el honor de su hermano William: un h?roe ca?do en la guerra de Waterloo a quien un vergonzoso an?nimo tilda de traidor. Cuando la advenediza Elizabeth Matthews, una norteamericana reci?n desembarcada en el Londres de 1816, aparece en los jardines de su opulenta residencia, Austin apenas sospecha que los labios escarlata de esa mujer ...

  • Una mujer rebelde
  • Quinn Julia
  • William Dunford, el soltero m?s escurridizo de Londres, recibe una noticia que lo dejar? sin habla: ha heredado un t?tulo y la finca que lo acompa?a, bienes que cambiar?n su vida, pero no se imagina hasta qu? punto. Porque resulta que Henry, el “administrador” de la propiedad, es en realidad Henrietta Barrett, una mujer bella y tenaz que jam?s se ha adaptado a las normas de la sociedad. A pesar de la muerte de su tutor, la joven no desea cambiar en lo m?s m?nimo su estilo de vida, por lo que est? dispuesta a enviar al nuevo propietario de regreso a la ciudad lo antes posible. Sin embargo, el apuesto William tiene tambi?n su ambicioso proyecto: convertir a Henry en toda una dama, a pesar de que parece tener escasas posibilidades de lograrlo. Lo que comienza como un juego para el hombre que nunca cedi? por completo ante ninguna mujer, har? tambalear sus creencias y sentimientos m?s profundos.

  • Until You
  • Small Bertrice
  • The beautiful Rosamund Bolton is determined to live her own life. Now that she has claimed her inheritance, the magnificent Friarsgate estate, and rejected her latest suitor, she has decided to travel to the court of her dear friend, Queen Margaret, in Scotland. It is against this lavish and unpredictable backdrop that she will meet the man who will forever change her destiny.About the Author:Bertrice Small is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty-five historical romances and two erotic novellas. She has been married to her husband, George, for forty years. They have a son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.

  • Urocza Oszustka
  • Cartland Barbara
  • Hrabina Ravensdale ucieka od m??a zafascynowana m??czyzn?, kt?ry okazuje si? na?ogowym hazardzist?. Po jego ?mierci pozostaje bez ?rodk?w do ?ycia. W trosce o dobro dziecka, Noelli, szuka pomocy u kuzynki, p. Wakefield, kt?rej c?rka ma r?wnie? na imi? Noella. Obie dziewczynki s? do siebie podobne jak krople wody. Szcz??cie trwa jednak kr?tko… Hrabina, jej c?rka i pani Wakefield umieraj?. Noella zostaje zupe?nie sama.Gdy umiera Hrabia Ravensdale, jego syn, Lyndon, pr?buje odnale?? swoj? siostr? przy pomocy kuzyna Jaspera. Ten podejmuje dzia?ania z pobudek materialnych, dowiedziawszy si? o ?mierci hrabiego, nak?ania Noell? do mistyfikacji.Co czeka Noell?, kt?ra, wstydz?c si? swoich k?amstw, udaje si? na spotkanie z cz?owiekiem, kt?ry wierzy, ?e jest jego siostr?? Czy zdo?a stawi? czo?o szanta?uj?cemu j? i gro??cemu smierci? Jasperowi?

  • Valentine
  • Feather Jane
  • A quirk of fate has made Sylvester Gilbraith the heir of his sworn enemy, the earl of Stoneridge. But there's a catch: to claim his inheritance he has to marry one of the earl's four granddaughters. The magically handsome nobleman has no choice but to comply with the terms of the will, yet when he descends on Stoneridge Manor prepared to charm his way into a fortune, he finds that the lady who intrigues him most has no intention of becoming his bride. Maddeningly beautiful and utterly impossible, Theodora Belmont refuses to admit to the chemistry between them, even when she's passionately locked in his embrace. Yet soon the day will come when the raven-haired vixen will give anything to be Slyvester's bride - and risk everything to defend his honor...and his life.

  • Velvet
  • Feather Jane
  • Clad in black velvet and posing as a widowed French comtesse, Gabrielle de Beaucaire had returned to England for one purpose only-to ruin the man responsible for her young lover's death.But convincing the forbidding Nathaniel Praed, England's greatest spymaster, that she would make the perfect agent for his secret service would not be easy. And even after Gabrielle had lured the devastatingly attractive lord to her bed, she would have to contend with his distrust-and with the unexpected hunger that his merest touch aroused…From the moment he met her, Nathaniel Praed knew that the alluring ...

  • Venus
  • Feather Jane
  • The last thing Lord Nicholas Kincaid expected to see in the gloom of a London tavern was a vision of loveliness. And when she led him to a bedchamber with a come-hither smile, there was no question of resisting—until he realized the lying wench meant to render him senseless so the landlord could rob him blind! That's how the handsome lord made the acquaintance of Miss Polly Wyat, a ravishing beauty he soon decided would make the perfect spy. Unwittingly, she would infiltrate the inner circle at the king's court. But when Nicholas sets out to bind Polly with chains of passion, he'll find himself hard-pressed not to be bewitched…or to fall in love.

  • Vestida De Rojo
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • «Veo una mujer vestida de rojo que te est? diciendo que quiere hacer realidad tus sue?os m?s sensuales»Cuando Riley Addison vio entrar a aquel guap?simo desconocido en la carpa en la que ella estaba predici?ndole el futuro a la gente, sinti? una atracci?n inmediata. ?Qu? otra cosa pod?a hacer m?s que contarle su posible futuro… un futuro que podr?a ser muy bueno para ?l y para una mujer vestida de rojo? Despu?s de eso, lo ?nico que tendr?a que hacer era aparecer en su hotel… vestida de rojo, por supuesto.El ejecutivo de marketing Jackson Lange jam?s se hab?a enamorado tan r?pidamente. Ten?a intenci?n de aceptar la oferta de la seductora adivina… hasta que descubri? que se trataba de Riley Addison, la compa?era de trabajo con la que siempre discut?a. Sin embargo, con su plan de seducci?n, estaba seguro de que pronto no habr?a m?s peleas…

  • Violet
  • Feather Jane
  • Colonel, Lord Julian St. Simon prides himself in his ability to exercise fierce control, whether it be on the battlefield or in the drawing room, contributed by his impeccable aristocratic breeding. But his powerful response to the beautiful bandit, La Violette, shakes his self-exacting propriety to the very core. Born of an English lady and a notorious Spanish brigand, Tamasyn embodies the strength and fiery passion of a woman sure of what she wants, and confident in her ability to get it. In exchange for vital information to the English military, Tamasyn names her brazen price; Julian St. Simon. ...

  • Virtue
  • Feather Jane
  • "You are an incorrigible, unscrupulous, card-sharping, horse-thieving baggage!" Marcus declared. "By God, someone had better take you in hand, before you do some serious damage and find yourself at the end of the hangman's rope." He jerked the reins from her grasp and guided the horse over to the side of the road, in the shadow of a bramble hedge. "What are you doing?" Judith demanded. "I don't know yet." He turned on the bench, catching her shoulders, and the minute he touched her that jolting current surged between them. Judith looked into his eyes, ...

  • Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue
  • Laurens Stephanie
  • You are cordially invited to the wedding ofMiss Heather Cynster... but not before she encounters kidnappers, danger, and a daring rescue at the hands of Viscount BreckenridgeDetermined to hunt down her very own hero, one who willsweep her off her feet and into wedded bliss, and despairingof finding him in London's staid ballrooms, Heather Cynstersteps out of her safe world and boldly attends a racy soiree.But her promising hunt is ruined by the supremely interfering Viscount Breckenridge, who whisks her out of scandal-and straight into danger, when a mysterious enemy seizes her, bundles her intoa coach, and conveys her out of London. Now it's up to the notorious Breckenridge to prove himself the hero she's been searching for all along...